Hi! It's been a while since I've posted to rec.ww. Shout out to Paddy
O, if he's still here!
The last thing I ever should've done was show a potential client my 4/4
curly cherry stock. Now, he's totally entranced with it and won't come
off the idea. I'll need 8/4 stock for cabinet legs, and I don't want
to face join 4/4s for this highly visible project.
In eastern NC, I'm far away from any mill that has CC, to my knowledge.
Can anyone recommend a reputable online source? CurlyMaple.com,
Rob wrote:
> Toller - Yes, I'd much rather buy in person, and would be willing to
> drive a good number of hours to do so. But circumstances will probably
> dictate that I shop in the blind. That's why I was looking for a
> reputable dealer.
> Thanks,
> Rob
Try Frank Miller in Union City IN-Ohio. I recently purchased some
beautiful curly cherry for a blanket chest.
> In eastern NC, I'm far away from any mill that has CC, to my knowledge.
> Can anyone recommend a reputable online source? CurlyMaple.com,
> perhaps?
I have bought curly cherry from
But I bought it in person. I don't know if I would buy wood like that
online; I mean the boards are really individuals rather than a commodity.
Rob wrote:
> Hi! It's been a while since I've posted to rec.ww. Shout out to Paddy
> O, if he's still here!
> The last thing I ever should've done was show a potential client my 4/4
> curly cherry stock. Now, he's totally entranced with it and won't come
> off the idea. I'll need 8/4 stock for cabinet legs, and I don't want
> to face join 4/4s for this highly visible project.
> In eastern NC, I'm far away from any mill that has CC, to my knowledge.
> Can anyone recommend a reputable online source? CurlyMaple.com,
> perhaps?
> Thanks
> Rob
Curly Woods comes to mind:
Jack Novak
Buffalo, NY - USA
[email protected]
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