hey fellas, i have decided to put in a new floor in my living room
and bedrooms using tamarack, now my question is, could anybody
tell me is between 6 & 8 % moisture decent enough drying for flooring.
i have a lot of homework to do on this , as this will be my first
fooring (wood) project to undertake. thanks and an input on flooring
would be appreciated . fred
On Wed, 12 May 2004 19:51:13 GMT, fred <[email protected]> wrote:
> hey fellas, i have decided to put in a new floor in my living room
> and bedrooms using tamarack, now my question is, could anybody
> tell me is between 6 & 8 % moisture decent enough drying for flooring.
> i have a lot of homework to do on this , as this will be my first
> fooring (wood) project to undertake. thanks and an input on flooring
> would be appreciated . fred
I'd be surprised if the rest of your house was dryer than that. Stick
your moisture meter into, say, some existing framing & see what the
house's equilibrium is at, and then use the flooring when they're
the same.
Dave Hinz