In article <2004091907543411272%babymakesfour@telusnet>, brandt
<[email protected]> wrote:
> Does anyone know of any BASIC CAD software for the Mac platform. I
> would like the software for simply drawing out wood projects. Nothing
> fancy... no need for 3D rendering (nice though).
> Help?
> Brandt
These will all work well
Vectorworks ($$$$$$$$$)
Design Intuition
brandt wrote:
> Does anyone know of any BASIC CAD software for the Mac platform. I
> would like the software for simply drawing out wood projects. Nothing
> fancy... no need for 3D rendering (nice though).
> Help?
> Brandt
Brandt, I sent you a msg to the address above. In essence, I am running a Mac G4 with
dual 450, and use CADintosh PPC and Canvas 3.0.2 . If your address above is not your
correct address, send me a message to my correct address above and we can get
Hoyt Weathers
Trinity, Alabama
J. Clarke wrote:
> The Alaskan wrote:
>>In article <2004091907543411272%babymakesfour@telusnet>, brandt
>><[email protected]> wrote:
>>>Does anyone know of any BASIC CAD software for the Mac platform. I
>>>would like the software for simply drawing out wood projects. Nothing
>>>fancy... no need for 3D rendering (nice though).
>>These will all work well
>>Vectorworks ($$$$$$$$$)
>>Design Intuition
> It's big bucks but add Ashlar-Vellum to the list.
MacDraft. The original and still has the intuitive interface. Kinda
pricy, but perfect for basic stuff.
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BruceR wrote:
> J. Clarke wrote:
> > The Alaskan wrote:
> >
> >
> >>In article <2004091907543411272%babymakesfour@telusnet>, brandt
> >><[email protected]> wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>>Does anyone know of any BASIC CAD software for the Mac platform. I
> >>>would like the software for simply drawing out wood projects. Nothing
> >>>fancy... no need for 3D rendering (nice though).
> >>>
> >>>Help?
> >>>
> >>>Brandt
> >>>
> >>
> >>These will all work well
> >>
> >>HighDesign
> >>iDraw
> >>Vectorworks ($$$$$$$$$)
> >>Design Intuition
> >>Canvas
> >>CADintosh
> >
> >
> > It's big bucks but add Ashlar-Vellum to the list.
> >
> >
> >>RonMan
> >
> >
> MacDraft. The original and still has the intuitive interface. Kinda
> pricy, but perfect for basic stuff.
> -Bruce
How about under $30 US?
Try finding a copy of SuperPaint - v3.5 or later (think it only
went to 4.0 before Adobe bought them out and shelved it
because it competed with and was much easier to use
than illustrator. Works up to but not including Mac OS X.
Here's one on e-bay for $16.95+ $6 S&H. item no. 2755765952
(all one line so watch the line wrap)
do a google search on SuperPaint + pdf
for a pdf file that shows most of what this graphics
package can do.
I use SuperPaint for all the "drawn" illustrations on
my site. Here're some examples of drawings done
with this inexpensive, intutitve yet pwerful old
Mac app
workbench drawing
Mortise and tenon illustrations
Dovetail Marking Gauge DIY
The program will display H & W units so you can do scaled
drawings. If you want to get ideas in computer form and then
play with them somewhat effortlessly - get SuperPaint.
charlie b
The Alaskan wrote:
> In article <2004091907543411272%babymakesfour@telusnet>, brandt
> <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Does anyone know of any BASIC CAD software for the Mac platform. I
>> would like the software for simply drawing out wood projects. Nothing
>> fancy... no need for 3D rendering (nice though).
>> Help?
>> Brandt
> These will all work well
> HighDesign
> iDraw
> Vectorworks ($$$$$$$$$)
> Design Intuition
> Canvas
> CADintosh
It's big bucks but add Ashlar-Vellum to the list.
> RonMan
Reply to jclarke at ae tee tee global dot net
(was jclarke at eye bee em dot net)
In article <2004091907543411272%babymakesfour@telusnet>,
brandt <[email protected]> wrote:
> Does anyone know of any BASIC CAD software for the Mac platform. I
> would like the software for simply drawing out wood projects. Nothing
> fancy... no need for 3D rendering (nice though).
> Help?
> Brandt
CADintosh is a 2D-CAD program for technical and architectural drawings.
From the Graphics Converter folks. About $33.
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to email subject to improve your chances
of an actual reply.
In article <2004091907543411272%babymakesfour@telusnet>,
brandt <[email protected]> wrote:
> Does anyone know of any BASIC CAD software for the Mac platform. I
> would like the software for simply drawing out wood projects. Nothing
> fancy... no need for 3D rendering (nice though).
> Help?
> Brandt
I've been using MacDraft for many years. It's fairly powerful and easy
to use, if a bit pricy.