I am looking for advice on what finish would be a good choice for a new
wide pine floor that has low VOCs and HAPs. The main problem is we
have birds in the house and they are very sensitive to air pollutants.
They won't be in the same room, but I'd be much more comfortable if the
air pollutants were kept to a minimum (I don't like breathing the fumes
I would also like something that has a slight amber tone to it also. I
think the totally clear/colorless water based urethanes don't look
right on a wide pine floor. I'm not really interested in staining
either. I've never put down stain that I liked. It's always looked
muddy to me.
We have a dog, so possible damage from her nails needs to be kept in
I would like to be able to walk lightly on the finish within a few
hours if possible.
I don't want to spend too much money on finish. (the wood was only
If you haven't figured it out yet, I'm not a professional, so I don't
want anything too complicated.
Tung oil sounds like a good option but most seem to have solvents in
them. There are some I've found that have citrus based solvents that
would probably do well, like the ones from this company, which is local
to me.
I've seen some pictures of tung oiled floors and they do look pretty
good, but $100/gallon is pretty expensive, and application sounds
lengthy (~4 days) and possibly a little complicated.
I've found a store about 45 miles away that has a sale on AFM Naturals
Oil Wax Finish for $30/gallon, which is about half the price most
places sell it for. I've been unable to find any information on this
product except for the marketing material. It sounds like it may work
well for me, but I'd like to hear someone else's experience with it.
I've used a water based urethane called Aqua Van from Van Technologies
which I did like. It does have an amber tone to it too. The place I
bought it from seems to have gone out of business, and if I remember
right the quart I bought was expensive (~$30 I think).
Thanks for any and all suggestions.