
[email protected] (daniel peterman)

16/12/2006 9:36 AM


I bought this basket at a yard sale and it is hard to fathom how it was
made. Could be some production thing from asia.
It is simply oak sections about a half inch by 2 inch all glued together
in a geometric shape about the size of a bowling ball. I searched all
over the web for this, found nothing, then the other day talked to my
sister and she has one just like it.
Any ideas about origin or who akes them?

This topic has 4 replies


"Buddy Matlosz"

in reply to [email protected] (daniel peterman) on 16/12/2006 9:36 AM

16/12/2006 9:18 PM

"daniel peterman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I bought this basket at a yard sale and it is hard to fathom how it was
> made. Could be some production thing from asia.
> It is simply oak sections about a half inch by 2 inch all glued together
> in a geometric shape about the size of a bowling ball. I searched all
> over the web for this, found nothing, then the other day talked to my
> sister and she has one just like it.
> Any ideas about origin or who akes them?
> Thanks

Your sister?




in reply to "Buddy Matlosz" on 16/12/2006 9:18 PM

16/12/2006 11:07 PM

On Dec 16, 10:08 pm, [email protected] (daniel peterman) wrote:
> She didn't make them but maybe she should. It's really a cool object and
> someone put serious effort and skill into it.
> Just thought I would ask if any of the regs heer had seen one before.

Maybe posting a picture would help - you can't post directly to this
newsgroup, but or a link to a photo site
like Yahoo photos would work.


in reply to "Buddy Matlosz" on 16/12/2006 9:18 PM

17/12/2006 11:54 AM

Andy wrote:
> On Dec 16, 10:08 pm, [email protected] (daniel peterman) wrote:
> > She didn't make them but maybe she should. It's really a cool object and
> > someone put serious effort and skill into it.
> > Just thought I would ask if any of the regs heer had seen one before.
> Maybe posting a picture would help - you can't post directly to this
> newsgroup, but or a link to a photo site
> like Yahoo photos would work.
> Andy

Theres a whole range of planters and baskets made as you describe.

try for scrap wood basket plan

They are often glued or stapled together . Commercial items are often
of China origin.


[email protected] (daniel peterman)

in reply to "Buddy Matlosz" on 16/12/2006 9:18 PM

16/12/2006 7:08 PM

She didn't make them but maybe she should. It's really a cool object and
someone put serious effort and skill into it.
Just thought I would ask if any of the regs heer had seen one before.

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