

15/06/2004 3:03 AM

Stanley #7

I trade woodworking stories with a guy at work. He went to an estate sale
this past weekend, and picked up a Stanley #7 for $15.00. He didn't really
want it, but knew I would be interested. Several questions:
1. I'm trying to figure out how old this thing is. "BAILEY" appears on the
bed in front of the knob, "MADE IN THE USA" appears immediately behind the
knob. "No 7" cast into the rear of the bed. "STANLEY" on the lever cap,
and "STANLEY" on the lateral adjustment lever. I'm thinking type 19, if I'm
reading the reference material correctly.
2. I would be interested in available resources on proper restoration,
adjustment, and use.

This topic has 2 replies


[email protected] (Conan The Librarian)

in reply to "Oregon" on 15/06/2004 3:03 AM

15/06/2004 7:01 AM

"Oregon" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> I trade woodworking stories with a guy at work. He went to an estate sale
> this past weekend, and picked up a Stanley #7 for $15.00. He didn't really
> want it, but knew I would be interested. Several questions:
> 1. I'm trying to figure out how old this thing is. "BAILEY" appears on the
> bed in front of the knob, "MADE IN THE USA" appears immediately behind the
> knob. "No 7" cast into the rear of the bed. "STANLEY" on the lever cap,
> and "STANLEY" on the lateral adjustment lever. I'm thinking type 19, if I'm
> reading the reference material correctly.
> 2. I would be interested in available resources on proper restoration,
> adjustment, and use.

Get Michael Dunbar's book _Restoring, Tuning and Using Classic
Woodworking Tools_ and/or Garrett Hack's _The Handplane Book_. Hack's
book is more like "plane-porn", while Dunbar's is more nuts-and-bolts.

As for typing your plane -- from what you've said it does sound
like it might be a type 19. If you haven't already, you might want to
check out these two websites to verify it:

Chuck Vance


charlie b

in reply to "Oregon" on 15/06/2004 3:03 AM

14/06/2004 11:19 PM

Oregon wrote:
> I trade woodworking stories with a guy at work. He went to an estate sale
> this past weekend, and picked up a Stanley #7 for $15.00. He didn't really
> want it, but knew I would be interested. Several questions:
> 1. I'm trying to figure out how old this thing is. "BAILEY" appears on the
> bed in front of the knob, "MADE IN THE USA" appears immediately behind the
> knob. "No 7" cast into the rear of the bed. "STANLEY" on the lever cap,
> and "STANLEY" on the lateral adjustment lever. I'm thinking type 19, if I'm
> reading the reference material correctly.
> 2. I would be interested in available resources on proper restoration,
> adjustment, and use.
> Thanks,

go here and click on the blood and gore link
charlie b

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