
22/03/2008 12:44 AM

Chloe 50831 cream-Leather Paddington bag Replica AAA

Chloe 50831 cream-Leather Paddington bag Replica AAA, Fake HandBags

Chloe 50831 cream-Leather Paddington bag Bags Link :

Chloe 50831 cream-Leather Paddington bag Price : $ 215.00

CHLOE Hand Bags Link : http://www.cnreplicas.com/Chloe_Replica_Bags.html

Replica handbags Home : http://www.cnreplicas.com/

Chloe 50831 cream-Leather Paddington bag ,one model of CHLOE hand
Bags, the most popular designer handbags. You can get top grade
Replica Chloe 50831 cream-Leather Paddington bag knockoffs at
favorable price .

Chloe 50831 cream-Leather Paddington bag Detailed information :

Leather Paddington bag
Nutmeg leather Paddington bag with gold hardware and large padlock.
Bag has two handles with gold rings on either end, a Chlo=E9 inscribed
padlock which secures the silver zip fastening on the top, a key
attached to the handle, two slit style pockets either side of bag and
C shaped buckle details on either end with gathered leather.
Bag is lined in canvas with a zip fastening pocket inside and has
small feet on base.

Size(inch) Width Handle Drop Height Depth ONE SIZE 14.5 8.5 7.5 7.5

Chloe 50831 cream
colours available:royal blue,pearlied shell,pearlied
black,green,crocodile skin black,crocodile rosy gold dark
coffee,crocodile dark coffee,pink,antique silver pearlied straw
yellow,antique silver pearlied grass green,antique silver pearlied
light blue,antique silver pearlied pink,antique silver pearlied
shell,antique silver pearlied baby blue,antique silver pearlied light
green,antique silver pearlied dark beige,grey,brown,red,red with black
paint edge,off-white,coffee,khaki,black,rosy gold white with camel
paint edge,rosy gold royal blue,rosy gold khaki,rosy gold cream,rosy
gold light shell,rosy gold whisky,rosy gold apricot,rosy gold pearlied
shell,rosy gold purple,rosy gold brown coffee,rosy gold diamond lock
pearlied shell,shell,cream,rosy gold cream,deep green,leather colour
lock pearlied black,leather colour hardware white,leather colour
hardware orange,leather colour hardware dark coffee,light coffee,light
shell,light cream with camel paint edge,light yellowish brown,dark
coffee,dark pink,dark cream,dark camel,dark camel with camel paint
edge,dark apricot,sky blue,yellowish brown,yellowish brown with black
paint edge,whisky,apricot white,apricot,rosy red,silver white,oil-wax
leather rosy gold off-white,oil-wax leather rosy gold black,oil-wax
leather rosy gold light coffee,oil-wax leather rosy gold light
green,oil-wax leather rosy gold yellowish brown,pearlied grass
green,pearlied gold,leather colour lock pearlied black,pearlied
shell,purple,brown coffee,diamond lock rosy gold silver green,diamond
lock rosy gold pearlied black

Buy the cheapest Chloe 50831 cream-Leather Paddington bag in toppest
Replica . www.cnreplicas.com helps you to save money!

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