
12/01/2005 7:22 PM

Problems with shaper

Hi All,

I just bought a used Grizzly G1035 shaper and I was hoping someone could help me with a couple of
minor problems.

The first, and most important, is that the spindle is not perfectly vertical from side to side; that is to say,
while the spindle is an equal distance from the edges of the hole in the table insert from front to back,
it is almost touching the table insert on one side, and very far from it on the other. I have studied the
manual, but have not seen any information on how to adjust the spindle. Can anyone help?

Secondly, the table inserts seem to be VERY tight. It was extremely difficult for me to remove them
from the table. Is this normal? Should I sand the edges lightly or something to make them looser in
the opening?

The only thing I could think of to adjust the spindle was to adjust the gib, but I thought I would check
first. Another problem I seem to be having is that the spindle is very difficult to move up and down,
even with the spindle lock backed off, which also suggests to me that the gib is adjusted wrong,
but I am not sure.

Thanks in advance,
