Based partly on reviews from this group, I'd been planning to purchase
the Grizzly G0555 14" band saw ($485 shipped). I mentioned this to a
woodworker friend, who offered to sell his well maintained 1975 Delta
14" band saw (Iturra tension spring, knob, guide wheels, riser, 1-1/2 HP
motor and 4 or 5 Lenox blades) for $700.
The Delta is $250 more. It does seem to make a mild metal-on-metal
rubbing noise as it runs (not heard on my 12" Sears, but may only be a
minor adjustment), but the older machines have a good reputation.
Grizzly is new, Taiwanese, well regarded by this group, and has a quick
release blade tensioner (I hate turning that knob!)
Now I'm confused again. Any advice?
Thanks in advance
David wrote:>Based partly on reviews from this group, I'd been planning to
>the Grizzly G0555 14" band saw ($485 shipped). I mentioned this to a
>woodworker friend, who offered to sell his well maintained 1975 Delta
>14" band saw (Iturra tension spring, knob, guide wheels, riser, 1-1/2 HP
>motor and 4 or 5 Lenox blades) for $700.
>The Delta is $250 more. It does seem to make a mild metal-on-metal
>rubbing noise as it runs (not heard on my 12" Sears, but may only be a
>minor adjustment), but the older machines have a good reputation.
>Grizzly is new, Taiwanese, well regarded by this group, and has a quick
>release blade tensioner (I hate turning that knob!)
>Now I'm confused again. Any advice?
>Thanks in advance
For only $215 more,
I'd go for the Delta. Tom
Work at your leisure!
Metal-on-metal might just be the blade guard touching the upper wheel.
As I have often posted here, at our local school the Grizzly sits virtually
unused, incapable of repeatable, reliable results, while the kids use the
40+ year old Delta - and now the new one. Two of the other four Grizzly
tools purchased under the grant are idle as well.
Like the Grizzly planer, but the Delta is the bandsaw to buy.
"David Shapiro" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> Based partly on reviews from this group, I'd been planning to purchase
> the Grizzly G0555 14" band saw ($485 shipped). I mentioned this to a
> woodworker friend, who offered to sell his well maintained 1975 Delta
> 14" band saw (Iturra tension spring, knob, guide wheels, riser, 1-1/2 HP
> motor and 4 or 5 Lenox blades) for $700.
> The Delta is $250 more. It does seem to make a mild metal-on-metal
> rubbing noise as it runs (not heard on my 12" Sears, but may only be a
> minor adjustment), but the older machines have a good reputation.
> Grizzly is new, Taiwanese, well regarded by this group, and has a quick
> release blade tensioner (I hate turning that knob!)
> Based partly on reviews from this group, I'd been planning to purchase
> the Grizzly G0555 14" band saw ($485 shipped). I mentioned this to a
> woodworker friend, who offered to sell his well maintained 1975 Delta
> 14" band saw (Iturra tension spring, knob, guide wheels, riser, 1-1/2 HP
> motor and 4 or 5 Lenox blades) for $700.
I've been looking at the G1148 myself. It is a 15" steel framed machine for
$500 shipped. I've never tried one out, but the specs look to be slightly
better than the G0555 for not much more money. My other option is to buy a
used G1019 for $200, or wait a while and get the G0513 17". Oddly, their
16" model seems to go back to a cast iron body... Anybody have a Grizzly
steel frame saw?
Since the Delta is what Grizzly and all the others
use as "the pattern" for their saw, don't you think
the Delta will be the better choice ???
David Shapiro wrote:
> Based partly on reviews from this group, I'd been planning to purchase
> the Grizzly G0555 14" band saw ($485 shipped). I mentioned this to a
> woodworker friend, who offered to sell his well maintained 1975 Delta
> 14" band saw (Iturra tension spring, knob, guide wheels, riser, 1-1/2 HP
> motor and 4 or 5 Lenox blades) for $700.