Hello 'Woodies'. . .
Due to the overwhelming 'Spam Load' of several days ago, I 'dropped off' to
get rid of it. The 'Catch Up' code wouldn't even do the job.
Anyhow, by doing that I lost all the 'history'. The point being I can't
find/research the Jet Riser Block threads. I've been agonizing over getting
one and finally decided. I remember comments and seeing it on Amazon for
around $65. Now that I want to purchase one {before the end of the month}, I
see the price is $90+ !!
My question is . . . anybody know of a cheaper price ?? {for JET 14 inch
Open Stand Bandsaw}. I 'think' I remember some recent discussion about a
Grizzly unit being either identical, or actually better {with a little
Regards & Thanks,
Ron Magen
Backyard Boatshop