The above (non-commercial) site has just been updated for turners whose
work we have purchased during 2004 and where we did not update the site
during the year.
If you are interested in examples of contemporary turning from largely
UK based turners - please feel free to visit.
There is a thread currently running in rec.crafts.woodturning ng
following post request for "constructive criticism". In the light of
the reaction and abundance of "non-constructive" comments - this is not
solicited here.
I hope that those of you who feel able to wade through the site
inadequacies which seem to bother some, will enjoy what you find and
derive some inspiration.
I would particularly commend the work of Stuart Mortimer and Luc De Roo
to you all.
Please feel free to contact off or on list.
Kind regards and seasonal greetings
In article <[email protected]>, "Jonathon" <[email protected]> wrote:
>Why bring it up? Now that IS a tricky one.
>Let me think.
>No - don't rush me.
>Umm ooh I know. Could it be that I was specifically hoping to avoid
>the degeneration that has characterised the other post.
>But that would be too obvious surely!
Do you walk around with a "Kick Me" sign taped to your arse in real life, too,
or just on Usenet?
Doug Miller (alphageek-at-milmac-dot-com)
Get a copy of my NEW AND IMPROVED TrollFilter for NewsProxy/Nfilter
by sending email to autoresponder at filterinfo-at-milmac-dot-com
You must use your REAL email address to get a response.
Oh dear Doug - it would appear you did not extend the professional
courtesy of reading the full post - particularly the bit where I
specifically did not solicit feedback. And you also chose to make
deliberate mention of the ongoing debate - why, or perhaps in itself
that gives me the answer.
This site is put up as a courtesy to those who want to see what turners
outside of the US are producing. It involves me in cost, I gain no
revenue - advertising, click through or otherwise and I was not seeking
site feedback through what was, at the time, a polite post.
Disappointing but I guess to be expected.
And now I better understand why some of the UK names no longer
participate in these forums.
Thanks for your suggestions - truthfully the first I have received
since either posting.
Your ideas are certainly interesting however in the light of a comment
made in the other ng, and defusing some of the bile, there would appear
to be a problem with bandwidth.
However in the light of comments made by others, including this groups
Mr Fatheree (check the posting for yourself) - and admittedly in the
heat of the pettiness, I wonder why in fact I bother with US visitors
at all. On the face of it - and this is a large brush - more whiners
than those with a genuine interest to see an albeit small private
collection. Or perhaps we are talking about a vocal minority??
If anyone can suggest how I can effectively filter traffic please let
me know.
Morris - thanks for your comments which I will certainly reflect upon.
On 4 Jan 2005 15:21:55 -0800, "Jonathon"
<[email protected]> wrote:
>To you DH - in response to your killfile / adaptive server teaser.
>If you can enlighten me - on or off list - as to how this could be used
>in the circumstances I have desribed then I would be grateful
the use of killfiles and the operation of servers is off topic for
this group. please take it elsewhere.
Thanks for you thoughts.
I can see the thread now as I force the neanderthals out of the
woodwork with the promise of access to art at the cost of dragging
themselves into the transistor age! Throw off your shackles - you have
nothing but your chalk boards to lose. Hmm will save that one until
Yes people come in all shapes, sizes, levels of intelligence etc etc.
Why are so many ******** on here then?
Filters - your words are indeed eloquent but at a more basic level I
was seeking to find a way to exclude either individuals or countries.
My school of thought is that it is either that or move to a password
access system. Like I said elsewhere - I dont see why I should make
the collection freely available if all I get back is grief. Not an
equitable arrangement in my book - certainly not one that is attractive
to me currently.
Oh dear Doug - how can I possibly thank you for giving me so much proof
> I think it's very clear that I *did* read the part where you
specifically did
> not solicit feedback, since I speculated on reasons *why* you didn't
want any.
So why bring it up - unless of course you sought to resurrect what I
was trying to avoid. You're a bit like a running sore you just cant
resist picking at really aren't you.
> >This site is put up as a courtesy to those who want to see what
> >outside of the US are producing.
> Codswallop. The primary purpose of the site is obviously to inflate
your ego.
> This of course means that the site is superfluous.
Ego - with the tripe you put out? Well as the site is, to you,
superfluous - dont't visit. I'm sure my ego can withstand the
embarassment and knock back.
> Perhaps your sort of stuffy pretension is looked on with favor on
your side of
> the pond, but it doesn't play quite so well over here. There's a
> egalitarian tradition in the United States, and many Americans
delight in
> sticking pins into pompous, overinflated gasbags just for the
enjoyment of
> watching them sputter around the room.
Do you find you hurt yourself a lot then. We have a far more tolerant
attitude over here, something you would do well to learn from both
personally and, on a much larger scale.
You're providing far more entertainment
> than you can imagine.
Stuffy pretension - 10/10 for spelling - but do you actually know what
you are talking about? Nothing I have read thus far leads be to
believe so.
Why is a site that is something other than basic labelled thus? Then
again dont bother - I am really not interested in your own, personal,
bigoted views. You're a vocal minority of 1 - and its about time you
received attention in this proportion.
Oh and dont think you can speak for the other 300 million - you're not
big enough. Egalitarian - you might like to think so - but really.
What ever sport you think that you, nationally (your call this not
mine), like to indulge in to cover up your own personal inadequacies I
am more than happy to enjoy.
> I've never been accused of eloquence before. Wow.
lol ok - how about "you rite nice stuff - thanks"
> Well, you do have some choices to make. You've invested in a
> small museum's worth of interesting turnings (Is that the right
> term to use?) - you can either quietly enjoy a private collection
> or garner a certain satisfaction is making them available so that
> a wider audience can appreciate (or not) some of what you find
> beautiful. To share or not to share, that is the question...
The quality is subjective - and I have seen work in the US that the
owner described as museum quality and which i would not throw my lose
change into. Speaking to people back in the UK, they knew the turner
and the work - and didnt think it was encumbent on the maker to tell a
prospective purchaser what was and was not "collectible" that is for
him/her/them to determine for themselves. However several of the
pieces we did manage to purchase from under the nose of one of your
largest and most prominent collectors - so I would class them as being
of museum quality.
As to the wider audience comment - you're considered opinion based on
some of the excrement that is being written currently (and its'
owners?) would be?
> I'm not a woodturner and so I'm sure my appreciation is
> incomplete. Some of the items in your collection were beautiful
> to me - and others weren't. I hope (since you invested your
> resources) they're /all/ beautiful to you. When I said "Thanks
> for sharing", I meant "Thanks for sharing your entire collection
> - for giving me an opportunity to find the beauty that resonated
> with something inside me - and for giving me an opportunity to
> notice those which, while perhaps technically well-executed, did
> not produce the same resonance - AND for giving me an opportunity
> to consider these things side by side so that I might have a
> chance to create works of my own that may produce similar
> resonances in other people. I've had too few such opportunities
> in my life.
You mean to say you actually forced yourself to wade through the whole
badly written site? Wow - someone with perseverance. On a less
frivolous note - my pleasure - our pleasure.
No woodturner here either - we just buy pieces that hit us between the
eyes and that is a personal call. Would be interesting to know, off
list, which pieces you particularly like / disliked and why if you are
up for a dialogue. See no reason in providing any further ammunition
for some on here - they do that quite well for themselves and I'm not
sure that I would want opinions on individual pieces based on the
posting quality thus far.
> If I succeed, then you will have played a part in helping me to
> create those works. Perhaps you will note the signature and have
> the satisfaction of knowing you helped that happen. Perhaps I
> will create something that produces a joyous resonance within
> you; or perhaps I will pass some resultant insight on to another
> woodworker who accomplishes that same end. Perhaps none of these,
> but who's to say?
What can I say - when you turn something you really really like and
dont want to let go - send me a picture. Those are the pieces we seek
out - this make sense to you?
> Anything you say or do in public/usenet is likely to produce a
> mixed reaction. If you're hoping that everyone will respond in a
> single particular way, then a public presentation probably isn't
> the right answer for you. The problem with selecting an audience
> that you know will provide a single, particular response is that
> it's a lot like patting yourself on the back, i.e. minimally
> satisfying.
Yes I'd forgotten the calibre of some of the postings from my previous
time on here some 2-3 (may even be 4-5) years ago. Shouldn't some of
these people be in bed by 7pm?
> Already you've received this person's thanks, so you've lost the
> ability to say that all you've gotten back has been grief.
> than thanks you've received two carefully thought out suggestions
> for possible improvement of your collection's presentation.
Noted - but I'm still after an a*****e filter!
Thanks for the time and consideration that went into your post - happy
to continue offline.
> --
> Morris Dovey
> DeSoto Solar
> DeSoto, Iowa USA
My mistake.
Perhaps what I should have said is that I would welcome feedback on the
pieces contained within the collection and not what individuals may or
may not like about the site.
To put in perspective, 5,000 visitors in the last two days - am I
really that worried with some of the rabid comments made here, um no.
Clearly the larger and silent majority have a little more perseverance
/ application than has been [largely] evident here - or pehaps are even
turners genuinely interested in lifting their game rather than playing
silly word games online.
No - I dont need to make you out to be the bad guy, people can make
that determination for themselves - or not.
Makes no odds to me either way.
Thanks for the kind words - yes we like all of them immensely and as
they are displayed on pretty much every flat surface in our home, that
is pretty much vital!
If you ever find yourself this way - pleae let me know. Visitors
[usually] welcome by prior arrangement - we also can accommodate and
will be delighted to share the pieces with you first hand. Not an
empty offer as others will attest.
If there are any particular pieces that you would like a larger image
file of - please contact me off list and I will be pleased to help
wherever possible.
Kind regards
PS You might want to continue this off-list as it would horrify me to
lose my pompous ass tag or otherwise correct the "inflated ego" status
I am so carefully cultivating.
Am saving up the politics, "this great nation", "god and guns" subjects
for when I want some really interesting debate - not just the
lightweight piffle enjoyed hitherto.
Glad you liked the site - most here will not appreciate or be
interested what sits underneath, but then again why should they to be
fair and equitable.
Thinking of starting a list of people who are interested in knowing
when it is updated - rather than opening the floodgates to all the
negative nellies that lurk in the lower depths online.
Your thoughts? Any other thoughts - from any of the more coherent
posters only please!
Ah the patter of the broad brush.
Larry - read what you like. You have a problem with active involvement
- or just a long thread?
The reason many UK names stopped coming in here is on account of some
of the asinine commentary (read the threads) in what was originally
intended as a help forum.
Warts - clealy as I am writing to one, I can but defer.
Thanks for the considered response.
Not sure that I actually want to waste my bandwidth on many here -
which is why I now seek some form of filter solution.
Your even handed approach is commendable - now I have to go and reply
to someone who has challenged me to produce some of my turnings - and
how do you politely explain what a COLLECTOR does and what a turner
does - and that if he/she had bothered to visit the FAQs on the site,
they wouldn't be asking the question in the first place.
Give me high finance anyday - at least people speak a common language.
Thanks for the help - will check that out.
If I can only find a solution to the problem where the scrolling layer
returns to the top - then I can post here again, and start another
But will I have to use a different posting name due to the efficacy of
the proposed filters - so many decisions to make!
You might want to carry this on off-llist!
Or just tell them to "FAQ OFF"
Tillman Stevens
[email protected]
free links to thousands of woodworking plans and resources:
Don't waste your money on the rip-off 150,000+ Woodworking Plans cd on
eBay, it's just links, fewer than you'll find on my page for free.
On 2 Jan 2005 09:46:15 -0800, "Jonathon" <[email protected]>
calmly ranted:
>And now I better understand why some of the UK names no longer
>participate in these forums.
If your many posts today are any indication of your UK bretheren's
attitudes, I think the newsgroup is better off without them. We have
enough warts here to go around.
When I die, I'm leaving my body to science fiction. --Steven Wright
---------------------------- Comprehensive Website Development
On 2 Jan 2005 11:48:45 -0800, Jonathon <[email protected]> wrote:
> Why bring it up? Now that IS a tricky one.
> Let me think.
> No - don't rush me.
> Umm ooh I know. Could it be that I was specifically hoping to avoid
> the degeneration that has characterised the other post.
> But that would be too obvious surely!
I somehow don't think the problem is the thread, maybe both threads
have something in common. Any ideas?
On 3 Jan 2005 10:27:24 -0800, Jonathon <[email protected]> wrote:
> Thanks for the considered response.
> Not sure that I actually want to waste my bandwidth on many here -
> which is why I now seek some form of filter solution.
You mean killfiles, or adaptive webserving? Either is trivial.
Not that, er, you'd be interested in what's behind that.
On 3 Jan 2005 03:22:43 -0800, Jonathon <[email protected]> wrote:
Yes, I'm pretty sure you are.
On 4 Jan 2005 12:09:04 -0800, Jonathon <[email protected]> wrote:
> Please explain more - if this would present a potential solution to my
> "problem". Why would I not be interested? Pleased to continue (in a
> polite, agreeable and almost pleasant fashion some might say - surely
> not!) off-list.
Who are you talking to? You gave no context.
On 4 Jan 2005 15:21:55 -0800, Jonathon <[email protected]> wrote:
> To you DH - in response to your killfile / adaptive server teaser.
> If you can enlighten me - on or off list - as to how this could be used
> in the circumstances I have desribed then I would be grateful
It's two different things. Killfile involves your newsreading, you
ignore people who aren't worth your time. Webservers can also be
tweaked to give no content (or, heh...different content...) to
people depending on where they connect to you from.
"Jonathon" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Oh dear Doug - it would appear you did not extend the professional
> courtesy of reading the full post - particularly the bit where I
> specifically did not solicit feedback. And you also chose to make
> deliberate mention of the ongoing debate - why, or perhaps in itself
> that gives me the answer.
Funny. You mention yourself in the first post that there is already a
thread on this topic in the woodturning ng with "non-constructive" comments.
If you didn't want any mention of that thread, why bring it up?
Jonathon wrote:
> Filters - your words are indeed eloquent but at a more basic
> level I was seeking to find a way to exclude either
> individuals or countries. My school of thought is that it is
> either that or move to a password access system. Like I said
> elsewhere - I dont see why I should make the collection
> freely available if all I get back is grief. Not an equitable
> arrangement in my book - certainly not one that is attractive
> to me currently.
I've never been accused of eloquence before. Wow.
Well, you do have some choices to make. You've invested in a
small museum's worth of interesting turnings (Is that the right
term to use?) - you can either quietly enjoy a private collection
or garner a certain satisfaction is making them available so that
a wider audience can appreciate (or not) some of what you find
beautiful. To share or not to share, that is the question...
I'm not a woodturner and so I'm sure my appreciation is
incomplete. Some of the items in your collection were beautiful
to me - and others weren't. I hope (since you invested your
resources) they're /all/ beautiful to you. When I said "Thanks
for sharing", I meant "Thanks for sharing your entire collection
- for giving me an opportunity to find the beauty that resonated
with something inside me - and for giving me an opportunity to
notice those which, while perhaps technically well-executed, did
not produce the same resonance - AND for giving me an opportunity
to consider these things side by side so that I might have a
chance to create works of my own that may produce similar
resonances in other people. I've had too few such opportunities
in my life.
If I succeed, then you will have played a part in helping me to
create those works. Perhaps you will note the signature and have
the satisfaction of knowing you helped that happen. Perhaps I
will create something that produces a joyous resonance within
you; or perhaps I will pass some resultant insight on to another
woodworker who accomplishes that same end. Perhaps none of these,
but who's to say?
Anything you say or do in public/usenet is likely to produce a
mixed reaction. If you're hoping that everyone will respond in a
single particular way, then a public presentation probably isn't
the right answer for you. The problem with selecting an audience
that you know will provide a single, particular response is that
it's a lot like patting yourself on the back, i.e. minimally
Already you've received this person's thanks, so you've lost the
ability to say that all you've gotten back has been grief. More
than thanks you've received two carefully thought out suggestions
for possible improvement of your collection's presentation.
Morris Dovey
DeSoto Solar
DeSoto, Iowa USA
In article <[email protected]>, "Jonathon" <[email protected]> wrote:
>The above (non-commercial) site has just been updated for turners whose
>work we have purchased during 2004 and where we did not update the site
>during the year.
>If you are interested in examples of contemporary turning from largely
>UK based turners - please feel free to visit.
>There is a thread currently running in rec.crafts.woodturning ng
>following post request for "constructive criticism". In the light of
>the reaction and abundance of "non-constructive" comments - this is not
>solicited here.
Translation: He can't handle criticism. Take a look at that thread, and you'll
see what I mean.
Doug Miller (alphageek-at-milmac-dot-com)
Get a copy of my NEW AND IMPROVED TrollFilter for NewsProxy/Nfilter
by sending email to autoresponder at filterinfo-at-milmac-dot-com
You must use your REAL email address to get a response.
On 2 Jan 2005 03:46:42 -0800, "Jonathon" <[email protected]>
>The above (non-commercial) site has just been updated for turners whose
>work we have purchased during 2004 and where we did not update the site
>during the year.
>If you are interested in examples of contemporary turning from largely
>UK based turners - please feel free to visit.
>There is a thread currently running in rec.crafts.woodturning ng
>following post request for "constructive criticism". In the light of
>the reaction and abundance of "non-constructive" comments - this is not
>solicited here.
>I hope that those of you who feel able to wade through the site
>inadequacies which seem to bother some, will enjoy what you find and
>derive some inspiration.
>I would particularly commend the work of Stuart Mortimer and Luc De Roo
>to you all.
>Please feel free to contact off or on list.
>Kind regards and seasonal greetings
Despite our initial miscommunication, I have to say that some of the
work presented on your site is spectacular.
Well done.
Mike Patterson
Please remove the spamtrap to email me.
"I always wanted to be somebody...I should have been more specific..." - Lily Tomlin
Doug Miller wrote:
Do we have this added to the nfilter dat file yet? I was
intersted when I read the write up in the AAW mag, but after the
attitude and trash talk, I'm getting tired of hitting the (I)gnore
Dave in Fairfax
Dave Leader
reply-to doesn't work
daveldr at att dot net
American Association of Woodturners
Capital Area Woodturners
In article <[email protected]>, "Jonathon" <[email protected]> wrote:
>My mistake.
>Perhaps what I should have said is that I would welcome feedback on the
>pieces contained within the collection and not what individuals may or
>may not like about the site.
A charmingly naive hope, but utterly unrealistic. When awkward navigational
controls make it difficult for visitors to view the pieces on display, you can
hardly expect to receive only compliments on the artistry, and no brickbats on
the site design.
>To put in perspective, 5,000 visitors in the last two days - am I
>really that worried with some of the rabid comments made here, um no.
>Clearly the larger and silent majority have a little more perseverance
>/ application than has been [largely] evident here - or pehaps are even
>turners genuinely interested in lifting their game rather than playing
>silly word games online.
Or, perhaps, they just get tired of futzing around with non-intuitive
controls, and leave without saying anything.
>No - I dont need to make you out to be the bad guy, people can make
>that determination for themselves - or not.
>Makes no odds to me either way.
If it really makes no difference to you, why are you going to such great
lengths to tell us that?
Doug Miller (alphageek-at-milmac-dot-com)
Get a copy of my NEW AND IMPROVED TrollFilter for NewsProxy/Nfilter
by sending email to autoresponder at filterinfo-at-milmac-dot-com
You must use your REAL email address to get a response.
Jonathon wrote:
> Oh dear Doug - how can I possibly thank you for giving me so much proof
> positive
>>I think it's very clear that I *did* read the part where you
> specifically did
>>not solicit feedback, since I speculated on reasons *why* you didn't
> want any.
> So why bring it up - unless of course you sought to resurrect what I
> was trying to avoid. You're a bit like a running sore you just cant
> resist picking at really aren't you.
>>>This site is put up as a courtesy to those who want to see what
> turners
>>>outside of the US are producing.
>>Codswallop. The primary purpose of the site is obviously to inflate
> your ego.
>>This of course means that the site is superfluous.
> Ego - with the tripe you put out? Well as the site is, to you,
> superfluous - dont't visit. I'm sure my ego can withstand the
> embarassment and knock back.
>>Perhaps your sort of stuffy pretension is looked on with favor on
> your side of
>>the pond, but it doesn't play quite so well over here. There's a
> strong
>>egalitarian tradition in the United States, and many Americans
> delight in
>>sticking pins into pompous, overinflated gasbags just for the
> enjoyment of
>>watching them sputter around the room.
> Do you find you hurt yourself a lot then. We have a far more tolerant
> attitude over here, something you would do well to learn from both
> personally and, on a much larger scale.
> You're providing far more entertainment
>>than you can imagine.
> Stuffy pretension - 10/10 for spelling - but do you actually know what
> you are talking about? Nothing I have read thus far leads be to
> believe so.
> Why is a site that is something other than basic labelled thus? Then
> again dont bother - I am really not interested in your own, personal,
> bigoted views. You're a vocal minority of 1 - and its about time you
> received attention in this proportion.
> Oh and dont think you can speak for the other 300 million - you're not
> big enough. Egalitarian - you might like to think so - but really.
> What ever sport you think that you, nationally (your call this not
> mine), like to indulge in to cover up your own personal inadequacies I
> am more than happy to enjoy.
*Jesus Christ Almighty*, Some people just don't know when to quit.
Give it a miss Jono, and take the good with the bad in good humoured
I guess the sound of a keyboard is rather silent :)
"Jonathon" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> However in the light of comments made by others, including this groups
> Mr Fatheree (check the posting for yourself) - and admittedly in the
> heat of the pettiness, I wonder why in fact I bother with US visitors
> at all.
Here was my argument with you. You posted a link to a web page, asked for
criticism, then told the first two people with constructive comments to just
not come back. I didn't think that was appropriate. If you want to try to
make me the bad guy to make yourself feel better, go right ahead.
In article <[email protected]>, "Jonathon" <[email protected]> wrote:
>Oh dear Doug - it would appear you did not extend the professional
>courtesy of reading the full post - particularly the bit where I
>specifically did not solicit feedback.
I think it's very clear that I *did* read the part where you specifically did
not solicit feedback, since I speculated on reasons *why* you didn't want any.
> And you also chose to make
>deliberate mention of the ongoing debate - why, or perhaps in itself
>that gives me the answer.
Your reality check just bounced, chump. *You* "chose to make deliberate
mention" of that ongoing thread in your original post here. Not me. I added my
comments to your mention of it, but it was *you* that brought it up.
>This site is put up as a courtesy to those who want to see what turners
>outside of the US are producing.
Codswallop. The primary purpose of the site is obviously to inflate your ego.
This of course means that the site is superfluous.
>It involves me in cost, I gain no
>revenue - advertising, click through or otherwise and I was not seeking
>site feedback through what was, at the time, a polite post.
Originally, when you posted on r.c.w., you specifically *did* request
feedback. Having received feedback that you didn't like, and apparently
unaware that some folks read both groups, you now come here touting your site
and requesting that we provide *no* feedback. Interesting. You're evidently
either a Usenet newbie, or naive in the extreme, to think that you can post a
link to your site and not receive at least a few comments about it.
>Disappointing but I guess to be expected.
Perhaps you should work on understanding why your expectations do not conform
to reality.
>And now I better understand why some of the UK names no longer
>participate in these forums.
Perhaps your sort of stuffy pretension is looked on with favor on your side of
the pond, but it doesn't play quite so well over here. There's a strong
egalitarian tradition in the United States, and many Americans delight in
sticking pins into pompous, overinflated gasbags just for the enjoyment of
watching them sputter around the room. You're providing far more entertainment
than you can imagine.
Doug Miller (alphageek-at-milmac-dot-com)
Get a copy of my NEW AND IMPROVED TrollFilter for NewsProxy/Nfilter
by sending email to autoresponder at filterinfo-at-milmac-dot-com
You must use your REAL email address to get a response.
> Thanks for the considered response.
> Not sure that I actually want to waste my bandwidth on many here -
> which is why I now seek some form of filter solution.
> Your even handed approach is commendable - now I have to go and reply
> to someone who has challenged me to produce some of my turnings - and
> how do you politely explain what a COLLECTOR does and what a turner
> does - and that if he/she had bothered to visit the FAQs on the site,
> they wouldn't be asking the question in the first place.
> Give me high finance anyday - at least people speak a common language.
When someone treats you that way they're just diddling you, pulling your chain.
You are not responsible to them. Just tell them to "read the FAQ" bluntly.
Jonathon wrote:
> Thanks for your suggestions - truthfully the first I have
> received since either posting.
> Your ideas are certainly interesting however in the light of a
> comment made in the other ng, and defusing some of the bile,
> there would appear to be a problem with bandwidth.
Bandwidth will probably be a problem for some people. An option
to view static images only would be a boon for those with dial-in
access. Still, what better argument for all of the best of (high
bandwidth) technology than access to good art? (-:
> However in the light of comments made by others, including
> this groups Mr Fatheree (check the posting for yourself) - and
> admittedly in the heat of the pettiness, I wonder why in fact
> I bother with US visitors at all. On the face of it - and
> this is a large brush - more whiners than those with a genuine
> interest to see an albeit small private collection. Or
> perhaps we are talking about a vocal minority??
People come in all flavors and with all manner of likes and
dislikes - and I've never noticed this much affected by
geographic location. Let me share with you that a thick skin is
essential for comfort in a usenet context; and that it's usually
much easier for /anyone/ to point out what they don't like than
to elucidate the magic of line, rhythm, color, or <whatever> that
makes something beautiful to them.
> If anyone can suggest how I can effectively filter traffic
> please let me know. Morris - thanks for your comments which I
> will certainly reflect upon.
The best filters are your own appreciation for the work and your
recognition of the wonderful diversity of human perception.
Morris Dovey
DeSoto Solar
DeSoto, Iowa USA
In article <[email protected]>, reply-to, is, disabled, to, stop, spam wrote:
>Doug Miller wrote:
>Do we have this added to the nfilter dat file yet? I was
>intersted when I read the write up in the AAW mag, but after the
>attitude and trash talk, I'm getting tired of hitting the (I)gnore
Not yet... but I think I'll do it soon. It's pretty easy to filter a certain
pompous gasbag, but not quite so easy to filter responses to his posts without
filtering the same people when posting in other threads. I'm sure it's not a
difficult problem to solve; I just haven't done the necessary research yet.
Doug Miller (alphageek-at-milmac-dot-com)
Get a copy of my NEW AND IMPROVED TrollFilter for NewsProxy/Nfilter
by sending email to autoresponder at filterinfo-at-milmac-dot-com
You must use your REAL email address to get a response.
> Darn, the weblink disappeared by the time the mail made it to Texas. How
> about posting it?
> Bob
He might just think it is "tacky" to apply a link in his post when
one can search for it or understand what he meant by mentioning
the other news group. But, the link is: some very high taste stuff!
"Jonathon" <[email protected]> wrote in news:1104704832.942463.130290
> Ah another quality contribution from LD - in a remarkably similar tone
> to that on the other ng.
> Struggling with the concept of originality or perhaps you like the "hit
> em with everything and something might stick approach"?
It could have been worse. To make those guys really riled up, you could
have politics^H^H^H^H^H^H^H
p.s. Nice website; I like the way the pics in the gallery are thumbnailed
in black and white to conserve bandwidth.
On 5 Jan 2005 16:53:13 GMT, Dave Hinz <[email protected]> wrote:
>On 4 Jan 2005 15:21:55 -0800, Jonathon <[email protected]> wrote:
>> To you DH - in response to your killfile / adaptive server teaser.
>> If you can enlighten me - on or off list - as to how this could be used
>> in the circumstances I have desribed then I would be grateful
>It's two different things. Killfile involves your newsreading, you
>ignore people who aren't worth your time. Webservers can also be
>tweaked to give no content (or, heh...different content...) to
>people depending on where they connect to you from.
damn, that brings back memories, Dave...
back to the day that AoHell let a few million newbies loose on the web
and folks started to make their pages generate errors or be "busy" if
an AoHeller tried to access it..
Please remove splinters before emailing
On Wed, 05 Jan 2005 23:01:46 -0800, mac davis <[email protected]> wrote:
> On 5 Jan 2005 16:53:13 GMT, Dave Hinz <[email protected]> wrote:
>>It's two different things. Killfile involves your newsreading, you
>>ignore people who aren't worth your time. Webservers can also be
>>tweaked to give no content (or, heh...different content...) to
>>people depending on where they connect to you from.
> damn, that brings back memories, Dave...
> back to the day that AoHell let a few million newbies loose on the web
> and folks started to make their pages generate errors or be "busy" if
> an AoHeller tried to access it..
/me whistles innocently
I have no idea what you're talking about, Mac.
It should be possible to even give certain domains a lower priority within
the webserver config (I'm talking Apache), so that if the number of
connections is higher than (n), that _then_ special handling would take
effect. Hmmm, this might be fun to play with.
Maybe if the guy with the website, who doesn't like criticism, wants to
hire someone to set that up for him. Shouldn't be more than 50 quid an hour
consulting fee, I shouldn't think.
Dave Hinz
"Jonathon" <[email protected]> wrote in news:1104751281.481551.303840
> Glad you liked the site - most here will not appreciate or be
> interested what sits underneath, but then again why should they to be
> fair and equitable.
You might be surprised; a fair number of the people here are computer
programmers and the like. Frequently they can be a fair and equitable lot,
but like all Usenet stuff it's a mixed proposition.
> Thinking of starting a list of people who are interested in knowing
> when it is updated - rather than opening the floodgates to all the
> negative nellies that lurk in the lower depths online.
> Your thoughts? Any other thoughts - from any of the more coherent
> posters only please!
I'd just post it here (I assume you also post it to the woodturning
groups). If a few people complain about it, I'd just ignore them. After
all, it is at least on topic.
"Jonathon" <[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]:
> Thanks for the considered response.
> Not sure that I actually want to waste my bandwidth on many here -
> which is why I now seek some form of filter solution.
If you run Windows, you may want to try out Xnews at . Good filter capabilities based on Unix
"AAvK" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> He might just think it is "tacky" to apply a link in his post when
> one can search for it or understand what he meant by mentioning
> the other news group.
Not hardly.
Thanks for posting the link.
"Jonathon" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> The above (non-commercial) site has just been updated for turners whose
> work we have purchased during 2004 and where we did not update the site
> during the year.
Darn, the weblink disappeared by the time the mail made it to Texas. How
about posting it?
In article <[email protected]>, "Jonathon" <[email protected]> wrote:
What, you just discovered mirrors? I'm thinking it's about time to update the
TrollFilter again...
Doug Miller (alphageek-at-milmac-dot-com)
Get a copy of my NEW AND IMPROVED TrollFilter for NewsProxy/Nfilter
by sending email to autoresponder at filterinfo-at-milmac-dot-com
You must use your REAL email address to get a response.
In article <[email protected]>, "Jonathon" <[email protected]> wrote:
>Oh dear Doug - how can I possibly thank you for giving me so much proof
>> I think it's very clear that I *did* read the part where you
>specifically did
>> not solicit feedback, since I speculated on reasons *why* you didn't
>want any.
>So why bring it up - unless of course you sought to resurrect what I
>was trying to avoid. You're a bit like a running sore you just cant
>resist picking at really aren't you.
*I* didn't bring it up, dolt. *You* did.
Doug Miller (alphageek-at-milmac-dot-com)
Get a copy of my NEW AND IMPROVED TrollFilter for NewsProxy/Nfilter
by sending email to autoresponder at filterinfo-at-milmac-dot-com
You must use your REAL email address to get a response.
On Mon, 03 Jan 2005 02:12:12 GMT, [email protected] (Doug Miller) wrote:
>In article <[email protected]>, "Jonathon" <[email protected]> wrote:
>>Why bring it up? Now that IS a tricky one.
>>Let me think.
>>No - don't rush me.
>>Umm ooh I know. Could it be that I was specifically hoping to avoid
>>the degeneration that has characterised the other post.
>>But that would be too obvious surely!
>Do you walk around with a "Kick Me" sign taped to your arse in real life, too,
>or just on Usenet?
Dang it! You owe me a clean monitor! :-)
off to hunt for the windex again, grumble, grumble
Now we'll just use some glue to hold things in place until the brads dry
"Todd Fatheree" <[email protected]> wrote:
> "Jonathon" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> Oh dear Doug - it would appear you did not extend the professional
>> courtesy of reading the full post - particularly the bit where I
>> specifically did not solicit feedback. And you also chose to make
>> deliberate mention of the ongoing debate - why, or perhaps in itself
>> that gives me the answer.
> Funny. You mention yourself in the first post that there is already a
> thread on this topic in the woodturning ng with "non-constructive"
> comments. If you didn't want any mention of that thread, why bring it
> up?
> todd
Masochist? Troll?
Jonathon wrote:
> Please feel free to contact off or on list.
An interesting web site - thanks for sharing!
Might I suggest that when a turner is selected from the right
menu the name be either highlighted or presented above the
Have you thought about images that rotate so that the turnings
can be viewed "in the round"?
Morris Dovey
DeSoto Solar
DeSoto, Iowa USA