
16/10/2004 11:22 AM

Is there a glue for wood+glass ?


I am modifying the look of a 5-panel door. It's a wooden door (douglass fir)
and the panels are glass. I want to glue some new rails that I fabricated
above the old ones. The surfaces to be glued will be both wood and glass.
I will be sanding and painting the door, so imperfections will be hidden.

What kind of glue should I be using? Is there a glue that binds to both
glass and wood? A friend siggested an epoxy (?)



This topic has 5 replies



in reply to [email protected] (AJ) on 16/10/2004 11:22 AM

16/10/2004 9:43 PM

> Silicone can be used for this application.
> Note: http://www.thistothat.com for glue advice.

I'd be will to bet that site is is for the promotion od and supported by http://www.lepages.com/
Never heard of them before.



[email protected] (Doug Miller)

in reply to [email protected] (AJ) on 16/10/2004 11:22 AM

16/10/2004 7:08 PM

In article <[email protected]>, [email protected] (AJ) wrote:
>I am modifying the look of a 5-panel door. It's a wooden door (douglass fir)
>and the panels are glass. I want to glue some new rails that I fabricated
>above the old ones. The surfaces to be glued will be both wood and glass.
>I will be sanding and painting the door, so imperfections will be hidden.
>What kind of glue should I be using? Is there a glue that binds to both
>glass and wood? A friend siggested an epoxy (?)
You should be using no glue at all. The rails should be held in place with
brads, and the holes filled with putty. This is because you *want* those rails
to be removable, easily, in case you ever need to replace broken glass.

Doug Miller (alphageek-at-milmac-dot-com)

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Ba r r y

in reply to [email protected] (AJ) on 16/10/2004 11:22 AM

16/10/2004 6:59 PM

On 16 Oct 2004 11:22:32 -0700, [email protected] (AJ) wrote:

>What kind of glue should I be using? Is there a glue that binds to both
>glass and wood? A friend siggested an epoxy (?)

Most polyurethane glues will bond glass to wood, such as Gorilla Glue.

Practice on scrap. Read the directions, poly-u glues are different
than the average, and are harmful to humans.



"J. Clarke"

in reply to [email protected] (AJ) on 16/10/2004 11:22 AM

17/10/2004 5:19 AM

AAvK wrote:

>> Silicone can be used for this application.
>> Note: http://www.thistothat.com for glue advice.
> I'd be will to bet that site is is for the promotion od and supported by
> http://www.lepages.com/ Never heard of them before.

Been around a long time--I remember them from when I was a little kid. My
recollection is that when you could get the same kind of glue from two or
more manufacturers lepages was generally the last choice. IIRC they also
had crappy imitation Scotch tape.

> Alex

Reply to jclarke at ae tee tee global dot net
(was jclarke at eye bee em dot net)



in reply to [email protected] (AJ) on 16/10/2004 11:22 AM

16/10/2004 7:14 PM

Silicone can be used for this application.
Note: http://www.thistothat.com for glue advice.


AJ wrote:
> Howdy,
> I am modifying the look of a 5-panel door. It's a wooden door (douglass fir)
> and the panels are glass. I want to glue some new rails that I fabricated
> above the old ones. The surfaces to be glued will be both wood and glass.
> I will be sanding and painting the door, so imperfections will be hidden.
> What kind of glue should I be using? Is there a glue that binds to both
> glass and wood? A friend siggested an epoxy (?)
> Thanks
> -Adrian

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