Yesterday I found a 13 ½ inch long, 2 3/8 inches wide jack plane in an antique
shop. The inside of the sole is painted red; the outside is unpainted. The sole
is of forged steel. The frog is painted blue. Wooden handle and knob. On the
inside of the sole, just behind the frog, there is a small "U" with a circle
around it. No other info relating to brand or age anywhere on it. It looks worn
but not terribly worn.
It has a blade that is branded "True Value"; this may be a replacement. If the
entire plane was made for True Value, it would be an inexpensive contractor's
or carpenter's grade plane that would have been available at just about any
hardware store.
I am looking for a lever cap for this plane... I've spent hours looking all
over online. Does anyone have any ideas?
The StalkerDog
Reggie wrote:
> I am looking for a lever cap for this plane... I've spent hours looking all
> over online. Does anyone have any ideas?
Go to Woodcraft and get a cap for a #5. Alternatively, go to flea
markets or antique stores and buy either a box of parts or a
junker and use the cap.
Dave in Fairfax
Dave Leader
reply-to doesn't work
daveldr at att dot net
American Association of Woodturners
Capital Area Woodturners
Thanks for the replies, Alex and Dave!
I found the cap at Woodcraft.
Thanks for the links as well, Dave. I'm a newbie here and I really appreciate
the help.
Thanx again!
The StalkerDogâ¢
Dave wrote...
>Go to Woodcraft and get a cap for a #5. Alternatively, go to flea
>markets or antique stores and buy either a box of parts or a
>junker and use the cap.
>Dave in Fairfax
>Dave Leader
>reply-to doesn't work
>daveldr at att dot net
>American Association of Woodturners
>Capital Area Woodturners