
23/12/2006 1:55 PM

Legs on Family Traditions Rocking Horse Plan L-100

I'm a novice woodworker and my first woodworking project is the Family
Traditions L-100 Pony. If anyone who subscribes to this newsgroup has built
one I would appreciate their help. I have followed the printed instructions
to make the pine wedges for the legs. ie diagonally cut a piece of 3/4" x 6"
pine on a band saw. I have glued one of these wedges onto a leg and tried it
on the horse body. It looks like the two front legs will be approximately 6"
apart where they attach to the rocker cross bar. The plan scale diagram
shows them about 71/2" apart. It also shows the wedges at their thickest
point to be about 1 1/4" so it would appear there is a difference between
the written instructions and the plan diagram. If you've built the L-100
(larger horse) how wide apart are the front legs? Did you use the 3/4" thick

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