"Dr. Deb"

14/10/2008 4:54 PM

Just to pass along

I love a shellac and wax finish(instant gratification not the least of the
reasons :-) ) and finish almost everything I turn that way. However,
when it comes to small items that are made, not turned, I tended to use
poly, but would use shellac (dark garnet), especially if I wanted a dark

I heard some of you talking down throuh the years about Watco oil and tried
it, but it just left me a bit disappointed (wait for it!!). So, it was
back to the poly. Then I read a post about putting numerous coats of oil
on and sanding up through 1000 - 1500 grit and toping it with wax. Looked
good and I have done several pieces that way. But it takes over a week and
being a child of the age, I was looking for something that looked really
good but did not take so long.

A few weeks ago, I finished a small project and finished it with Watco, per
can instructions. But after it dried I dug out a container of some stuff
that I picked up heavens knows when or when and put it on. Loved it. The
stuff is called "Kerf's Wood Cream" and gives a richer luster to the oil
finish than the Briwax I was using does. I just visited their webpage


and it is fully food safe also, something Briwax is not.
