I had been using Netscape 4.x for ages. The filter log would not show
newsgroup filtering (it had the feature, but it was kaput); only email
filtering. Netscape 7.1 that I loaded a month or so back reveals a list
a mile long of BS posters and off topic threads. Very cool. It gets so
long that I purge the log several times a day--it's amazingly effective.
Bear with me as I reply to some of the twits who I normally have
filtered. By tomorrow I hope to have each of those miscreants back on
I shant list them by name, as I vividly recall the rancor stirred up by
such publicity.
Bay Area Dave wrote:
> I had been using Netscape 4.x for ages. The filter log would not show
> newsgroup filtering (it had the feature, but it was kaput); only email
> filtering. Netscape 7.1 that I loaded a month or so back reveals a list
> a mile long of BS posters and off topic threads. Very cool. It gets so
> long that I purge the log several times a day--it's amazingly effective.
> Bear with me as I reply to some of the twits who I normally have
> filtered. By tomorrow I hope to have each of those miscreants back on
> I shant list them by name, as I vividly recall the rancor stirred up by
> such publicity.
> dave
I tried 7.1 during the past month, it either has a serious memory leak
or it's a freaking memory hog. I'm sticking with 4.79. 7.1 hit the trash
can after 2 weeks.
An unkind remark is like a killing frost. No matter how much it warms
up later, the damage remains.