Nobody stupid enough to bid on it as of 8:50pm 23 June 2004...
Howard Lee Harkness
[email protected] (alternate email) -- hosting & domain registration
What's the matter, forget where the dup key is?
"J.B. Bobbitt" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Yeah, me too. Maybe we should consider buying the time machine and going
> back to those times. But lets not go so far back as to use punch cards.
> (I'm dating myself here).
> -jbb
> "Mark Jerde" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:b%[email protected]...
> > S R wrote:
> >
> > > Also, I at least want to read an owners manual so I don't screw
> > > things up. Then again, who reads manuals???
> >
> > <g> When my 80486 Win3.1 PC was considered a very fast computer I read
> every
> > word in the Microsoft Office manuals. Someone help me out if my memory
> > fading -- Word 6, Access 2, Excel 4, PowerPoint (?)...
> >
> > I still read every word on every page of the manuals MS sends out with
> > Office. The fact they don't send out printed manuals anymore makes the
> > reading go much quicker. ;-)
> >
> > -- Mark
> >
> > P.S. I have to use MS Word because it's "The Corproate Standard." IMO
> it's
> > still not as good at graphics and the user interface as Samna's AmiPro
> > Win 3.0.
> >
> >
"should be transported", "you may even be physically transported in time"
Before I plunk down my hard earned cash, I want a guarantee... Not
"should", nor "may be", but "will" and "absolutely".
Also, I at least want to read an owners manual so I don't screw things up.
Then again, who reads manuals???
Stephen R.
"Howard" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Nobody stupid enough to bid on it as of 8:50pm 23 June 2004...
> --
> Howard Lee Harkness
> [email protected] (alternate email)
> -- hosting & domain registration
What, does he think we're all stupid?? Everyone knows time travel is
impossible without a flux capacitor ;-)
Howard wrote:
> Nobody stupid enough to bid on it as of 8:50pm 23 June 2004...
> --
> Howard Lee Harkness
> [email protected] (alternate email)
> -- hosting & domain registration
it would probably work too if you attached the two electrode thingies to you
balls instead of up near your belly button.
"Howard" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Nobody stupid enough to bid on it as of 8:50pm 23 June 2004...
> --
> Howard Lee Harkness
> [email protected] (alternate email)
> -- hosting & domain registration
> actually there is a simple test. as proven on bill and ted.
> sit down and say to yourself, PROMISE yourself, that if you are ever able to
> go back to the past from the future, say to a point when you are 16 years
> old. you absolutely swerar you will bring your past self some information
> from the future that will make you rich.
> now... if you are ever going to be able to time travel in the future, that
> should retroactively make you rich changing all reality around you.
> what, it didnt happen? well looks like you arent going back to the past, in
> the future....
...and don't forget that damn butterfly effect... just step on a butterfly and
then watch for the differences in the future. They can be drastic!
In which case, to get rich, all you'd need to do is collect a penny from the
ground and cherish it (in the past), you'd get rich in the future and you
know it (knowing that damn butterfly effect, that is!)!
actually there is a simple test. as proven on bill and ted.
sit down and say to yourself, PROMISE yourself, that if you are ever able to
go back to the past from the future, say to a point when you are 16 years
old. you absolutely swerar you will bring your past self some information
from the future that will make you rich.
now... if you are ever going to be able to time travel in the future, that
should retroactively make you rich changing all reality around you.
what, it didnt happen? well looks like you arent going back to the past, in
the future....
"DarylRos" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> It will work. I'll prove it. I've just bid 8,000 Quatlous and when I win
I'm sure glad I finished my coffee before checking this out.
"Rick Sherman" <[email protected]> wrote:
>It sounds like a good deal, this place charges $590 for the same thing, but
>you can buy plans to build you own for only $30.
[email protected]
Umm..... I'm getting a headache............
xrongor wrote:
> actually there is a simple test. as proven on bill and ted.
> sit down and say to yourself, PROMISE yourself, that if you are ever able to
> go back to the past from the future, say to a point when you are 16 years
> old. you absolutely swerar you will bring your past self some information
> from the future that will make you rich.
> now... if you are ever going to be able to time travel in the future, that
> should retroactively make you rich changing all reality around you.
> what, it didnt happen? well looks like you arent going back to the past, in
> the future....
> randy
> "DarylRos" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>>It will work. I'll prove it. I've just bid 8,000 Quatlous and when I win
> ...
"J.B. Bobbitt" <[email protected]> wrote ...
> WOW!
> I really wanted that machine, so I bid $10,000, and I WON!
> But after three or four months, I decided that I paid too much, and I'd
> rather spend the dough on new tools. So I went back in time, undid my
> and it's like it never happened. Is that amazing or what?
Yep, I sold it to you for $10,000, shortly after I had won the auction when
you undid your bid and mine was the next highest at $300. Damned amazing.
S R wrote:
> Also, I at least want to read an owners manual so I don't screw
> things up. Then again, who reads manuals???
<g> When my 80486 Win3.1 PC was considered a very fast computer I read every
word in the Microsoft Office manuals. Someone help me out if my memory is
fading -- Word 6, Access 2, Excel 4, PowerPoint (?)...
I still read every word on every page of the manuals MS sends out with
Office. The fact they don't send out printed manuals anymore makes the
reading go much quicker. ;-)
-- Mark
P.S. I have to use MS Word because it's "The Corproate Standard." IMO it's
still not as good at graphics and the user interface as Samna's AmiPro for
Win 3.0.
Yeah, me too. Maybe we should consider buying the time machine and going
back to those times. But lets not go so far back as to use punch cards.
(I'm dating myself here).
"Mark Jerde" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:b%[email protected]...
> S R wrote:
> > Also, I at least want to read an owners manual so I don't screw
> > things up. Then again, who reads manuals???
> <g> When my 80486 Win3.1 PC was considered a very fast computer I read
> word in the Microsoft Office manuals. Someone help me out if my memory is
> fading -- Word 6, Access 2, Excel 4, PowerPoint (?)...
> I still read every word on every page of the manuals MS sends out with
> Office. The fact they don't send out printed manuals anymore makes the
> reading go much quicker. ;-)
> -- Mark
> P.S. I have to use MS Word because it's "The Corproate Standard." IMO
> still not as good at graphics and the user interface as Samna's AmiPro for
> Win 3.0.
I e-mailed the auction to my nephew. He might be stupid enough. :-)
"Howard" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Nobody stupid enough to bid on it as of 8:50pm 23 June 2004...
> --
> Howard Lee Harkness
> [email protected] (alternate email)
> -- hosting & domain registration
I really wanted that machine, so I bid $10,000, and I WON!
But after three or four months, I decided that I paid too much, and I'd
rather spend the dough on new tools. So I went back in time, undid my bid,
and it's like it never happened. Is that amazing or what?
"Howard" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Nobody stupid enough to bid on it as of 8:50pm 23 June 2004...
> --
> Howard Lee Harkness
> [email protected] (alternate email)
> -- hosting & domain registration