Thanks for all the replies.
Let's see if I can sum it all up.
No WW shows or any of the other sources suggested.
I subscribe to no periodicals, woodworking or otherwise.
In retrospect, I can't say if all the postcards were prepaid.
I have numerous throw-away email addresses that I can
just abandon if I get spammed. Except for immediate family,
maybe 15 people have my cell number and then only if
they check their caller ID. I got my postal mail cleaned up
years ago - then this started. I'm just that way.
My address was given to no company except this one
that I suspect, plus Rockler and Amazon (no external vendors)
that I've done business with for years with no problem.
I keep my 'do not send' current with the Direct Marketing
Association. It helps.
When I called the company I guessed it had originated with,
I got only a 'well, it's possible' type of reply.
The mailing labels on a couple of the catalogs I got at the
same time were identical in that they contained a couple of
numeric identifiers. The catalogs <were> good ones even
though I don't need the products - one was for clock parts,
the other was for all kinds of miniature and modeling stuff.
When I contacted the companies, one had no idea where
they got the list, the other did and gave me the phone number.
I called and got off the list. I just worked my way up the chain.
Since I'm not 100% certain where it started, I won't use the
company name, but so far it hasn't been mentioned in this
thread. It's a tool store. 'Nuf sed.
Maybe coincidence - maybe I just have higher expectations
of the companies I deal with.
Thanks again for the replies, and I've got to admit that the
'power tool' gave me a laugh.
Out to the shop.
Joe <Joe@Joe' wrote:
> Thanks for all the replies.
> Let's see if I can sum it all up.
> No WW shows or any of the other sources suggested.
> I subscribe to no periodicals, woodworking or otherwise.
> In retrospect, I can't say if all the postcards were prepaid.
> I have numerous throw-away email addresses that I can
> just abandon if I get spammed. Except for immediate family,
> maybe 15 people have my cell number and then only if
> they check their caller ID. I got my postal mail cleaned up
> years ago - then this started. I'm just that way.
> My address was given to no company except this one
> that I suspect, plus Rockler and Amazon (no external vendors)
> that I've done business with for years with no problem.
> I keep my 'do not send' current with the Direct Marketing
> Association. It helps.
> When I called the company I guessed it had originated with,
> I got only a 'well, it's possible' type of reply.
> The mailing labels on a couple of the catalogs I got at the
> same time were identical in that they contained a couple of
> numeric identifiers. The catalogs <were> good ones even
> though I don't need the products - one was for clock parts,
> the other was for all kinds of miniature and modeling stuff.
> When I contacted the companies, one had no idea where
> they got the list, the other did and gave me the phone number.
> I called and got off the list. I just worked my way up the chain.
> Since I'm not 100% certain where it started, I won't use the
> company name, but so far it hasn't been mentioned in this
> thread. It's a tool store. 'Nuf sed.
Yeah, but was it Woodpeckers?
> Maybe coincidence - maybe I just have higher expectations
> of the companies I deal with.
> Thanks again for the replies, and I've got to admit that the
> 'power tool' gave me a laugh.
> Out to the shop.