17/09/2005 11:26 PM



I would never make something like this for a dog, let alone buy
one. But, I think it would make a pretty neat seat, foot stool, or, if
you scaled it up, good for people to nap on.

Reminds me, visited my son today, and he had his dog running free.
An American Bulldog, ugly as Hell, solid as a rock, and sounds about
like it's ran 20 miles full speed. And, it slobbers. And, if it shakes
it's head, it will definitely spray slobber all over. I had a bottle of
water, and took a drink, and he was there like a shot. So I poured him
about half the bottle. Then he proceeded to barf up the water, and a
load of slobber. He's friendly as can be, and if he even think's you'll
scratch him behind the ears, he's there like a shot. The grand-dau
named him - Goober.

If it ain't broke - fix it 'til it is.
- Unknown