
23/06/2004 5:52 AM

Need knife guard for a Delta 37-307 jointer


I picked up this old 6" Delta jointer. It works well except it does
not have a knife guard.

Anyone have an extra one or knows where I can get one.

Or, if you have this Delta jointer would you mind telling me how the
original guard worked so that I can fabricate something.



This topic has 4 replies


[email protected] (Doug Miller)

in reply to [email protected] (acolic) on 23/06/2004 5:52 AM

23/06/2004 1:43 PM

In article <[email protected]>, [email protected] (acolic) wrote:
>I picked up this old 6" Delta jointer. It works well except it does
>not have a knife guard.
>Anyone have an extra one or knows where I can get one.
>Or, if you have this Delta jointer would you mind telling me how the
>original guard worked so that I can fabricate something.
Google search for /Delta "37-307" jointer/ turned up this link:


Doug Miller (alphageek-at-milmac-dot-com)

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Unisaw A100

in reply to [email protected] (acolic) on 23/06/2004 5:52 AM

23/06/2004 11:08 PM

I wouldn't say they are on eBay all the time but just near
enough to make it seem like it.

You've got the pork chop style and not the palm leaf style,
in case it comes up.



in reply to [email protected] (acolic) on 23/06/2004 5:52 AM

24/06/2004 5:30 AM

[email protected] (Doug Miller) wrote in message news:<%[email protected]>...

> >
> Google search for /Delta "37-307" jointer/ turned up this link:
> http://files.owwm.com/PDF/Delta/1983-37-307.pdf

Thanks I have the manual. It's just that the guard is no longer
available from Delta. And the schematic does not have a part number
for the guard.

I have been watching e-bay and I have not seen a guard come up.

Guess I have to keep watching.


in reply to [email protected] (acolic) on 23/06/2004 5:52 AM

23/06/2004 7:25 AM

On 23 Jun 2004 05:52:39 -0700, [email protected] (acolic) wrote:

>I picked up this old 6" Delta jointer. It works well except it does
>not have a knife guard.
>Anyone have an extra one or knows where I can get one.
>Or, if you have this Delta jointer would you mind telling me how the
>original guard worked so that I can fabricate something.


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