Hi. I'm preparing to build an entry door frame for a refinished door I
picked up (and refinished) at a local salvage yard. I'm including a transom
above the door, similar in fashion to what would have originally been on the
house. The transom will operate.
I'm okay with the basic jamb construction--5/4 lumber all around. I've
built a few interior frames. What I'm not sure of is the framing between
the door and transom. I've seen a few different styles--some with
decorative molding, some very plain, but I don't know how any of them were
put together.
Has anybody here built a jamb with transom, and if so could you provide me
with details of that frame section? I just need to see a detail so I can
understand it and adapt it to my situation.
Some other details of note:
-The jamb will be an odd width (6 1/8 inches) to match my old framing &
plaster exterior wall
-The door is under a porch and will see minimal weather
-The frame will be painted white; the door will be a dark stain.
My fingers are crossed. Thanks!