

09/08/2007 4:20 AM

What is it? CXCII

Just posted the latest set:



This topic has 47 replies


John Martin

in reply to "R.H." on 09/08/2007 4:20 AM

09/08/2007 1:06 PM

On Aug 9, 3:57 pm, "Leo Lichtman" <[email protected]> wrote:
> 1055--Totally baffling. Clearly, the base is made to screw into a light
> socket, but not for the purpose of making electrical contact. I suspect
> that it simply uses the mogol base as a convenient way to hold it. It
> measures a number of angles fairly accurately, and yet, there is no obvious
> way to input anything. Also puzzling is the brass "weight" near the tip of
> the pointer. It looks like you could adjust that up or down like the weight
> on a metronome, but WHY?

Andrew Mawson thought that it might be a vibration frequency
indicator, and I think you are both on the right track. I'd suggest
that it might be for measuring the frequency of AC current. Adjust
the length of the arm until the amplitude of vibration is the greatest
(that's what the semi-circular scale is there to measure), and read
the frequency off the linear scale.

John Martin


John Martin

in reply to "R.H." on 09/08/2007 4:20 AM

10/08/2007 6:56 PM

On Aug 10, 9:15 pm, "R.H." <[email protected]> wrote:
> "Eigenvector" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > "R.H." <[email protected]> wrote in message
> >news:[email protected]...
> >> They've all been answered correctly this week, though I still haven't
> >> been able to verify the first device. More photos and a few links can be
> >> seen on the answer page:
> >>http://pzphotosan191-x42.blogspot.com/
> >> Rob
> > 1058 are log grappling hooks, used for dragging timber out of the forest
> > by horse or vehicle power. They are pounded in to the sides of the tree.
> > I'm only writing this because your answer post makes it sound unclear or
> > unsure about what they really are.
> I guess my answer wasn't as clear as it could have been, I went ahead and
> changed it, your answer seems to work well, except that I don't think
> they're grappling hooks, which usually have a more distinct hook shape.
> Rob- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

They are called "log grabs", "logging dogs", "timber hooks" -
individually. Made up into a sling, there may be another name. They
perform the same function as "skidding tongs".

John Martin



in reply to "R.H." on 09/08/2007 4:20 AM

13/08/2007 8:16 PM

On Aug 11, 5:04 pm, "R.H." <[email protected]> wrote:
> > I think it might be for R&D of new machinery. It might be for checking an
> > overhaul. It might be for tracing vibration that has been noticed.
> On the answer page I added some photos of the box that it came in, where you
> can see some slots for pieces that I'm missing.
> Also I updated the answer to the log grabs, and added Tom's scan from the
> old Fairbanks catalog.
> Thanks to everyone for their input on both of these.
> http://pzphotosan191-x42.blogspot.com/
> Rob

OK, many of us knew what it was, but how many of us have actually used
item # 1057, the Detex clock?

Here's a picture of one of the buildings I patrolled as a young
Coastie at the USCG Training Center on Governors Island, NY, off the
southern tip of Manhattan. Trust me, the attic space of that building
can be pretty creepy at 3 in the morning!


Thanks for the memories!



in reply to "R.H." on 09/08/2007 4:20 AM

14/08/2007 5:07 AM

On 14 Aug, 03:19, E Z Peaces <[email protected]> wrote:
> DerbyDad03 wrote:
> > On Aug 11, 5:04 pm, "R.H." <[email protected]> wrote:
> >>> I think it might be for R&D of new machinery. It might be for checking an
> >>> overhaul. It might be for tracing vibration that has been noticed.
> >> On the answer page I added some photos of the box that it came in, where you
> >> can see some slots for pieces that I'm missing.
> >> Also I updated the answer to the log grabs, and added Tom's scan from the
> >> old Fairbanks catalog.
> >> Thanks to everyone for their input on both of these.
> >>http://pzphotosan191-x42.blogspot.com/
> >> Rob
> > OK, many of us knew what it was, but how many of us have actually used
> > item # 1057, the Detex clock?
> > Here's a picture of one of the buildings I patrolled as a young
> > Coastie at the USCG Training Center on Governors Island, NY, off the
> > southern tip of Manhattan. Trust me, the attic space of that building
> > can be pretty creepy at 3 in the morning!
> >http://www.govisland.com/Images/Colonels_Row/Liggett_Hall2.jpg
> > Thanks for the memories!
> That's where I used a Detex. In the photo, if you turned right and
> walked to the end of the row, that was where I slept. If you continued
> across the street, there was a building with a portico along the front.
> That's where I carried a Detex. It seems like I sneaked around in
> sneakers instead of those shoes with heavy rubber soles we wore during
> the day.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

1975ish for me.

Did you jam beers in the vents of the window AC units in the rec rooms
to get them cold...err...I mean cool? Or did you spend the big bucks
and buy them out of the vending machines in the barracks - the ones
half stocked with soda and half stocked with beer?

How much did it suck sleeping in the ferry terminal when you missed
the last ferry (3:00AM?) to the island?



in reply to "R.H." on 09/08/2007 4:20 AM

14/08/2007 1:57 PM

On 14 Aug, 10:04, E Z Peaces <[email protected]> wrote:
> DerbyDad03 wrote:
> > On 14 Aug, 03:19, E Z Peaces <[email protected]> wrote:
> >>>> Rob
> >>> OK, many of us knew what it was, but how many of us have actually used
> >>> item # 1057, the Detex clock?
> >>> Here's a picture of one of the buildings I patrolled as a young
> >>> Coastie at the USCG Training Center on Governors Island, NY, off the
> >>> southern tip of Manhattan. Trust me, the attic space of that building
> >>> can be pretty creepy at 3 in the morning!
> >>>http://www.govisland.com/Images/Colonels_Row/Liggett_Hall2.jpg
> >>> Thanks for the memories!
> >> That's where I used a Detex. In the photo, if you turned right and
> >> walked to the end of the row, that was where I slept. If you continued
> >> across the street, there was a building with a portico along the front.
> >> That's where I carried a Detex. It seems like I sneaked around in
> >> sneakers instead of those shoes with heavy rubber soles we wore during
> >> the day.- Hide quoted text -
> >> - Show quoted text -
> > 1975ish for me.
> > Did you jam beers in the vents of the window AC units in the rec rooms
> > to get them cold...err...I mean cool? Or did you spend the big bucks
> > and buy them out of the vending machines in the barracks - the ones
> > half stocked with soda and half stocked with beer?
> > How much did it suck sleeping in the ferry terminal when you missed
> > the last ferry (3:00AM?) to the island?
> I was there at ET School in 1972. I don't remember air conditioning.
> There was no beer in the barracks and I don't remember a rec room. Some
> said the draft beer at the club tasted like dishwater but I liked it.
> The speed limit was 15 except where it was 5 or 10. I had two friends
> in the SPs who said it was ridiculous trying to clock somebody doing 16
> in a 15 zone, but that's what was expected. They drove Matadors.
> We suffered a warrantless locker search. In my locker was camping gear.
> In my camping gear was a cooking kit. In my cooking kit was a
> teaspoon. The sneering clerk demanded to know what I was doing in
> possession of a spoon. Obviously he assumed it was drug paraphernalia.
> Those were two of many reasons I hated the place. I served on a ship
> with a classmate. He begged to get off. He was told no way. One day
> the crew began saying he was acting just like me. The captain offered
> him the duty station of his choice if he would leave immediately. He
> chose Governors Island and we sailed straight there.
> He told me he hadn't learned anything about electronics as a student or
> in the field, so he figured the only billet he was fit for was an
> electronics instructor. That way he'd be around people who knew even
> less than he did.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Easy on the electronics instructor putdowns! I ran one of the training
labs at the ET school for about 9 months just before my discharge in
79. After 2 years of overseas Loran duty (Germany and Alaska) I had
less than a year left until my discharge date. Since all Loran station
billets were at least 1 year, I suggested they send me to the Island
as an ET instructor until I got out. I lived in NYC, so that way they
only had to ship me to one last place and then hand me a subway token
upon discharge. Believe it or not, they followed my suggestion and
basically sent me home 9 months early. It was like a day job, but with
sleeping quarters near by if I wanted (or needed) them. The most fun
was screwing with the Chief and 1st Class ETs that came through the
troubleshooting lab. I'd take the fuse out of the O-scope and then
stand back and watch them squirm as they tried to get a signal
displayed from the equipment they were troubleshooting. Eventually I'd
point to the power light on the O-scope ask them if they ever
considered that their test equipment could be bad.

I know two guys that got speeding tickets on the Island. One was doing
18 MPH on his *bicycle* on that long sweeping road around the back of
the island. The other chirped his tires on his souped-up VW Bug after
we replaced the engine in the old auto shop. The SP's claimed that if
his tires chirped, they must have been going over 15 MPH at the time.
You can't argue you with them, so you pay the fine and do the duty.

The rec rooms I speak of were the TV rooms at the end of the hallways
in the barracks. As far as the club, the $1 Black Russians were my
poison of choice.

He who enters covered here...



in reply to "R.H." on 09/08/2007 4:20 AM

15/08/2007 9:04 AM

On 15 Aug, 04:30, "Jeremy Pleedle" <[email protected]> wrote:
> E Z Peaces wrote:
> > R.H. wrote:
> >> "Leo Lichtman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> >>news:[email protected]...
> >>> "John Martin" (clip) I'd suggest that it might be for measuring the
> >>> frequency of AC current. Adjust the length of the arm until the
> >>> amplitude of vibration is the greatest (that's what the semi-circular
> >>> scale is there to measure), and read the frequency off the linear scale.
> >>> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> >>> "The black part at the bottom appears to be made of bakelite." From
> >>> the OP. There does not appear to be any electrical contact at the tip
> >>> of the black part, nor is any mentioned. So I doubt that it is
> >>> electrical. Also, I have trouble thinking of any way that all those
> >>> angular adjustments and scales could be related to frequency. It
> >>> looks like the straight scale is in the range aroud 60, which does
> >>> support your suggestion.
> >> You're correct in that it's not electrical, there is no contact on the
> >> bottom, nor are there any coils inside. I've shown it to a couple of
> >> electrical engineers and we all agreed that it's some type of vibration
> >> indicator, as was mentioned by Andrew, but we could only guess at it's
> >> exact use.
> >> There is no company name or patent date on it, just some numbers on the
> >> back that yielded nothing in a search. It does fit into a light socket,
> >> and note that the back plate is shaped like a light bulb, a couple
> >> possible answers that I've heard:
> >> -Used by a bulb manufacturer to test the strength of filaments
> >> -Used to test the amount of vibration that a bulb would have to endure
> >> in a particular machine, such as a large projector
> >> These are just guesses but I think they're on the right track.
> >> Rob
> > Frank C Perkins
> > US Pat 1,687,507
> > granted Oct 16, 1928
> > Back about 1904 there was a Frank C Perkins who was a free-lance
> > magazine author writing articles about the advantages of electricity for
> > mine vehicles, cranes, boat propulsion, lighthouses, factory machinery,
> > and wireless telegraphy.
> > He intended it as a general-purpose vibration meter. He says he chose a
> > light-bulb base because checking light sockets was one purpose that came
> > to mind.
> > If you tuned in a vibration, you had to use a chart to find the
> > frequency. It was designed with two weights. With no weight it could
> > be adjusted up to 65 Hz (about 4,000 rpm). With the heavier weight it
> > could be adjusted down to 8 Hz (about 500 rpm).
> > That sounds like good coverage of vehicle engines in 1928, among other
> > uses. You'd just have to secure a light socket to your engine.
> > This page shows a vibrometer designed for large machinery such as a
> > steam engine:
> >http://www.prestonservices.co.uk/instruments.htm
- spammer

I agree...have you seen the Billy Mays infomercials on the steam
engine test equipment? So annoying!



in reply to "R.H." on 09/08/2007 4:20 AM

15/08/2007 5:19 PM

On Aug 15, 7:21 pm, E Z Peaces <[email protected]> wrote:
> Jeremy Pleedle wrote:
> > E Z Peaces wrote:
> >> Frank C Perkins
> >> US Pat 1,687,507
> >> granted Oct 16, 1928
> >> Back about 1904 there was a Frank C Perkins who was a free-lance
> >> magazine author writing articles about the advantages of electricity for
> >> mine vehicles, cranes, boat propulsion, lighthouses, factory machinery,
> >> and wireless telegraphy.
> >> He intended it as a general-purpose vibration meter. He says he chose a
> >> light-bulb base because checking light sockets was one purpose that came
> >> to mind.
> >> If you tuned in a vibration, you had to use a chart to find the
> >> frequency. It was designed with two weights. With no weight it could
> >> be adjusted up to 65 Hz (about 4,000 rpm). With the heavier weight it
> >> could be adjusted down to 8 Hz (about 500 rpm).
> >> That sounds like good coverage of vehicle engines in 1928, among other
> >> uses. You'd just have to secure a light socket to your engine.
> >> This page shows a vibrometer designed for large machinery such as a
> >> steam engine:
> >>http://www.prestonservices.co.uk/instruments.htm
> > spammer
> For any who may be confused, "Jeremy" claims to represent the Society
> for the Preservation of Ancient Machinery, Motors, Engines, and
> Railstock. Nice to meet you, Jeremy!- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

I hope you realized that my reference to Billy Mays meant that some of
aren't confused about Jeremy's intentions.

That Preston Services website is pretty cool!



in reply to "R.H." on 09/08/2007 4:20 AM

09/08/2007 9:00 PM

R.H. wrote:
> You're correct in that it's not electrical, there is no contact on the
> bottom, nor are there any coils inside. I've shown it to a couple of
> electrical engineers and we all agreed that it's some type of
> vibration indicator, as was mentioned by Andrew, but we could only
> guess at it's exact use.
> There is no company name or patent date on it, just some numbers on
> the back that yielded nothing in a search. It does fit into a light
> socket, and note that the back plate is shaped like a light bulb, a
> couple possible answers that I've heard:
> -Used by a bulb manufacturer to test the strength of filaments
> -Used to test the amount of vibration that a bulb would have to
> endure in a particular machine, such as a large projector
> These are just guesses but I think they're on the right track.

I once heard of a curious situation on the shake-down cruise of a heavy
cruiser. When the 10" guns fired, every light bulb in a certain section of
the ship shattered!

Maybe this gizmo is a Naval Bulb Vibration Test Instrument, Model 44-A2/2.


"Don Young"

in reply to "R.H." on 09/08/2007 4:20 AM

13/08/2007 8:53 PM

"DoN. Nichols" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> According to Eigenvector <[email protected]>:
>> "DoN. Nichols" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>> > According to E Z Peaces <[email protected]>:
>> >> DoN. Nichols wrote:
>> >>
>> >> >
>> >> > 1055) Obviously a device for monitoring power line frequency. Power
>> >> > line in part because of the lamp type screw base, and in part by
>> >> > the frequency range covered -- about 45Hz to 85 Hz, so it would
>> >> > work with both common power line frequencies -- 50 Hz and 60 Hz.
>> >> >
>> >> > It is a vibrating reed, and you adust the free length by turning
>> >> > the knob at the other end of the the cylinder which mounts the
>> >> > reed, moving the pointer (and a clamp to effectively shorten the
>> >> > reed, thus changing the resonant frequency.
>> >> >
>> >> > You screw it in, adjust the two angle clamps to make it easy to
>> >> > read and to access the knob, turn on the outlet, and adjust the
>> >> > knob for the maximum swing (on the arc-shaped scale under the
>> >> > reed pointer.
>> >> >
>> >>
>> >> I don't see why a device to measure electrical frequency would be
>> >> marked
>> >> in degrees if you rotate it or tip it.
> I had agreed in another branch of this thread that it was not
> for measuring electrical frequency -- but the mechanical frequencies
> will be related to the electrical power frequency assuming an induction
> motor instead of a series or parallel wound DC or universal motor.
>> > You first tune it for maximum sensitivity to the frequency in
>> > question, then you shift the angles and compare the maximum swing of
>> > the
>> > reed. This lets you determine in which axis the vibration at that
>> > frequency is at a maximum, and thus what is the likely component
>> > contributing to the vibration, so you can work on balancing it.
>> >
>> > Enjoy,
>> > DoN.
>> > --
>> That is an inertial balance. Its for the purpose of measuring the
>> inertial
>> mass of an object.
>> http://www.physics.umd.edu/lecdem/services/demos/demosg1/g1-55.htm
> That is a rather different device -- for demonstrating principles
> in a physics lab. This device which we are discussing looks more like
> something to use in the field.
>> The large brass screw near the bottom changes the pendulum arm length.
>> The
>> weight at the top can be altered to increase the weight (hence the
>> numbered
>> slots in the box).
>> What it's measuring - I don't know.
> It is measuring the amount of vibration at a selected frequency
> along a selected axis -- for the purpose of identifying the sources of
> the vibration and eliminating or at least minimizing them, one at a
> time. You select a frequency, determine along which axis it is
> strongest, and work on balancing a device rotating at the proper RPM to
> produce that frequency and oriented to produce the vibration along that
> particular axis (that is -- perpedicular to the axis of rotation).
> Not sure how much we will be able to follow this newsgroup for a
> while, given that it appears to be under attack by massive cross-posting
> to/from sci.crypt. I've set my killfile to eliminate those, but there
> is bound to be a lot of discussion about that -- plus probably
> cross-posting attacks from elsewhere as well.
> Enjoy,
> DoN.
> --
> Email: <[email protected]> | Voice (all times): (703) 938-4564
> (too) near Washington D.C. | http://www.d-and-d.com/dnichols/DoN.html
> --- Black Holes are where God is dividing by zero ---
I agree with the functional description. My questions are: 1. Why was the
Edison screw base used as an interface?, and 2. Are there any other known
uses of the Edison screw base for anything other than light bulbs, heaters,
and other electrical connections? We may never know, but it is sure

Don Young


"Michael A. Terrell"

in reply to "R.H." on 09/08/2007 4:20 AM

14/08/2007 6:21 PM

E Z Peaces wrote:
> I was there at ET School in 1972. I don't remember air conditioning.
> There was no beer in the barracks and I don't remember a rec room. Some
> said the draft beer at the club tasted like dishwater but I liked it.
> The speed limit was 15 except where it was 5 or 10. I had two friends
> in the SPs who said it was ridiculous trying to clock somebody doing 16
> in a 15 zone, but that's what was expected. They drove Matadors.
> We suffered a warrantless locker search. In my locker was camping gear.
> In my camping gear was a cooking kit. In my cooking kit was a
> teaspoon. The sneering clerk demanded to know what I was doing in
> possession of a spoon. Obviously he assumed it was drug paraphernalia.

Ft. Rucker, Al. in the early '70s: They found a dashboard for a '66
GTO, a case of motor oil, a propane torch and other car parts along with
two tool boxes. They just looked at each other, then at me. One
started to say something, then shook his head and walked out, followed
buy the other inspector. One of them muttered, Damn Weathervision
section! as he walked down the hall to the next room. ;) Another
inspection was a group from the Pentagon, inspecting command companies.
he told my captain that i had the cleanest and neatest room he'd seen on
over a dozen bases and asked who's room it was. When he heard I was
just an E2 with a private room he got upset, then changed his mind.
"Anyone who can keep a room like this deserves to keep it". I didn't
argue. I was on call at odd hours, on separate rations, and the idiots
I had shared a four man room with were slobs, and at least one thief. I
was the only one in that barracks with Cable TV in my room, too. :)

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida



in reply to "R.H." on 09/08/2007 4:20 AM

09/08/2007 8:05 PM

"Leo Lichtman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "John Martin" (clip) I'd suggest that it might be for measuring the
> frequency of AC current. Adjust the length of the arm until the amplitude
> of vibration is the greatest (that's what the semi-circular scale is there
> to measure), and read the frequency off the linear scale.
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> "The black part at the bottom appears to be made of bakelite." From the
> OP. There does not appear to be any electrical contact at the tip of the
> black part, nor is any mentioned. So I doubt that it is electrical.
> Also, I have trouble thinking of any way that all those angular
> adjustments and scales could be related to frequency. It looks like the
> straight scale is in the range aroud 60, which does support your
> suggestion.

You're correct in that it's not electrical, there is no contact on the
bottom, nor are there any coils inside. I've shown it to a couple of
electrical engineers and we all agreed that it's some type of vibration
indicator, as was mentioned by Andrew, but we could only guess at it's exact

There is no company name or patent date on it, just some numbers on the back
that yielded nothing in a search. It does fit into a light socket, and note
that the back plate is shaped like a light bulb, a couple possible answers
that I've heard:

-Used by a bulb manufacturer to test the strength of filaments
-Used to test the amount of vibration that a bulb would have to endure in a
particular machine, such as a large projector

These are just guesses but I think they're on the right track.




in reply to "R.H." on 09/08/2007 4:20 AM

10/08/2007 5:47 PM

They've all been answered correctly this week, though I still haven't been
able to verify the first device. More photos and a few links can be seen on
the answer page:





in reply to "R.H." on 09/08/2007 4:20 AM

10/08/2007 9:04 PM

"Tom" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> R.H. wrote:
>> They've all been answered correctly this week, though I still haven't
>> been able to verify the first device. More photos and a few links can be
>> seen on the answer page:
>> http://pzphotosan191-x42.blogspot.com/
>> Rob
> Rob
> You may wish to rename 1058 as in 1906 (Fairbanks cat) that was called a
> crotch or carting grab, see scan I sent you...
> Cheers
> Tom

Could you please send that to my Gmail account, which can be found by
clicking on my profile on the site? The email account that I use to post on
the newsgroups isn't working properly and I haven't been receiving email
there for a few weeks. I'd be interested to see the scan.




in reply to "R.H." on 09/08/2007 4:20 AM

10/08/2007 9:15 PM

"Eigenvector" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "R.H." <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> They've all been answered correctly this week, though I still haven't
>> been able to verify the first device. More photos and a few links can be
>> seen on the answer page:
>> http://pzphotosan191-x42.blogspot.com/
>> Rob
> 1058 are log grappling hooks, used for dragging timber out of the forest
> by horse or vehicle power. They are pounded in to the sides of the tree.
> I'm only writing this because your answer post makes it sound unclear or
> unsure about what they really are.

I guess my answer wasn't as clear as it could have been, I went ahead and
changed it, your answer seems to work well, except that I don't think
they're grappling hooks, which usually have a more distinct hook shape.




in reply to "R.H." on 09/08/2007 4:20 AM

11/08/2007 5:04 PM

> I think it might be for R&D of new machinery. It might be for checking an
> overhaul. It might be for tracing vibration that has been noticed.

On the answer page I added some photos of the box that it came in, where you
can see some slots for pieces that I'm missing.

Also I updated the answer to the log grabs, and added Tom's scan from the
old Fairbanks catalog.

Thanks to everyone for their input on both of these.





in reply to "R.H." on 09/08/2007 4:20 AM

13/08/2007 5:02 PM

> It is measuring the amount of vibration at a selected frequency
> along a selected axis -- for the purpose of identifying the sources of
> the vibration and eliminating or at least minimizing them, one at a
> time.

Sounds like a good description of it, I went ahead and put this on the
answer page, I like it better than what I had there.

> Not sure how much we will be able to follow this newsgroup for a
> while, given that it appears to be under attack by massive cross-posting
> to/from sci.crypt. I've set my killfile to eliminate those, but there
> is bound to be a lot of discussion about that -- plus probably
> cross-posting attacks from elsewhere as well.

To everyone at RCM: feel free to join us on one of the other groups on
Thursday if you want to post some answers or read some comments on next
week's post. Hopefully things will clear up soon.




in reply to "R.H." on 09/08/2007 4:20 AM

22/08/2007 4:09 PM

> Frank C Perkins
> US Pat 1,687,507
> granted Oct 16, 1928
> Back about 1904 there was a Frank C Perkins who was a free-lance magazine
> author writing articles about the advantages of electricity for mine
> vehicles, cranes, boat propulsion, lighthouses, factory machinery, and
> wireless telegraphy.
> He intended it as a general-purpose vibration meter. He says he chose a
> light-bulb base because checking light sockets was one purpose that came
> to mind.
> If you tuned in a vibration, you had to use a chart to find the frequency.
> It was designed with two weights. With no weight it could be adjusted up
> to 65 Hz (about 4,000 rpm). With the heavier weight it could be adjusted
> down to 8 Hz (about 500 rpm).
> That sounds like good coverage of vehicle engines in 1928, among other
> uses. You'd just have to secure a light socket to your engine.
> This page shows a vibrometer designed for large machinery such as a steam
> engine:
> http://www.prestonservices.co.uk/instruments.htm

Thanks for posting the patent number for the vibration indicator, when I
first read your post I skipped over the first three lines and just read the
body of it. I probably won't have time to update the answer page until
tomorrow but I'll also mention it in this week's answer page. It's good to
get this one nailed down. Also thanks to Leon for directing me to your



"Mrs Bonk"

in reply to "R.H." on 09/08/2007 4:20 AM

16/08/2007 10:30 AM

Jeremy Pleedle wrote:
> DerbyDad03 wrote:
>> On 15 Aug, 04:30, "Jeremy Pleedle" <[email protected]> wrote:

>>> E Z Peaces wrote: some spam

>> I agree...have you seen the Billy Mays infomercials on the steam
>> engine test equipment? So annoying!
> Spammer -B-Gone!

I removed a curry stain from my tablecloth with oxyclean. I was most
Please see my other post for my opinion on steam cleaners. Not at all like
the adverts, they don't tell us the tiles will fall off!



in reply to "R.H." on 09/08/2007 4:20 AM

10/08/2007 4:25 PM

"R.H." <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> They've all been answered correctly this week, though I still haven't been
> able to verify the first device. More photos and a few links can be seen
> on the answer page:
> http://pzphotosan191-x42.blogspot.com/
> Rob

1058 are log grappling hooks, used for dragging timber out of the forest by
horse or vehicle power. They are pounded in to the sides of the tree. I'm
only writing this because your answer post makes it sound unclear or unsure
about what they really are.



in reply to "R.H." on 09/08/2007 4:20 AM

12/08/2007 11:25 AM

"DoN. Nichols" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> According to E Z Peaces <[email protected]>:
>> DoN. Nichols wrote:
>> >
>> > 1055) Obviously a device for monitoring power line frequency. Power
>> > line in part because of the lamp type screw base, and in part by
>> > the frequncy range covered -- about 45Hz to 85 Hz, so it would
>> > work with both common power line frequencies -- 50 Hz and 60 Hz.
>> >
>> > It is a vibrating reed, and you adust the free length by turning
>> > the knob at the other end of the the cylinder which mounts the
>> > reed, moving the pointer (and a clamp to effectively shorten the
>> > reed, thus changing the resonant frequency.
>> >
>> > You screw it in, adjust the two angle clamps to make it easy to
>> > read and to access the knob, turn on the outlet, and adjust the
>> > knob for the maximum swing (on the arc-shaped scale under the
>> > reed pointer.
>> >
>> I don't see why a device to measure electrical frequency would be marked
>> in degrees if you rotate it or tip it.
> You first tune it for maximum sensitivity to the fequency in
> question, then you shift the angles and compare the maximum swing of the
> reed. This lets you determine in which axis the vibration at that
> frequency is at a maximum, and thus what is the likely componenet
> contributing to the vibration, so you can work on balancing it.
> Enjoy,
> DoN.
> --

That is an inertial balance. Its for the purpose of measuring the inertial
mass of an object.


The large brass screw near the bottom changes the pendulum arm length. The
weight at the top can be altered to increase the weight (hence the numbered
slots in the box).

What it's measuring - I don't know.


"Andrew Mawson"

in reply to "R.H." on 09/08/2007 4:20 AM

09/08/2007 9:40 AM

"R.H." <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Just posted the latest set:
> http://puzzlephotos.blogspot.com/
> Rob

1055 is a vibration frequency indicator
1057 is a watchmans clock. Marks a roll to show when he checked points
in his round
1058 is a set of lifting dogs, probably for timber as they seem to
have been hammered in to start them gripping



"Leo Lichtman"

in reply to "R.H." on 09/08/2007 4:20 AM

09/08/2007 9:16 PM

"John Martin" (clip) I'd suggest that it might be for measuring the
frequency of AC current. Adjust the length of the arm until the amplitude
of vibration is the greatest (that's what the semi-circular scale is there
to measure), and read the frequency off the linear scale.
"The black part at the bottom appears to be made of bakelite." From the OP.
There does not appear to be any electrical contact at the tip of the black
part, nor is any mentioned. So I doubt that it is electrical. Also, I have
trouble thinking of any way that all those angular adjustments and scales
could be related to frequency. It looks like the straight scale is in the
range aroud 60, which does support your suggestion.


Jim Chandler

in reply to "R.H." on 09/08/2007 4:20 AM

09/08/2007 3:44 PM

R.H. wrote:

> Just posted the latest set:
> http://puzzlephotos.blogspot.com/
> Rob

1056 is a 3# diving weight
1057 Night watchman's clock for logging check stations
1058 Lumber yard lifting tongs
1059 Planetarium

Jim Chandler


"Puff Griffis"

in reply to "R.H." on 09/08/2007 4:20 AM

11/08/2007 11:04 PM

Just in case no one else has told you. Thanks for
the post's. Great to see the unique things you

"R.H." <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
>> I think it might be for R&D of new machinery.
>> It might be for checking an overhaul. It might
>> be for tracing vibration that has been noticed.
> On the answer page I added some photos of the
> box that it came in, where you can see some
> slots for pieces that I'm missing.
> Also I updated the answer to the log grabs, and
> added Tom's scan from the old Fairbanks catalog.
> Thanks to everyone for their input on both of
> these.
> http://pzphotosan191-x42.blogspot.com/
> Rob


"Puff Griffis"

in reply to "R.H." on 09/08/2007 4:20 AM

09/08/2007 7:36 AM

1055: Wattage tester ?
1056: Scuba weight
1057: Security guards watch clock
1058: Sled drag for dog sleds
1059: Planetarium light thingy

"R.H." <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Just posted the latest set:
> http://puzzlephotos.blogspot.com/
> Rob


"Dave Baker"

in reply to "R.H." on 09/08/2007 4:20 AM

09/08/2007 11:07 AM

"R.H." <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Just posted the latest set:
> http://puzzlephotos.blogspot.com/

1056. Scuba divers belt weight

1057. Detex Corporation "Newman" watchman's clock.

Dave Baker - Puma Race Engines


"Paul K. Dickman"

in reply to "R.H." on 09/08/2007 4:20 AM

09/08/2007 7:48 AM

1060 is an alarm gun. It is loaded with black powder and a percussion cap.
The wood screw gets driven into a tree. The hammer gets hooked to a

Paul K. Dickman

"R.H." <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Just posted the latest set:
> http://puzzlephotos.blogspot.com/
> Rob


[email protected] (DoN. Nichols)

in reply to "R.H." on 09/08/2007 4:20 AM

10/08/2007 9:14 PM

According to R.H. <[email protected]>:
> Just posted the latest set:
> http://puzzlephotos.blogspot.com/

O.K. Posting late from rec.crafts.metalworking, because I was
reconfiguring my network last night.

1055) Obviously a device for monitoring power line frequency. Power
line in part because of the lamp type screw base, and in part by
the frequncy range covered -- about 45Hz to 85 Hz, so it would
work with both common power line frequencies -- 50 Hz and 60 Hz.

It is a vibrating reed, and you adust the free length by turning
the knob at the other end of the the cylinder which mounts the
reed, moving the pointer (and a clamp to effectively shorten the
reed, thus changing the resonant frequency.

You screw it in, adjust the two angle clamps to make it easy to
read and to access the knob, turn on the outlet, and adjust the
knob for the maximum swing (on the arc-shaped scale under the
reed pointer.

1056) This looks like a skin-diving belt weight.

1057) A night watchman's recording time clock. There is a key at
each station which he puts into a keyhole on the back or side
and turns it to imprint a unique number for each station to
prove that he was there at the proper time.

1058) For lifting something with a crane. From the size and the
hooks, I would guess that it might be a hay bale, but it could
be a number of other things just as well.

1059) A desktop planetarium

1060) A guess is that it screws into the underside of a shelf, and is
used to hang papers by a single hole punched in the paper.

Now to see what others have said.


Email: <[email protected]> | Voice (all times): (703) 938-4564
(too) near Washington D.C. | http://www.d-and-d.com/dnichols/DoN.html
--- Black Holes are where God is dividing by zero ---



in reply to "R.H." on 09/08/2007 4:20 AM

11/08/2007 10:36 AM

R.H. wrote:

> They've all been answered correctly this week, though I still haven't
> been able to verify the first device. More photos and a few links can
> be seen on the answer page:
> http://pzphotosan191-x42.blogspot.com/
> Rob


You may wish to rename 1058 as in 1906 (Fairbanks cat) that was called a
crotch or carting grab, see scan I sent you...




in reply to "R.H." on 09/08/2007 4:20 AM

11/08/2007 12:37 PM

Eigenvector wrote:

> "R.H." <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>>They've all been answered correctly this week, though I still haven't been
>>able to verify the first device. More photos and a few links can be seen
>>on the answer page:
> 1058 are log grappling hooks, used for dragging timber out of the forest by
> horse or vehicle power. They are pounded in to the sides of the tree. I'm
> only writing this because your answer post makes it sound unclear or unsure
> about what they really are.
No, if they were grappling hooks there would be no need to pound
them into the log as grapple are self setting.
See my post above.



[email protected] (DoN. Nichols)

in reply to "R.H." on 09/08/2007 4:20 AM

11/08/2007 2:23 AM

According to R.H. <[email protected]>:
> They've all been answered correctly this week, though I still haven't been
> able to verify the first device. More photos and a few links can be seen on
> the answer page:
> http://pzphotosan191-x42.blogspot.com/

O.K. The disassembled shots show no signs of an exciter coil,
so my original guess at being for measuring the power line frequency
directly was wrong. Otherwise, I would have asked for a photo of the
base to verify that it did not even have a small hole -- through which a
wire could have secured a contact button which is now long lost.

So -- given that, the various calibrated tilts and swivels allow
it to measure vibration in different axes, with the knob still tuning
for the optimum frequency.

Most induction motors run a bit slower than synchronous speeds,
so the ability to tune would help. For example, a two-pole running on
60 Hz would run slower than the synchronous 3600 RPM -- probably
something like 3550 or slower.

The ability to rotate the axis of sensitivity would make it
possible to determine just what is the most likely contributing factor
of imbalance -- a good thing when you are looking for the source of
imbalance in a complex system with things rotating on multiple axes.


Email: <[email protected]> | Voice (all times): (703) 938-4564
(too) near Washington D.C. | http://www.d-and-d.com/dnichols/DoN.html
--- Black Holes are where God is dividing by zero ---


E Z Peaces

in reply to "R.H." on 09/08/2007 4:20 AM

10/08/2007 10:53 PM

DoN. Nichols wrote:

> 1055) Obviously a device for monitoring power line frequency. Power
> line in part because of the lamp type screw base, and in part by
> the frequncy range covered -- about 45Hz to 85 Hz, so it would
> work with both common power line frequencies -- 50 Hz and 60 Hz.
> It is a vibrating reed, and you adust the free length by turning
> the knob at the other end of the the cylinder which mounts the
> reed, moving the pointer (and a clamp to effectively shorten the
> reed, thus changing the resonant frequency.
> You screw it in, adjust the two angle clamps to make it easy to
> read and to access the knob, turn on the outlet, and adjust the
> knob for the maximum swing (on the arc-shaped scale under the
> reed pointer.

I don't see why a device to measure electrical frequency would be marked
in degrees if you rotate it or tip it. Photo 1055 b shows a hole in the
threads. Apparently a pin can be inserted to lock the screw base in a
certain alignment. I think a base like a light bulb is used not to
conduct electricity but because it's good for transmitting vibrations
along three axes.

If the frequency markings are in Hz, they would correspond to machinery
rotating at 3,000 - 5,000 rpm. It could be a car engine or maybe
something stationary like a pump or generator. The tilting must be to
measure vibration from an engine and the machinery it drives.

I think it might be for R&D of new machinery. It might be for checking
an overhaul. It might be for tracing vibration that has been noticed.


[email protected] (DoN. Nichols)

in reply to "R.H." on 09/08/2007 4:20 AM

12/08/2007 1:51 AM

According to E Z Peaces <[email protected]>:
> DoN. Nichols wrote:
> >
> > 1055) Obviously a device for monitoring power line frequency. Power
> > line in part because of the lamp type screw base, and in part by
> > the frequncy range covered -- about 45Hz to 85 Hz, so it would
> > work with both common power line frequencies -- 50 Hz and 60 Hz.
> >
> > It is a vibrating reed, and you adust the free length by turning
> > the knob at the other end of the the cylinder which mounts the
> > reed, moving the pointer (and a clamp to effectively shorten the
> > reed, thus changing the resonant frequency.
> >
> > You screw it in, adjust the two angle clamps to make it easy to
> > read and to access the knob, turn on the outlet, and adjust the
> > knob for the maximum swing (on the arc-shaped scale under the
> > reed pointer.
> >
> I don't see why a device to measure electrical frequency would be marked
> in degrees if you rotate it or tip it.

You first tune it for maximum sensitivity to the fequency in
question, then you shift the angles and compare the maximum swing of the
reed. This lets you determine in which axis the vibration at that
frequency is at a maximum, and thus what is the likely componenet
contributing to the vibration, so you can work on balancing it.

Email: <[email protected]> | Voice (all times): (703) 938-4564
(too) near Washington D.C. | http://www.d-and-d.com/dnichols/DoN.html
--- Black Holes are where God is dividing by zero ---


[email protected] (DoN. Nichols)

in reply to "R.H." on 09/08/2007 4:20 AM

13/08/2007 3:46 AM

According to Eigenvector <[email protected]>:
> "DoN. Nichols" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > According to E Z Peaces <[email protected]>:
> >> DoN. Nichols wrote:
> >>
> >> >
> >> > 1055) Obviously a device for monitoring power line frequency. Power
> >> > line in part because of the lamp type screw base, and in part by
> >> > the frequency range covered -- about 45Hz to 85 Hz, so it would
> >> > work with both common power line frequencies -- 50 Hz and 60 Hz.
> >> >
> >> > It is a vibrating reed, and you adust the free length by turning
> >> > the knob at the other end of the the cylinder which mounts the
> >> > reed, moving the pointer (and a clamp to effectively shorten the
> >> > reed, thus changing the resonant frequency.
> >> >
> >> > You screw it in, adjust the two angle clamps to make it easy to
> >> > read and to access the knob, turn on the outlet, and adjust the
> >> > knob for the maximum swing (on the arc-shaped scale under the
> >> > reed pointer.
> >> >
> >>
> >> I don't see why a device to measure electrical frequency would be marked
> >> in degrees if you rotate it or tip it.

I had agreed in another branch of this thread that it was not
for measuring electrical frequency -- but the mechanical frequencies
will be related to the electrical power frequency assuming an induction
motor instead of a series or parallel wound DC or universal motor.

> > You first tune it for maximum sensitivity to the frequency in
> > question, then you shift the angles and compare the maximum swing of the
> > reed. This lets you determine in which axis the vibration at that
> > frequency is at a maximum, and thus what is the likely component
> > contributing to the vibration, so you can work on balancing it.
> >
> > Enjoy,
> > DoN.
> > --
> That is an inertial balance. Its for the purpose of measuring the inertial
> mass of an object.
> http://www.physics.umd.edu/lecdem/services/demos/demosg1/g1-55.htm

That is a rather different device -- for demonstrating principles
in a physics lab. This device which we are discussing looks more like
something to use in the field.

> The large brass screw near the bottom changes the pendulum arm length. The
> weight at the top can be altered to increase the weight (hence the numbered
> slots in the box).
> What it's measuring - I don't know.

It is measuring the amount of vibration at a selected frequency
along a selected axis -- for the purpose of identifying the sources of
the vibration and eliminating or at least minimizing them, one at a
time. You select a frequency, determine along which axis it is
strongest, and work on balancing a device rotating at the proper RPM to
produce that frequency and oriented to produce the vibration along that
particular axis (that is -- perpedicular to the axis of rotation).

Not sure how much we will be able to follow this newsgroup for a
while, given that it appears to be under attack by massive cross-posting
to/from sci.crypt. I've set my killfile to eliminate those, but there
is bound to be a lot of discussion about that -- plus probably
cross-posting attacks from elsewhere as well.

Email: <[email protected]> | Voice (all times): (703) 938-4564
(too) near Washington D.C. | http://www.d-and-d.com/dnichols/DoN.html
--- Black Holes are where God is dividing by zero ---


E Z Peaces

in reply to "R.H." on 09/08/2007 4:20 AM

14/08/2007 3:19 AM

DerbyDad03 wrote:
> On Aug 11, 5:04 pm, "R.H." <[email protected]> wrote:
>>> I think it might be for R&D of new machinery. It might be for checking an
>>> overhaul. It might be for tracing vibration that has been noticed.
>> On the answer page I added some photos of the box that it came in, where you
>> can see some slots for pieces that I'm missing.
>> Also I updated the answer to the log grabs, and added Tom's scan from the
>> old Fairbanks catalog.
>> Thanks to everyone for their input on both of these.
>> http://pzphotosan191-x42.blogspot.com/
>> Rob
> OK, many of us knew what it was, but how many of us have actually used
> item # 1057, the Detex clock?
> Here's a picture of one of the buildings I patrolled as a young
> Coastie at the USCG Training Center on Governors Island, NY, off the
> southern tip of Manhattan. Trust me, the attic space of that building
> can be pretty creepy at 3 in the morning!
> http://www.govisland.com/Images/Colonels_Row/Liggett_Hall2.jpg
> Thanks for the memories!
That's where I used a Detex. In the photo, if you turned right and
walked to the end of the row, that was where I slept. If you continued
across the street, there was a building with a portico along the front.
That's where I carried a Detex. It seems like I sneaked around in
sneakers instead of those shoes with heavy rubber soles we wore during
the day.


E Z Peaces

in reply to "R.H." on 09/08/2007 4:20 AM

14/08/2007 3:21 AM

Don Young wrote:
> "DoN. Nichols" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> According to Eigenvector <[email protected]>:
>>> "DoN. Nichols" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>>> news:[email protected]...
>>>> According to E Z Peaces <[email protected]>:
>>>>> DoN. Nichols wrote:
>>>>>> 1055) Obviously a device for monitoring power line frequency. Power
>>>>>> line in part because of the lamp type screw base, and in part by
>>>>>> the frequency range covered -- about 45Hz to 85 Hz, so it would
>>>>>> work with both common power line frequencies -- 50 Hz and 60 Hz.
>>>>>> It is a vibrating reed, and you adust the free length by turning
>>>>>> the knob at the other end of the the cylinder which mounts the
>>>>>> reed, moving the pointer (and a clamp to effectively shorten the
>>>>>> reed, thus changing the resonant frequency.
>>>>>> You screw it in, adjust the two angle clamps to make it easy to
>>>>>> read and to access the knob, turn on the outlet, and adjust the
>>>>>> knob for the maximum swing (on the arc-shaped scale under the
>>>>>> reed pointer.
>>>>> I don't see why a device to measure electrical frequency would be
>>>>> marked
>>>>> in degrees if you rotate it or tip it.
>> I had agreed in another branch of this thread that it was not
>> for measuring electrical frequency -- but the mechanical frequencies
>> will be related to the electrical power frequency assuming an induction
>> motor instead of a series or parallel wound DC or universal motor.
>>>> You first tune it for maximum sensitivity to the frequency in
>>>> question, then you shift the angles and compare the maximum swing of
>>>> the
>>>> reed. This lets you determine in which axis the vibration at that
>>>> frequency is at a maximum, and thus what is the likely component
>>>> contributing to the vibration, so you can work on balancing it.
>>>> Enjoy,
>>>> DoN.
>>>> --
>>> That is an inertial balance. Its for the purpose of measuring the
>>> inertial
>>> mass of an object.
>>> http://www.physics.umd.edu/lecdem/services/demos/demosg1/g1-55.htm
>> That is a rather different device -- for demonstrating principles
>> in a physics lab. This device which we are discussing looks more like
>> something to use in the field.
>>> The large brass screw near the bottom changes the pendulum arm length.
>>> The
>>> weight at the top can be altered to increase the weight (hence the
>>> numbered
>>> slots in the box).
>>> What it's measuring - I don't know.
>> It is measuring the amount of vibration at a selected frequency
>> along a selected axis -- for the purpose of identifying the sources of
>> the vibration and eliminating or at least minimizing them, one at a
>> time. You select a frequency, determine along which axis it is
>> strongest, and work on balancing a device rotating at the proper RPM to
>> produce that frequency and oriented to produce the vibration along that
>> particular axis (that is -- perpedicular to the axis of rotation).
>> Not sure how much we will be able to follow this newsgroup for a
>> while, given that it appears to be under attack by massive cross-posting
>> to/from sci.crypt. I've set my killfile to eliminate those, but there
>> is bound to be a lot of discussion about that -- plus probably
>> cross-posting attacks from elsewhere as well.
>> Enjoy,
>> DoN.
>> --
>> Email: <[email protected]> | Voice (all times): (703) 938-4564
>> (too) near Washington D.C. | http://www.d-and-d.com/dnichols/DoN.html
>> --- Black Holes are where God is dividing by zero ---
> I agree with the functional description. My questions are: 1. Why was the
> Edison screw base used as an interface?, and 2. Are there any other known
> uses of the Edison screw base for anything other than light bulbs, heaters,
> and other electrical connections? We may never know, but it is sure
> interesting.
> Don Young
To measure vibrations, wouldn't you want a stem with a large diameter,
like that screw base, in order to be as stiff as possible? It might
have been a tube with pipe threads, but light-bulb threads screw in
quicker and are almost impossible to cross thread.

The wide frequency range suggests to me an internal combustion engine
and not an electric motor.

A tugboat! I'll bet they rev to 4,000 or more and they would want to
investigate vibrations before incurring unnecessary damage. The
engineer hears something isn't right. He screws in the device. It's
easy with the bulb threads. He tunes it to the engine RPM. He tips the
device to see if vibration of the engine and various shafts rotating at
that speed seems normal.

Now suppose there's a 5:1 reduction gear. He swaps weights to make the
pendulum 5 times heavier and 5 times slower. Now he can turn it to an
angle to check vibration from the slower shaft.


E Z Peaces

in reply to "R.H." on 09/08/2007 4:20 AM

14/08/2007 10:04 AM

DerbyDad03 wrote:
> On 14 Aug, 03:19, E Z Peaces <[email protected]> wrote:

>>>> Rob
>>> OK, many of us knew what it was, but how many of us have actually used
>>> item # 1057, the Detex clock?
>>> Here's a picture of one of the buildings I patrolled as a young
>>> Coastie at the USCG Training Center on Governors Island, NY, off the
>>> southern tip of Manhattan. Trust me, the attic space of that building
>>> can be pretty creepy at 3 in the morning!
>>> http://www.govisland.com/Images/Colonels_Row/Liggett_Hall2.jpg
>>> Thanks for the memories!
>> That's where I used a Detex. In the photo, if you turned right and
>> walked to the end of the row, that was where I slept. If you continued
>> across the street, there was a building with a portico along the front.
>> That's where I carried a Detex. It seems like I sneaked around in
>> sneakers instead of those shoes with heavy rubber soles we wore during
>> the day.- Hide quoted text -
>> - Show quoted text -
> 1975ish for me.
> Did you jam beers in the vents of the window AC units in the rec rooms
> to get them cold...err...I mean cool? Or did you spend the big bucks
> and buy them out of the vending machines in the barracks - the ones
> half stocked with soda and half stocked with beer?
> How much did it suck sleeping in the ferry terminal when you missed
> the last ferry (3:00AM?) to the island?

I was there at ET School in 1972. I don't remember air conditioning.
There was no beer in the barracks and I don't remember a rec room. Some
said the draft beer at the club tasted like dishwater but I liked it.
The speed limit was 15 except where it was 5 or 10. I had two friends
in the SPs who said it was ridiculous trying to clock somebody doing 16
in a 15 zone, but that's what was expected. They drove Matadors.

We suffered a warrantless locker search. In my locker was camping gear.
In my camping gear was a cooking kit. In my cooking kit was a
teaspoon. The sneering clerk demanded to know what I was doing in
possession of a spoon. Obviously he assumed it was drug paraphernalia.

Those were two of many reasons I hated the place. I served on a ship
with a classmate. He begged to get off. He was told no way. One day
the crew began saying he was acting just like me. The captain offered
him the duty station of his choice if he would leave immediately. He
chose Governors Island and we sailed straight there.

He told me he hadn't learned anything about electronics as a student or
in the field, so he figured the only billet he was fit for was an
electronics instructor. That way he'd be around people who knew even
less than he did.


E Z Peaces

in reply to "R.H." on 09/08/2007 4:20 AM

14/08/2007 10:50 AM

DoN. Nichols wrote:

> I had agreed in another branch of this thread that it was not
> for measuring electrical frequency -- but the mechanical frequencies
> will be related to the electrical power frequency assuming an induction
> motor instead of a series or parallel wound DC or universal motor.
It suddenly occurs to me that it's probably not for 50 - 80 Hz but 50 -
80 RPM. Isn't the arm too long, the weight to big, and the spring too
light to vibrate at 60 Hz?

This page says the steam engine on a Liberty ship was designed to turn
at 76 RPM. I suppose that was at full speed, so you would want a device
that could be tuned to lower RPMs to check vibrations when the ship was
cruising slower.



E Z Peaces

in reply to "R.H." on 09/08/2007 4:20 AM

15/08/2007 2:54 AM

R.H. wrote:
> "Leo Lichtman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> "John Martin" (clip) I'd suggest that it might be for measuring the
>> frequency of AC current. Adjust the length of the arm until the
>> amplitude of vibration is the greatest (that's what the semi-circular
>> scale is there to measure), and read the frequency off the linear scale.
>> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>> "The black part at the bottom appears to be made of bakelite." From
>> the OP. There does not appear to be any electrical contact at the tip
>> of the black part, nor is any mentioned. So I doubt that it is
>> electrical. Also, I have trouble thinking of any way that all those
>> angular adjustments and scales could be related to frequency. It
>> looks like the straight scale is in the range aroud 60, which does
>> support your suggestion.
> You're correct in that it's not electrical, there is no contact on the
> bottom, nor are there any coils inside. I've shown it to a couple of
> electrical engineers and we all agreed that it's some type of vibration
> indicator, as was mentioned by Andrew, but we could only guess at it's
> exact use.
> There is no company name or patent date on it, just some numbers on the
> back that yielded nothing in a search. It does fit into a light socket,
> and note that the back plate is shaped like a light bulb, a couple
> possible answers that I've heard:
> -Used by a bulb manufacturer to test the strength of filaments
> -Used to test the amount of vibration that a bulb would have to endure
> in a particular machine, such as a large projector
> These are just guesses but I think they're on the right track.
> Rob
Frank C Perkins
US Pat 1,687,507
granted Oct 16, 1928

Back about 1904 there was a Frank C Perkins who was a free-lance
magazine author writing articles about the advantages of electricity for
mine vehicles, cranes, boat propulsion, lighthouses, factory machinery,
and wireless telegraphy.

He intended it as a general-purpose vibration meter. He says he chose a
light-bulb base because checking light sockets was one purpose that came
to mind.

If you tuned in a vibration, you had to use a chart to find the
frequency. It was designed with two weights. With no weight it could
be adjusted up to 65 Hz (about 4,000 rpm). With the heavier weight it
could be adjusted down to 8 Hz (about 500 rpm).

That sounds like good coverage of vehicle engines in 1928, among other
uses. You'd just have to secure a light socket to your engine.

This page shows a vibrometer designed for large machinery such as a
steam engine:


"Jeremy Pleedle"

in reply to "R.H." on 09/08/2007 4:20 AM

15/08/2007 9:30 AM

E Z Peaces wrote:
> R.H. wrote:
>> "Leo Lichtman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>>> "John Martin" (clip) I'd suggest that it might be for measuring the
>>> frequency of AC current. Adjust the length of the arm until the
>>> amplitude of vibration is the greatest (that's what the semi-circular
>>> scale is there to measure), and read the frequency off the linear scale.
>>> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>>> "The black part at the bottom appears to be made of bakelite." From
>>> the OP. There does not appear to be any electrical contact at the tip
>>> of the black part, nor is any mentioned. So I doubt that it is
>>> electrical. Also, I have trouble thinking of any way that all those
>>> angular adjustments and scales could be related to frequency. It
>>> looks like the straight scale is in the range aroud 60, which does
>>> support your suggestion.
>> You're correct in that it's not electrical, there is no contact on the
>> bottom, nor are there any coils inside. I've shown it to a couple of
>> electrical engineers and we all agreed that it's some type of vibration
>> indicator, as was mentioned by Andrew, but we could only guess at it's
>> exact use.
>> There is no company name or patent date on it, just some numbers on the
>> back that yielded nothing in a search. It does fit into a light socket,
>> and note that the back plate is shaped like a light bulb, a couple
>> possible answers that I've heard:
>> -Used by a bulb manufacturer to test the strength of filaments
>> -Used to test the amount of vibration that a bulb would have to endure
>> in a particular machine, such as a large projector
>> These are just guesses but I think they're on the right track.
>> Rob
> Frank C Perkins
> US Pat 1,687,507
> granted Oct 16, 1928
> Back about 1904 there was a Frank C Perkins who was a free-lance
> magazine author writing articles about the advantages of electricity for
> mine vehicles, cranes, boat propulsion, lighthouses, factory machinery,
> and wireless telegraphy.
> He intended it as a general-purpose vibration meter. He says he chose a
> light-bulb base because checking light sockets was one purpose that came
> to mind.
> If you tuned in a vibration, you had to use a chart to find the
> frequency. It was designed with two weights. With no weight it could
> be adjusted up to 65 Hz (about 4,000 rpm). With the heavier weight it
> could be adjusted down to 8 Hz (about 500 rpm).
> That sounds like good coverage of vehicle engines in 1928, among other
> uses. You'd just have to secure a light socket to your engine.
> This page shows a vibrometer designed for large machinery such as a
> steam engine:
> http://www.prestonservices.co.uk/instruments.htm



"Jeremy Pleedle"

in reply to "R.H." on 09/08/2007 4:20 AM

15/08/2007 6:56 PM

DerbyDad03 wrote:
> On 15 Aug, 04:30, "Jeremy Pleedle" <[email protected]> wrote:
>> E Z Peaces wrote:
>>> R.H. wrote:
>>>> "Leo Lichtman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>>>> news:[email protected]...
>>>>> "John Martin" (clip) I'd suggest that it might be for measuring the
>>>>> frequency of AC current. Adjust the length of the arm until the
>>>>> amplitude of vibration is the greatest (that's what the semi-circular
>>>>> scale is there to measure), and read the frequency off the linear
>>>>> scale. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>>>>> "The black part at the bottom appears to be made of bakelite." From
>>>>> the OP. There does not appear to be any electrical contact at the tip
>>>>> of the black part, nor is any mentioned. So I doubt that it is
>>>>> electrical. Also, I have trouble thinking of any way that all those
>>>>> angular adjustments and scales could be related to frequency. It
>>>>> looks like the straight scale is in the range aroud 60, which does
>>>>> support your suggestion.
>>>> You're correct in that it's not electrical, there is no contact on the
>>>> bottom, nor are there any coils inside. I've shown it to a couple of
>>>> electrical engineers and we all agreed that it's some type of vibration
>>>> indicator, as was mentioned by Andrew, but we could only guess at it's
>>>> exact use.
>>>> There is no company name or patent date on it, just some numbers on the
>>>> back that yielded nothing in a search. It does fit into a light
>>>> socket, and note that the back plate is shaped like a light bulb, a
>>>> couple possible answers that I've heard:
>>>> -Used by a bulb manufacturer to test the strength of filaments
>>>> -Used to test the amount of vibration that a bulb would have to endure
>>>> in a particular machine, such as a large projector
>>>> These are just guesses but I think they're on the right track.
>>>> Rob
>>> Frank C Perkins
>>> US Pat 1,687,507
>>> granted Oct 16, 1928
>>> Back about 1904 there was a Frank C Perkins who was a free-lance
>>> magazine author writing articles about the advantages of electricity for
>>> mine vehicles, cranes, boat propulsion, lighthouses, factory machinery,
>>> and wireless telegraphy.
>>> He intended it as a general-purpose vibration meter. He says he chose a
>>> light-bulb base because checking light sockets was one purpose that came
>>> to mind.
>>> If you tuned in a vibration, you had to use a chart to find the
>>> frequency. It was designed with two weights. With no weight it could
>>> be adjusted up to 65 Hz (about 4,000 rpm). With the heavier weight it
>>> could be adjusted down to 8 Hz (about 500 rpm).
>>> That sounds like good coverage of vehicle engines in 1928, among other
>>> uses. You'd just have to secure a light socket to your engine.
>>> This page shows a vibrometer designed for large machinery such as a
>>> steam engine:
>>> http://www.prestonservices.co.uk/instruments.htm
> - spammer
> I agree...have you seen the Billy Mays infomercials on the steam
> engine test equipment? So annoying!

Spammer -B-Gone!


E Z Peaces

in reply to "R.H." on 09/08/2007 4:20 AM

15/08/2007 7:21 PM

Jeremy Pleedle wrote:
> E Z Peaces wrote:

>> Frank C Perkins
>> US Pat 1,687,507
>> granted Oct 16, 1928
>> Back about 1904 there was a Frank C Perkins who was a free-lance
>> magazine author writing articles about the advantages of electricity for
>> mine vehicles, cranes, boat propulsion, lighthouses, factory machinery,
>> and wireless telegraphy.
>> He intended it as a general-purpose vibration meter. He says he chose a
>> light-bulb base because checking light sockets was one purpose that came
>> to mind.
>> If you tuned in a vibration, you had to use a chart to find the
>> frequency. It was designed with two weights. With no weight it could
>> be adjusted up to 65 Hz (about 4,000 rpm). With the heavier weight it
>> could be adjusted down to 8 Hz (about 500 rpm).
>> That sounds like good coverage of vehicle engines in 1928, among other
>> uses. You'd just have to secure a light socket to your engine.
>> This page shows a vibrometer designed for large machinery such as a
>> steam engine:
>> http://www.prestonservices.co.uk/instruments.htm
> spammer

For any who may be confused, "Jeremy" claims to represent the Society
for the Preservation of Ancient Machinery, Motors, Engines, and
Railstock. Nice to meet you, Jeremy!



in reply to "R.H." on 09/08/2007 4:20 AM

16/08/2007 5:19 PM

Mrs Bonk wrote:
> Jeremy Pleedle wrote:
>> DerbyDad03 wrote:
>>> On 15 Aug, 04:30, "Jeremy Pleedle" <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>> E Z Peaces wrote: some spam
>>> I agree...have you seen the Billy Mays infomercials on the steam
>>> engine test equipment? So annoying!
>> Spammer -B-Gone!
> I removed a curry stain from my tablecloth with oxyclean. I was most
> impressed.

You wouldn't get curry stains on your tablecloth if you'd stop combing
horses in your kitchen.

> Please see my other post for my opinion on steam cleaners. Not at all like
> the adverts, they don't tell us the tiles will fall off!
Have you thought of washing your hands before you play scrabble? Then
you wouldn't have to steam clean the board during games.


Andrew Erickson

in reply to "R.H." on 09/08/2007 4:20 AM

09/08/2007 10:44 PM

(Posting from rec.woodworking)

A pretty baffling set this time...

1055 - This appears to be designed to detect and measure the strength of
vibrations; the excursion of the pointer at the top would indicate their
magnitude, and different frequencies (within some range) can be selected
by varying the tension screw. The angle and elevation could serve to
detect the orientation of the vibrations.

The mounting screw end looks suspiciously similar to a light bulb
mounting. It's not clear if there's an electrical contact at the
bottom, but if there is, it's pretty well hidden and not mentioned, so
I'm assuming not. I'd guess it may be some tester for evaluating light
bulb sockets for vibration, perhaps for developing vibration-resistant
light bulbs.

If there is a contact on the base, it may be some sort of an AC
frequency meter, with an electromagnet somewhere inside to excite the
pointer. The scale for the tension would be reasonable for modern 50/60
Hz AC circuits. The pointer doesn't look to me like it would have that
high of a resonant frequency, however.

1056 - A number 3 webbing holder/weight; maybe (wild guess) for
adjusting the center of buoyancy of divers?

1057 - Obviously a clock of some sort, made in the USA by a Chicago
company. I assume a correct answer is a bit more involved!

1058 - Some fetter or other restraint for livestock?

1059 - Simple planetarium machine, with only a few key stars. I'd guess
for illustrating the seasonal and hourly variations in where
constellations are in an educational setting (marine navigation?)

1060 - Looks to be a punch or former of some sort. I'm clueless as to
the specific application.

Andrew Erickson

"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot
lose." -- Jim Elliot


"Leo Lichtman"

in reply to "R.H." on 09/08/2007 4:20 AM

09/08/2007 7:57 PM

1055--Totally baffling. Clearly, the base is made to screw into a light
socket, but not for the purpose of making electrical contact. I suspect
that it simply uses the mogol base as a convenient way to hold it. It
measures a number of angles fairly accurately, and yet, there is no obvious
way to input anything. Also puzzling is the brass "weight" near the tip of
the pointer. It looks like you could adjust that up or down like the weight
on a metronome, but WHY?


"Andrew Mawson"

in reply to "R.H." on 09/08/2007 4:20 AM

09/08/2007 10:43 PM

"John Martin" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Aug 9, 3:57 pm, "Leo Lichtman" <[email protected]>
> > 1055--Totally baffling. Clearly, the base is made to screw into a
> > socket, but not for the purpose of making electrical contact. I
> > that it simply uses the mogol base as a convenient way to hold it.
> > measures a number of angles fairly accurately, and yet, there is
no obvious
> > way to input anything. Also puzzling is the brass "weight" near
the tip of
> > the pointer. It looks like you could adjust that up or down like
the weight
> > on a metronome, but WHY?
> Andrew Mawson thought that it might be a vibration frequency
> indicator, and I think you are both on the right track. I'd suggest
> that it might be for measuring the frequency of AC current. Adjust
> the length of the arm until the amplitude of vibration is the
> (that's what the semi-circular scale is there to measure), and read
> the frequency off the linear scale.
> John Martin

Initially I wondered if there was a coil internally which was
electrically connnected to the Edisison Screw base and set the
variable reed into vibration at mains frequency - but I discounted
that as if there is the entire device would seem to be live to one
side of the mains and thus lethal! Though I suppose it might be a 12
or 24 volt device. The calibration seems to be centred on 60, so that
would point to American volts not good old standard English ones at 50
cps <G> .




in reply to "R.H." on 09/08/2007 4:20 AM

09/08/2007 8:24 AM

On Thu, 9 Aug 2007 04:20:15 -0400, "R.H." <[email protected]> wrote:

>Just posted the latest set:

1055: Magical device that screws into light bulb socket and summons
demonic gennies via electro-gravimetric powers?
1056: 3 pound scuba diver's weight for weight belt
1057: I am gonna say a train conductor's watch.
1058: Log hauling chains. Hammer in the spiked part, hook up to horse
team, pull to collection point.
1059: Planetarium star projector?
1060: Knuckle breaking torture device from Chenney's CIA guys?
What do I win?

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