My Ridgid bandsaw is dragging quite a bit when resawing - no matter
the speed or blade. It is an old model with a 3/4 HP motor. Is there
any issue with swapping out the motor to a 1 or 11/2 HP? Am out of
work, can't afford to buy a new one.
Other option is to convert to 240 - but that would still leave a 3/4
motor that may be going bad..Please help.
"cc" wrote:
> My Ridgid bandsaw is dragging quite a bit when resawing - no matter
> the speed or blade. It is an old model with a 3/4 HP motor. Is there
> any issue with swapping out the motor to a 1 or 11/2 HP? Am out of
> work, can't afford to buy a new one.
> Other option is to convert to 240 - but that would still leave a 3/4
> motor that may be going bad..Please help.
Some low cost items.
1) Replace existing blade with a new quality resaw blade.
2) Make sure new blade is tracking clean and true.
3) Rewire motor for 240VAC service.
"cc" <> wrote in message
> My Ridgid bandsaw is dragging quite a bit when resawing - no matter
> the speed or blade. It is an old model with a 3/4 HP motor. Is there
> any issue with swapping out the motor to a 1 or 11/2 HP? Am out of
> work, can't afford to buy a new one.
> Other option is to convert to 240 - but that would still leave a 3/4
> motor that may be going bad..Please help.
> Chris
If you are running your saw on an extension cord it may pay to rewire to 240
to help guard against voltage drop when you are resawing. If plugged
straight into a wall recepticle with adequate amperage rating now, rewiring
to 240 will probably be a waste of time.
Are you using a 3 TPI or less blade?
Upgrading the motor "could" decrease the life expentancy of the upper and
lower wheel bearings.
With those comments in mind, has the saw ever done better with resawing the
same type material. If so what has changed? Old blade, wrong kind of
Is there
> any issue with swapping out the motor to a 1 or 11/2 HP? =A0
There has been a few long discussion son this topic over the last few
years here. Might be able to find them with search.
I think the consensus is that 1.5x increase in hp should still perform
OK on the same frame without causing any problems. 2x might start to
be pusing it but still within realm of doability.
I upgraded my motor to a 120v 1.5 or 2 horsepower(can't remember) I have
never looked back , best upgrade for the bucks. You still have to keep an
eye on the sharpness of your blade and when you have to push stock harder or
motor complains a little sharpen (Dermal and chainsaw sharpening bit) or put
on a new blade. Motor has to be the same speed and arbour diameter for your
pulleys. Bigger motor doesn't hurt your bearings (well maybe if your blade
is dull as a butter knife and you keep pushing). I had to drill some new
mounting holes about an inch away from old ones(was easy) Also was lucky in
getting a great unused used motor. 3/4 motor is a design flaw in a 14 inch
Good luck
"cc" <> wrote in message
> My Ridgid bandsaw is dragging quite a bit when resawing - no matter
> the speed or blade. It is an old model with a 3/4 HP motor. Is there
> any issue with swapping out the motor to a 1 or 11/2 HP? Am out of
> work, can't afford to buy a new one.
> Other option is to convert to 240 - but that would still leave a 3/4
> motor that may be going bad..Please help.
> Chris
How about the power cord that provides the power - can it take the
surge currents that last for a while ? Is the gauge large enough ?
Often power is dropped in the cable. And that doesn't help.
cc wrote:
> My Ridgid bandsaw is dragging quite a bit when resawing - no matter
> the speed or blade. It is an old model with a 3/4 HP motor. Is there
> any issue with swapping out the motor to a 1 or 11/2 HP? Am out of
> work, can't afford to buy a new one.
> Other option is to convert to 240 - but that would still leave a 3/4
> motor that may be going bad..Please help.
> Chris