I recently purchased a circa 1990 Delta Model 10 Deluxe Radial Arm Saw,
actual model number 33-990, that is missing the table(s) and fence.
Would someone that has one of these saws please measure and post the
dimensions of the wood parts so I can fabricate them from stock on
hand? I can handle the fastening and leveling parts myself.
Also, if anyone has successfully modified the table/fence arrangement,
I would like to know what you have done.
Thanks in advance
[email protected] wrote:
> I recently purchased a circa 1990 Delta Model 10 Deluxe Radial Arm Saw,
> actual model number 33-990, that is missing the table(s) and fence.
> Would someone that has one of these saws please measure and post the
> dimensions of the wood parts so I can fabricate them from stock on
> hand? I can handle the fastening and leveling parts myself.
> Also, if anyone has successfully modified the table/fence arrangement,
> I would like to know what you have done.
> Thanks in advance
> Brent
My Model 10 is a 1994 but the same model number and the dimensions are
probably the same as yours. Going from front to back my table
components measure:
MDF: 1" T x 42" W x 17" D
I also put a piece of 1/8" hardboard over this part.
Solid pine: 3/4" T x 42" W x 1-3/4" D (turn it on its side so it sticks
up 3/4" above table)
MDF: 1" T x 42" W x 1-1/8" D
MDF: 1" T x 42" W x 6-5/8" D
Hope this is helpful.
Thanks to dm012, Frank and Morris for the prompt and valuable
information. I wish I had enough space for the big table that Morris
uses, but will stick close to the dimensions provided by the others.
I have a salvaged piece of 1" fir plywood for the table, and have a
good plan for the leveling screws.
Thanks again......Brent
Morris Dovey wrote:
> [email protected] (in
> [email protected]) said:
> | I recently purchased a circa 1990 Delta Model 10 Deluxe Radial Arm
> | Saw, actual model number 33-990, that is missing the table(s) and
> | fence. Would someone that has one of these saws please measure and
> | post the dimensions of the wood parts so I can fabricate them from
> | stock on hand? I can handle the fastening and leveling parts
> | myself.
> |
> | Also, if anyone has successfully modified the table/fence
> | arrangement, I would like to know what you have done.
> Brent...
> Can't help you with the original dimensions; but you have an
> opportunity to do some customization aimed at enhancing the saw for
> your particular use. I put up a web page at the link below that might
> offer a few ideas (my RAS is a ToolKraft; but the mods I made might be
> handy without regard to make or model.)
> --
> Morris Dovey
> DeSoto Solar
> DeSoto, Iowa USA
> http://www.iedu.com/DeSoto/RAS_Table.html
[email protected] (in
[email protected]) said:
| I recently purchased a circa 1990 Delta Model 10 Deluxe Radial Arm
| Saw, actual model number 33-990, that is missing the table(s) and
| fence. Would someone that has one of these saws please measure and
| post the dimensions of the wood parts so I can fabricate them from
| stock on hand? I can handle the fastening and leveling parts
| myself.
| Also, if anyone has successfully modified the table/fence
| arrangement, I would like to know what you have done.
Can't help you with the original dimensions; but you have an
opportunity to do some customization aimed at enhancing the saw for
your particular use. I put up a web page at the link below that might
offer a few ideas (my RAS is a ToolKraft; but the mods I made might be
handy without regard to make or model.)
Morris Dovey
DeSoto Solar
DeSoto, Iowa USA
On 6 Sep 2006 08:01:22 -0700, [email protected] wrote:
>I recently purchased a circa 1990 Delta Model 10 Deluxe Radial Arm Saw,
>actual model number 33-990, that is missing the table(s) and fence.
>Would someone that has one of these saws please measure and post the
>dimensions of the wood parts so I can fabricate them from stock on
>hand? I can handle the fastening and leveling parts myself.
>Also, if anyone has successfully modified the table/fence arrangement,
>I would like to know what you have done.
>Thanks in advance
The table size changed a number of times over the years. Mine is 44"
x 28" with 20" in front of the fence when clamped in it's normal
Do you need the leveling screw center dimension or are they intact on
your saw?