
01/03/2004 12:44 PM

Flocking !!

Where is the best place to get info. and supplies for this ???

This topic has 4 replies


[email protected] (Jack Grube)

in reply to on 01/03/2004 12:44 PM

01/03/2004 9:28 PM

Woodcraft Supply carries the guns and flock. I don't know if they are the
best, but they are a suplpier.

Jack Grube


"Buddy Matlosz"

in reply to on 01/03/2004 12:44 PM

02/03/2004 1:32 AM

<[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Where is the best place to get info. and supplies for this ???
A Japanese porno site?



"Brian L"

in reply to on 01/03/2004 12:44 PM

01/03/2004 7:10 PM

I bought my flocking gun and accessories (glues & powder) from Lee Valley.

They carry about 6 or 8 colours and their prices are reasonable. Add to
that, they have the best customer service in the industry.



<[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Where is the best place to get info. and supplies for this ???


[email protected] (Doug Miller)

in reply to on 01/03/2004 12:44 PM

01/03/2004 5:45 PM

In article <[email protected]>, <[email protected]> wrote:
>Where is the best place to get info. and supplies for this ???

Try Woodcraft www.woodcraft.com or Rockler www.rockler.com and search for
Suede Tex. That might give you a starting point.

Doug Miller (alphageek-at-milmac-dot-com)

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