Hi. I am an amateur Java enthusiast. I currently work as a carpenter
and I moonlight on the weekends as a photographer. I'm trying to
transition a career change.
Which Java exam should I start with? Programmer? Or Developer?
How much of the exam will rely on memorization? How much will be from
programming skill? How do they measure my programming ability from one
On 8 Oct 2003 07:41:22 -0700, [email protected] (Vanessa BJ)
>Hi. I am an amateur Java enthusiast. I currently work as a carpenter
>and I moonlight on the weekends as a photographer. I'm trying to
>transition a career change.
>Which Java exam should I start with? Programmer? Or Developer?
>How much of the exam will rely on memorization? How much will be from
>programming skill? How do they measure my programming ability from one
How about go fuck youself troll
On 10/11/03 5:41 AM, in article [email protected],
"Steve D" <[email protected]> wrote:
> On 8 Oct 2003 07:41:22 -0700, [email protected] (Vanessa BJ)
> wrote:
>> Hi. I am an amateur Java enthusiast. I currently work as a carpenter
>> and I moonlight on the weekends as a photographer. I'm trying to
>> transition a career change.
>> Which Java exam should I start with? Programmer? Or Developer?
>> How much of the exam will rely on memorization? How much will be from
>> programming skill? How do they measure my programming ability from one
>> exam?
> How about go fuck youself troll
Someone has already done that for "her".
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