"Don D."

24/04/2005 8:35 PM

Awards ribbon display

I am looking for help on making a wall mounted awards ribbon display for my
stepdaughter and wife for showing their horses.
This is the style of ribbons they have started winning;

They already have 8 collected just today and there are 6 shows for the year.
Last year my stepdaughter cleaned up on first and second place, but we can
not find the ribbons in her room of junk.

This year my wife wanted to just hang them on a string in the living room,
I was thinking of a pegboard with small holders in a frame. Then I thought
about this site of pro's and all your ideas..

Any help out there for this? I even looked at the site from the ribbon
company to see if they may have a display box for the ones that do win a
lot. NOT.

TIA if I get any help on this.
Don D.