Butch Hatfield

17/05/2014 10:59 PM

The Pussification of the American Male

Is it just me or have we become a nation of pussies? And where was I
when this cosmic shift took place? Let me explain "cosmic shift"
through example. When I was a baby we did not have a car seat, no one
did. When I got older I would sit in the front seat without a seat
belt, everyone did. I did not own or wear a bicycle helmet as a kid -
I still don't. In any event, somewhere along the line a cosmic shift
took place where only lunatics would put a baby in a car without a car
seat or drive without seat belts. The same sort of cosmic shift is
nearly completed with bicycle helmets. It's a strange sort of
phenomenon that sometimes makes sense but at other times it doesn't.

Another cosmic shift has taken place in America but this one is
repugnant in all ways. I'm talking about the pussification of American
men. The seat belts and the bike helmets are all part of this and the
cosmic shift really accelerated after 9-11. Fear began to trump sex on
Madison Avenue. The metrosexual has become the symbol of American
masculinity. Hugh Grant has replaced Cary Grant as a Hollywood icon of
masculinity. I was at a party recently and some hag was blathering on
about how hot David Schwimmer is. He's the guy that was on Friends
always blubbering on about his feelings or something. Can you imagine
this guy playing along side of John Wayne in the Sands of Iwo Jima?

I was really struck by this pussification at my son's t-ball game last
summer. It was warm and sunny but nothing unusual. A mother came out
of the stands and asked me, the coach, if I had sun screen and water
for the kids. I just sort of looked at her in a mystified state. I
said we have hats and a bubbler behind the back stop. T-ball is not
really known for making kids sweat much at all and I figured sun tan
lotion is for the beach. I'm not opposed to a kid running over to the
bubbler for a drink. She then proceeded to spray sun screen on all 15
kids and practically forced them to gulp some bottled water. Parents
in the stands literally cheered her for her safety first approach.

I just sort of shrugged it off but later I heard one boy comment to
Mrs. Worrywart's kid, "Why was your mom spraying us with that stuff.
You're mom's stupid." A few other kids chimed in as well and Mrs.
Worrywart's son just sort of sat there in a state of slumped
resignation. It pretty much ended at that but I was just a little
inspired to know that masculinity is still inherent in boys. Its
society and people like Mrs. Worrywart that beat it out of them.

I have been blessed with three sons and counting. It's my mission in
life to see that they don't become metrosexuals. My wife can harp on
them about washing their hands and not farting at the dinner table but
I'm in charge of what they do out of the house. They're boy's boys
complete with dirty faces and skinned knees. They jump, wrestle and
horse play at every opportunity. They are not and will not be pussies.

Of course this will be a challenge in this day and age of hand
wringing and anti-anxiety medications. I was called into school for
one of my kids this year. A kid cut in front of him in line and he
corrected the punk. I didn't see the big deal but the principle did so
we took our licks. I still instructed him to stand up for himself, not
be punked by a punk and to choose his battles wisely.

At this juncture many of you are proving my point with your thoughts.
Those of you that think I'm an awful father for not telling my son to
ignore the bully, to tell the teacher or run away have bought into the
pussification of American men lock, stock and barrel.

The 4th of July weekend last year, some punks were blowing of
fireworks in the park behind my house. I had no problem with this
until they started launching shit into my backyard. I marched over
there and gave them two choices. I guess that makes me pro-choice.
They had the choice to launch their shit at my house or away from my
house. The consequences of course would be different for each choice.
They chose to launch away from my house- the correct choice. My
neighbors chastised me for being so rash and challenging the punks.
"What if they would have had a gun?" My response was that we would
have had a gun fight. You see I'd rather do something and take the
chance than to have my sons see me cower behind the curtains like half
a fag.

There was a time in this country when most men would have acted just
like I did. When I was kid the adult men were all WWII vets and those
guys put up with no shit. Consequently we had little crime in our
neighborhood. A lot of fist fights but little crime. In that exact
same neighborhood we now have the opposite. No fist fights but a shit
load of bullshit crime and good men that do nothing. They have all the
excuses down about having kids, fearing lawsuits and guns but all this
is simply caving into cowardice.

Maybe I'm an anomaly but I was taught that it's my job as the man of
the house to put his balls on the line from time to time. This means
protecting my home and neighborhood. I don't have problem with this
and it comes quite natural but I learned this throughout a childhood
and adolescent of rough play and risk taking. I'm not talking about
foolishness here. I'm talking about bravery, toughness and balls.
These used to be cherished traits among men and women admired these
qualities in men as well. Nowadays we are all confused about these
things. Being a hard dude doesn't mean you are misogynistic piece of
shit that we see glorified in rap videos. A real man has a big heart
that he reserves for his family and friends. For the assholes in the
world he has his balls, big ones.

We have a lot of social problems in our country these days and
everyone has their pet theory that explains the reasons for the
proliferation of these problems. Conservatives blame big government
and welfare. Liberals think we don't have enough big government and
welfare. It's the Koch brother's fault! Blame it on the Clintons!
Bullshit. I blame it on men who have ceased to be men. Behind ever
battered woman, every knocked up teenage girl and every punk firing
off guns indiscriminately are millions of men that won't do their jobs
as fathers or simply as stand up guys that won't abide by bullshit.
Men have become pussified in America but I won't have any part of it.

How about you?

--- news:// - complaints: [email protected] ---

This topic has 25 replies



in reply to Butch Hatfield on 17/05/2014 10:59 PM

07/07/2014 8:02 PM

John Doe <[email protected]> wrote:
> Larry Blanchard <lblanch> wrote:
>> John Doe wrote:
>>> "Jim Wilkins" <muratlanne> wrote:
>>>> The military has millennia of experience turning
>>>> arrogant,
>>>> self-centered punks into mature adults fit to maintain
>>>> civilized society.
>>> Deputy Secretary of Defense Robert Work made the keynote
>>> remarks at a Pentagon ceremony for LGBT Pride Month.
>>> This section is remarks by Amanda Simpson, the first
>>> openly
>>> transgender woman U.S. presidential appointee.
>> It's always a troll when posted to this many newsgroups:
> Nobody forced you to reply, you can simply ignore the
> thread.
> Mine was a proper follow-up to the original set of groups.
> I do realize it is a biting reply. Good thing "Larry"
> didn't say
> something like "the military makes men out of boys". Maybe
> "men
> out of women" or something similar would have been close.
> To be
> perfectly clear, I'm talking about today's military under
> recent
> administrations.

Doesn't really matter what you're talking about, Larry
pointed out the *fact* that you're a troll.
So just go back under your bridge
Say Good Night, Gracie


pyotr filipivich

in reply to Butch Hatfield on 17/05/2014 10:59 PM

20/05/2014 1:27 AM

Gunner Asch <[email protected]> on Mon, 19 May 2014 16:43:25 -0700
typed in rec.crafts.metalworking the following:
>On Mon, 19 May 2014 12:37:21 -0500, "Lloyd E. Sponenburgh"
><> wrote:
>>pyotr filipivich <[email protected]> fired this volley in
>>news:[email protected]:
>>> but I suppose that would be an interesting
>>> question for another time: knowing then what you know now, and given
>>> an honorable alternative - how many combat vets would rather just be
>>> "a vet"? Or a "[conflict name] era vet."?
>>I've often had that very conversation with my wife. I came home with
>>only one small hole in me, and no lasting problems from it. A lot of
>>guys in my unit did not.
>>She's asked me, "Do you wish you hadn't done it?"
>>The answer is pretty simple. I wouldn't want to do it again (except) to
>>save my life. But I wouldn't have foregone the experience for anything.
>Very well stated.

Kind of what I figured. Not something any sane [for some values
of sane] person would want to do, but ... "if someone had to do it,
better e than some sad sack."

I'll just say, I'd like to be a vet. A lifer even. But if I was,
I'd rather have spent my entire career in training exercises, than
have to go to war. But then again, that is why they were sending 'me'
to all those exercises: " ... Often mistaken for the wrath of God."
Even my semi-pacifist* GF figured that if you had an army, you
needed to use it. If you didn't intend to use it, might as well
reduce it to just enough to have parades on holidays.

okay, what I figured.


*semi-pacifist: didn't believe war was a good thing, but if you
intended to have one, get it over quickly by killing them fastest.
Iroquois meets Teuton.

pyotr filipivich
"With Age comes Wisdom. Although more often, Age travels alone."


"Lloyd E. Sponenburgh"

in reply to Butch Hatfield on 17/05/2014 10:59 PM

17/05/2014 7:21 PM

Butch Hatfield <[email protected]> fired this volley in
news:[email protected]:

> There was a time in this country when most men would have acted just
> like I did. When I was kid the adult men were all WWII vets and those
> guys put up with no shit. Consequently we had little crime in our
> neighborhood. A lot of fist fights but little crime. In that exact
> same neighborhood we now have the opposite. No fist fights but a shit
> load of bullshit crime and good men that do nothing. They have all the
> excuses down about having kids, fearing lawsuits and guns but all this
> is simply caving into cowardice.

Amen! Of the fifty or so kids my age in high school, only TWO ever got
in trouble. One for running 'shine', and another for beating up his mom.

We had LOTs of fistfights (which often the PhysEd coach refereed, and
nobody went on detention, they just got a little beat up!), and almost NO
violent crimes -- not just among the teens, but in the whole community.

Everybody says now, "Don't get involved." Hell! I was involved since
13. I was a Boy Scout when it was looked on as 'not cool'. I
volunteered for military service when everyone else was protesting the
war in Viet Nam. And I did NOT do it because I was 'gung ho', or wanted
to be in firefights. I did NOT want to be in firefights. I didn't want
to go to war. But serving in the military was part of us.

It was something you did as a rite of passage.

We could use a little more of that type of life.



"Lloyd E. Sponenburgh"

in reply to Butch Hatfield on 17/05/2014 10:59 PM

19/05/2014 12:37 PM

pyotr filipivich <[email protected]> fired this volley in
news:[email protected]:

> but I suppose that would be an interesting
> question for another time: knowing then what you know now, and given
> an honorable alternative - how many combat vets would rather just be
> "a vet"? Or a "[conflict name] era vet."?

I've often had that very conversation with my wife. I came home with
only one small hole in me, and no lasting problems from it. A lot of
guys in my unit did not.

She's asked me, "Do you wish you hadn't done it?"

The answer is pretty simple. I wouldn't want to do it again (except) to
save my life. But I wouldn't have foregone the experience for anything.



"Enraged Apostate, World Citizen"

in reply to Butch Hatfield on 17/05/2014 10:59 PM

07/07/2014 11:03 PM

Butch Hatfield <[email protected]> wrote on Sat 17 May 2014


Why are you crossposting this to the metal- and woodworking newsgroups, you
infantile bastard???

The Enraged Apostate

Double <Facepalm> Irony:
(1) crazy right-wing gun fondlers advocating that
guns ought to be taken away from the mentally ill
(2) ...and that government ought to be the one who decides
who is mentally ill!


pyotr filipivich

in reply to Butch Hatfield on 17/05/2014 10:59 PM

19/05/2014 10:23 AM

"Lloyd E. Sponenburgh" <> on Sat, 17 May
2014 19:21:50 -0500 typed in rec.crafts.metalworking the following:
>Butch Hatfield <[email protected]> fired this volley in
>news:[email protected]:
>> There was a time in this country when most men would have acted just
>> like I did. When I was kid the adult men were all WWII vets and those
>> guys put up with no shit. Consequently we had little crime in our
>> neighborhood. A lot of fist fights but little crime. In that exact
>> same neighborhood we now have the opposite. No fist fights but a shit
>> load of bullshit crime and good men that do nothing. They have all the
>> excuses down about having kids, fearing lawsuits and guns but all this
>> is simply caving into cowardice.
>Amen! Of the fifty or so kids my age in high school, only TWO ever got
>in trouble. One for running 'shine', and another for beating up his mom.

Well, the first one is covered under the general rubric of
"apprentice ship" but the other one - nope, no how.
>We had LOTs of fistfights (which often the PhysEd coach refereed, and
>nobody went on detention, they just got a little beat up!), and almost NO
>violent crimes -- not just among the teens, but in the whole community.

Do tell, I remember a couple where both were storming out of the
building heading for the far side of the parking lot to get "off

And I figure the ex-high school wrestlers were on their own when
they went at it, waiting for the Base Commissary to open. Now, Mr
Alvarez didn't take kindly to it, and they didn't work that day. But
that was all.
>Everybody says now, "Don't get involved." Hell! I was involved since
>13. I was a Boy Scout when it was looked on as 'not cool'. I
>volunteered for military service when everyone else was protesting the
>war in Viet Nam. And I did NOT do it because I was 'gung ho', or wanted
>to be in firefights. I did NOT want to be in firefights. I didn't want
>to go to war. But serving in the military was part of us.

I have often wished I could be a "vet". I'm not so sure about
being a "combat vet" ... but I suppose that would be an interesting
question for another time: knowing then what you know now, and given
an honorable alternative - how many combat vets would rather just be
"a vet"? Or a "[conflict name] era vet."? [My brother was kind of
content to be a "Grenada Invasion Era" Veteran. OTOH, he was also
happy to be part of the DoD Nuclear Yacht Club too.]
>It was something you did as a rite of passage.
>We could use a little more of that type of life.
pyotr filipivich
"With Age comes Wisdom. Although more often, Age travels alone."



in reply to pyotr filipivich on 19/05/2014 10:23 AM

08/07/2014 9:22 PM

On Wed, 9 Jul 2014 00:34:56 +0000 (UTC), John Doe
<[email protected]> wrote:

>How long you've been hanging around one USENET group is one thing.
>Much activity in many different groups is another. Beating your
>chest and confronting people might work for you in real life, but
>not on the Internet.

You should take your own advice to heart.


"Lew Hodgett"

in reply to pyotr filipivich on 19/05/2014 10:23 AM

08/07/2014 7:39 PM

John Doe wrote:
I zonked this idiot but people keep bringing him back
by responding to him.

At least half of him.



in reply to pyotr filipivich on 19/05/2014 10:23 AM

08/07/2014 9:43 PM

On Wed, 9 Jul 2014 00:34:56 +0000 (UTC), John Doe
<[email protected]> wrote:

>How long you've been hanging around one USENET group is one thing.
>Much activity in many different groups is another. Beating your
>chest and confronting people might work for you in real life, but
>not on the Internet.

Then why do you insist on doing it?


pyotr filipivich

in reply to Butch Hatfield on 17/05/2014 10:59 PM

20/05/2014 1:27 AM

"Lloyd E. Sponenburgh" <> on Mon, 19 May
2014 12:37:21 -0500 typed in rec.crafts.metalworking the following:
>pyotr filipivich <[email protected]> fired this volley in
>news:[email protected]:
>> but I suppose that would be an interesting
>> question for another time: knowing then what you know now, and given
>> an honorable alternative - how many combat vets would rather just be
>> "a vet"? Or a "[conflict name] era vet."?
>I've often had that very conversation with my wife. I came home with
>only one small hole in me, and no lasting problems from it. A lot of
>guys in my unit did not.
>She's asked me, "Do you wish you hadn't done it?"
>The answer is pretty simple. I wouldn't want to do it again (except) to
>save my life. But I wouldn't have foregone the experience for anything.

Yeah. Like I say, I grew up around 'heros'. [GI Brat till I was
twenty-one] Most of them were "You couldn't pay me enough to do it
again, but I wouldn't exchange it for a million dollars" (back when
that was "Real Money")
pyotr filipivich
"With Age comes Wisdom. Although more often, Age travels alone."


Gunner Asch

in reply to Butch Hatfield on 17/05/2014 10:59 PM

19/05/2014 4:43 PM

On Mon, 19 May 2014 12:37:21 -0500, "Lloyd E. Sponenburgh"
<> wrote:

>pyotr filipivich <[email protected]> fired this volley in
>news:[email protected]:
>> but I suppose that would be an interesting
>> question for another time: knowing then what you know now, and given
>> an honorable alternative - how many combat vets would rather just be
>> "a vet"? Or a "[conflict name] era vet."?
>I've often had that very conversation with my wife. I came home with
>only one small hole in me, and no lasting problems from it. A lot of
>guys in my unit did not.
>She's asked me, "Do you wish you hadn't done it?"
>The answer is pretty simple. I wouldn't want to do it again (except) to
>save my life. But I wouldn't have foregone the experience for anything.

Very well stated.



I was once told by a “gun safety” advocate back in the Nineties
that he favored total civilian firearms confiscation.
Only the military and police should have weapons he averred and what did I think about that?

I began to give him a reasoned answer and he
cut me off with an abrupt, “Give me the short answer.”

I thought for a moment and said, “If you try to take our firearms we will kill you.”"



in reply to Butch Hatfield on 17/05/2014 10:59 PM

18/05/2014 8:29 AM

"Butch Hatfield" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]

> Is it just me or have we become a nation of pussies? And where was I
> when this cosmic shift took place?

"Momism", "Generation of Vipers", Philip Wylie, 1942.



Winters getting colder? Tired of the rat race?
Taxes out of hand? Maybe just ready for a change?
Check it out...


"Mike Marlow"

in reply to Butch Hatfield on 17/05/2014 10:59 PM

19/05/2014 2:33 PM

pyotr filipivich wrote:

> I have often wished I could be a "vet". I'm not so sure about
> being a "combat vet" ... but I suppose that would be an interesting
> question for another time: knowing then what you know now, and given
> an honorable alternative - how many combat vets would rather just be
> "a vet"? Or a "[conflict name] era vet."? [My brother was kind of
> content to be a "Grenada Invasion Era" Veteran. OTOH, he was also
> happy to be part of the DoD Nuclear Yacht Club too.]

Wishes - only those who have never been there have those. As for combat
vets - well all vets are vets, but combat vets hold a special place for
their peers. Peacetime vets are just not the same. DoD Yacht Club? Come
on... thunbs down on that one.

[email protected]


"Jim Wilkins"

in reply to Butch Hatfield on 17/05/2014 10:59 PM

20/05/2014 1:51 PM

"pyotr filipivich" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Yeah. Like I say, I grew up around 'heros'. [GI Brat till I was
> twenty-one] Most of them were "You couldn't pay me enough to do it
> again, but I wouldn't exchange it for a million dollars" (back when
> that was "Real Money")
> pyotr filipivich
> "With Age comes Wisdom. Although more often, Age travels alone."

The military has millennia of experience turning arrogant,
self-centered punks into mature adults fit to maintain civilized

Of course some need the whack upside the head and the lessons of how
to lead, follow and cooperate much more than others, and some will
never rise above cannon fodder. I think that is its most useful
societal function unless the Horde is coming.

In college the recent veterans stood out as substantially more focused
and self-disciplined than the rest of us.



John Doe

in reply to Butch Hatfield on 17/05/2014 10:59 PM

07/07/2014 1:02 AM

"Jim Wilkins" <muratlanne> wrote:

> The military has millennia of experience turning arrogant,
> self-centered punks into mature adults fit to maintain civilized
> society.


John Doe

in reply to Butch Hatfield on 17/05/2014 10:59 PM

07/07/2014 4:09 AM

"Jim Wilkins" <muratlanne> wrote:

> The military has millennia of experience turning arrogant,
> self-centered punks into mature adults fit to maintain civilized
> society.

Deputy Secretary of Defense Robert Work made the keynote remarks
at a Pentagon ceremony for LGBT Pride Month.

This section is remarks by Amanda Simpson, the first openly
transgender woman U.S. presidential appointee.


Larry Blanchard

in reply to Butch Hatfield on 17/05/2014 10:59 PM

07/07/2014 4:55 PM

On Mon, 07 Jul 2014 04:09:37 +0000, John Doe wrote:


It's always a troll when posted to this many newsgroups:

Newsgroups: rec.crafts.metalworking,rec.woodworking,

I just set a Pan filter to delete anything posted to more than 2
newsgroups. Don't know why I hadn't done that already.


John Doe

in reply to Butch Hatfield on 17/05/2014 10:59 PM

07/07/2014 7:47 PM

Larry Blanchard <lblanch> wrote:

> John Doe wrote:
>> "Jim Wilkins" <muratlanne> wrote:
>>> The military has millennia of experience turning arrogant,
>>> self-centered punks into mature adults fit to maintain
>>> civilized society.
>> Deputy Secretary of Defense Robert Work made the keynote
>> remarks at a Pentagon ceremony for LGBT Pride Month.
>> This section is remarks by Amanda Simpson, the first openly
>> transgender woman U.S. presidential appointee.
> It's always a troll when posted to this many newsgroups:

Nobody forced you to reply, you can simply ignore the thread.

Mine was a proper follow-up to the original set of groups.

I do realize it is a biting reply. Good thing "Larry" didn't say
something like "the military makes men out of boys". Maybe "men
out of women" or something similar would have been close. To be
perfectly clear, I'm talking about today's military under recent

> Path:!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
> From: Larry Blanchard <lblanch>
> Newsgroups: rec.woodworking
> Subject: Re: The Pussification of the American Male
> Date: Mon, 7 Jul 2014 16:55:05 +0000 (UTC)
> Organization: NNTP Server
> Lines: 11
> Message-ID: <lpejd9$o8f$1>
> References: <ll8pjh$13e9$1> <XnsA330CF286556lloydspmindspringcom> <cuekn9peelb7nlohk9ec7d4elnbo49scvn> <XnsA3328A9606449lloydspmindspringcom> <cv3mn9t9rbkb6colf2uo9h5rpnu6536qrn> <llg4ln$ssv$1> <lpd6i0$blk$1>
> NNTP-Posting-Host:
> Mime-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
> X-Complaints-To: abuse
> User-Agent: Pan/0.136 (I'm far too busy being delicious; GIT 926a150 git://
> X-Notice: Filtered by postfilter v. 0.8.2
> Xref: rec.woodworking:162882


John Doe

in reply to Butch Hatfield on 17/05/2014 10:59 PM

08/07/2014 3:49 AM

pointless troll...

"ChairMan" <nospam> wrote:

> Path:!!!!!!!!!fx07.iad.POSTED!not-for-mail
> From: "ChairMan" <nospam>
> Newsgroups: rec.woodworking
> References: <ll8pjh$13e9$1> <XnsA330CF286556lloydspmindspringcom> <cuekn9peelb7nlohk9ec7d4elnbo49scvn> <XnsA3328A9606449lloydspmindspringcom> <cv3mn9t9rbkb6colf2uo9h5rpnu6536qrn> <llg4ln$ssv$1> <lpd6i0$blk$1> <lpejd9$o8f$1> <lpetg2$hvr$1>
> Subject: Re: The Pussification of the American Male
> Lines: 43
> X-Priority: 3
> X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
> X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2900.5931
> X-RFC2646: Format=Flowed; Original
> X-MIMEOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.6157
> Message-ID: <1rHuv.307703$G37.200010 fx07.iad>
> X-Complaints-To: abuse(at)
> NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 01:02:53 UTC
> Organization: - Highest quality at a great price!
> Date: Mon, 7 Jul 2014 20:02:54 -0500
> X-Received-Bytes: 2390
> X-Received-Body-CRC: 3058932916
> Xref: rec.woodworking:162901
> John Doe <always.look message.header> wrote:
>> Larry Blanchard <lblanch> wrote:
>>> John Doe wrote:
>>>> "Jim Wilkins" <muratlanne> wrote:
>>>>> The military has millennia of experience turning
>>>>> arrogant,
>>>>> self-centered punks into mature adults fit to maintain
>>>>> civilized society.
>>>> Deputy Secretary of Defense Robert Work made the keynote
>>>> remarks at a Pentagon ceremony for LGBT Pride Month.
>>>> This section is remarks by Amanda Simpson, the first
>>>> openly
>>>> transgender woman U.S. presidential appointee.
>>> It's always a troll when posted to this many newsgroups:
>> Nobody forced you to reply, you can simply ignore the
>> thread.
>> Mine was a proper follow-up to the original set of groups.
>> I do realize it is a biting reply. Good thing "Larry"
>> didn't say
>> something like "the military makes men out of boys". Maybe
>> "men
>> out of women" or something similar would have been close.
>> To be
>> perfectly clear, I'm talking about today's military under
>> recent
>> administrations.
> Doesn't really matter what you're talking about, Larry
> pointed out the *fact* that you're a troll.
> So just go back under your bridge
> Say Good Night, Gracie


John Doe

in reply to Butch Hatfield on 17/05/2014 10:59 PM

08/07/2014 1:23 PM

There are he-man group protectors in every very active group. Most
of them are in fact generally ignorant of the ways of USENET...

Leon <lcb11211 swbelldotnet> wrote:

> Path:!!!!!!xs4all!!!!!!!!!!!not-for-mail
> NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 08:15:57 -0500
> Date: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 08:15:39 -0500
> From: Leon <lcb11211 swbelldotnet>
> User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/24.6.0
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Newsgroups: rec.woodworking
> Subject: Re: The Pussification of the American Male
> References: <ll8pjh$13e9$1> <XnsA330CF286556lloydspmindspringcom> <cuekn9peelb7nlohk9ec7d4elnbo49scvn> <XnsA3328A9606449lloydspmindspringcom> <cv3mn9t9rbkb6colf2uo9h5rpnu6536qrn> <llg4ln$ssv$1> <lpd6i0$blk$1> <lpejd9$o8f$1> <lpetg2$hvr$1> <1rHuv.307703$G37.200010 fx07.iad> <lpfpne$tms$1>
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> Xref: rec.woodworking:162915
> On 7/7/2014 10:49 PM, John Doe wrote:
>> pointless troll...
> Might I point out that the people that you are pointing out as trolls
> have been here an eternity compared to you, after popping up on the
> radar. They are not trolls but they might be arguing with one.
> This is a group that a majority of the participants have been around for
> 5 plus years. Probably the newest one here has been here for 2 years.
> None of them have been considered a troll.
> Trolls don't last long.



in reply to Butch Hatfield on 17/05/2014 10:59 PM

08/07/2014 4:44 PM

John Doe wrote:
> There are he-man group protectors in every very active group. Most
> of them are in fact generally ignorant of the ways of USENET...
With (implicit) reference to Leon's post:
9 years here...but I'm still a newbie.


John Doe

in reply to Butch Hatfield on 17/05/2014 10:59 PM

09/07/2014 12:34 AM

How long you've been hanging around one USENET group is one thing.
Much activity in many different groups is another. Beating your
chest and confronting people might work for you in real life, but
not on the Internet.

Bill <BILL_NOSPAM> wrote:

> Path:!!!!!!!!spln!!!news6
> From: Bill <BILL_NOSPAM>
> Newsgroups: rec.woodworking
> Subject: Re: The Pussification of the American Male
> Date: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 16:44:01 -0400
> Organization: NewsGuy - Unlimited Usenet $23.95
> Lines: 6
> Message-ID: <lphle002b1s>
> References: <ll8pjh$13e9$1> <XnsA330CF286556lloydspmindspringcom> <cuekn9peelb7nlohk9ec7d4elnbo49scvn> <XnsA3328A9606449lloydspmindspringcom> <cv3mn9t9rbkb6colf2uo9h5rpnu6536qrn> <llg4ln$ssv$1> <lpd6i0$blk$1> <lpejd9$o8f$1> <lpetg2$hvr$1> <1rHuv.307703$G37.200010 fx07.iad> <lpfpne$tms$1> <t76dnUG3nqWQcibOnZ2dnUVZ5sKdnZ2d> <lpgrbp$m7m$2>
> NNTP-Posting-Host:
> Mime-Version: 1.0
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> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:20.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/20.0 SeaMonkey/2.17.1
> In-Reply-To: <lpgrbp$m7m$2>
> X-Received-Bytes: 1458
> X-Received-Body-CRC: 3606326753
> Xref: rec.woodworking:162928
> John Doe wrote:
>> There are he-man group protectors in every very active group. Most
>> of them are in fact generally ignorant of the ways of USENET...
> With (implicit) reference to Leon's post:
> 9 years here...but I'm still a newbie.



in reply to Butch Hatfield on 17/05/2014 10:59 PM

08/07/2014 11:44 PM

On 7/8/14, 8:15 AM, Leon wrote:
> On 7/7/2014 10:49 PM, John Doe wrote:
>> pointless troll...
> Might I point out that the people that you are pointing out as trolls
> have been here an eternity compared to you, after popping up on the
> radar. They are not trolls but they might be arguing with one.
> This is a group that a majority of the participants have been around for
> 5 plus years. Probably the newest one here has been here for 2 years.
> None of them have been considered a troll.
> Trolls don't last long.

Leon, don't bark back at the dog.
Ignore him. Every village needs an idiot and now we have ours.



"Playing is not something I do at night, it's my function in life"
--Elvin Jones (1927-2004)
[email protected]
---remove "DOT" ^^^^ to reply


Gunner Asch

in reply to Butch Hatfield on 17/05/2014 10:59 PM

18/05/2014 2:18 AM

On Sat, 17 May 2014 19:21:50 -0500, "Lloyd E. Sponenburgh"
<> wrote:

>Butch Hatfield <[email protected]> fired this volley in
>news:[email protected]:
>> There was a time in this country when most men would have acted just
>> like I did. When I was kid the adult men were all WWII vets and those
>> guys put up with no shit. Consequently we had little crime in our
>> neighborhood. A lot of fist fights but little crime. In that exact
>> same neighborhood we now have the opposite. No fist fights but a shit
>> load of bullshit crime and good men that do nothing. They have all the
>> excuses down about having kids, fearing lawsuits and guns but all this
>> is simply caving into cowardice.
>Amen! Of the fifty or so kids my age in high school, only TWO ever got
>in trouble. One for running 'shine', and another for beating up his mom.
>We had LOTs of fistfights (which often the PhysEd coach refereed, and
>nobody went on detention, they just got a little beat up!), and almost NO
>violent crimes -- not just among the teens, but in the whole community.
>Everybody says now, "Don't get involved." Hell! I was involved since
>13. I was a Boy Scout when it was looked on as 'not cool'. I
>volunteered for military service when everyone else was protesting the
>war in Viet Nam. And I did NOT do it because I was 'gung ho', or wanted
>to be in firefights. I did NOT want to be in firefights. I didn't want
>to go to war. But serving in the military was part of us.
>It was something you did as a rite of passage.
>We could use a little more of that type of life.
Very well put!!


I was once told by a “gun safety” advocate back in the Nineties
that he favored total civilian firearms confiscation.
Only the military and police should have weapons he averred and what did I think about that?

I began to give him a reasoned answer and he
cut me off with an abrupt, “Give me the short answer.”

I thought for a moment and said, “If you try to take our firearms we will kill you.”"



in reply to Butch Hatfield on 17/05/2014 10:59 PM

08/07/2014 8:15 AM

On 7/7/2014 10:49 PM, John Doe wrote:
> pointless troll...

Might I point out that the people that you are pointing out as trolls
have been here an eternity compared to you, after popping up on the
radar. They are not trolls but they might be arguing with one.

This is a group that a majority of the participants have been around for
5 plus years. Probably the newest one here has been here for 2 years.
None of them have been considered a troll.

Trolls don't last long.

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