"Don D."

22/10/2004 8:52 AM

Well house info

We have a Share well with two tanks above ground and I want to make a
wind and sun blocker for it so the pump and lines do not freeze up again and
for looks. We live in S.AZ so it will not have snow on it. I figured I make
it 8' X 8' by 6' high rising to 6.5' on the roof.

Question: Can I make the frame out of 2x2's or should I stick with
2x4's?(excuse the pun) I will most likely be using 1/2 ply or even use that
primed siding that is used on sheds and garages (sorry, I do not have the
right name for the material)

Will there be enough weight there or should I anchor it down for the open
winds that roll though around 30 - 45 MPH or AZ dust devils

Thanks for your advise...

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in reply to "Don D." on 22/10/2004 8:52 AM

22/10/2004 4:03 PM

Frame it with 2x4s, your life will be easier and 2x2s don't really save that
much money. I like Hardiboard but it is a bit wetter here. Definately anchor
this puppy down. 40MPH wind will flip a pretty big building. Around here we
would be required to use 20" straps in the footer to every stud and strap the
roof trusses to the studs but you folks don't have hurricanes. A dust devil
might look like one to a small building at the eye wall tho.

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