Hey all,
I am going to make a sunflower mosaic (3/8" grid size) using 12" strips
cocobolo (center), that surrounded by osage (turns orangey brown), that
surrounded by honeylocust sapwood (bright yellow), and a little holly
on the outside as accent. I will then slice it accross the grain
(cross cut I guess) to make mosaic tiles for box lids.
I am going to position the endgrain of each osage and locust strip so
they 'point' outward away from the cocobolo center (hopefully looking
like petals). I want to maximize the grain line contrast, while
preserving the color of each wood. When finish is appplied, all the
wood will be together as a mosaic, so I think whatever I apply needs to
be able to work globally. I have searched the rec, but nothing
specific I could find (Flexner's book may come via Santa). Any ideas
on this?