'United 93' Coverup; CIA/ Pentagon PsyOps Exposed (continued)
'United 93' Coverup; CIA/ Pentagon PsyOps Exposed
A Boeing 757-200 weighs +120,000 lbs (+54,000 kg) empty, has a length
of 155 ft 3 in (47.3 m), wingspan of 124 ft 10 in (38 m) and a tail
height of 44 ft 6 in (13.6 m).
All of the eyewitnesses to the crash scene, which included firemen,
were amazed that there was no evidence of the plane.
There was a lot of small debris and paper, but 120,000 lbs of aircraft
apparently disappeared.
According to the official story, the one-time open pit mine had been
filled with soft dirt which "liquefied" when the plane hit. The entire
plane buried itself deeply in the ground. However, note the imprint of
the tail. It is not very deep and there is no evidence of any debris
from the tail.
The Faked Crash Imprint
The second key piece of evidence is the shape of the impact crater, or
the crash imprint.
The official story is that the 757 was at an extremely low altitude
(less than 500 feet or 150 meters), the plane rolled onto its back and
crashed at +500 mph (800 kmh).
The crash imprint shows a vertical, or nearly vertical, impact.
It is impossible for a 757 to change from horizontal flight a to
vertical dive within a few hundred vertical feet - particularly when
its at twice its' design speed for low altitude.
Further, the all-electronic control systems of Boeing 757s have pre-set
software limits that prevents pilots from making dangerous maneuvers:
such as inverted flight or vertical dives. The crash imprint and lack
of debris and fire damage outside the crater could only have been
caused by a vertical, or near vertical crash. And this was not
The Circular Crater
The third item evidence is the circular crater. Note that it is
off-center of the tail imprint. If this crater were caused by the
fuselage, it should be directly under the tail imprint.
If the plane crashed at an angle, with one wing striking before the
other, the crater could be off-center - however, the tail imprint
would be larger. The circular crater is indicative of a below ground
Grass Growing in the Crater
The fourth piece of evidence is the grass and weeds growing in the
areas where the "wing tips" and "tail assembly" imprinted the ground.
Grass and vegetation is also seen growing on the sides of the burning
crater walls!
This grass must be the same as the PentaLawn grass, which is able to
grow back within immediately after plane crashes. Clearly, the crash
crater was made before 9/11 - long enough for grass to grow.
Lack of Fire Damage
The fifth piece of evidence that the official government story is a lie
is the lack of fire damage.
A Boeing 757 has a fuel capacity of 11,489 gal (43,490 l). Flight 93
was full for its planned cross country trip to California and would
have had more than 9,000 gal (34,000 l) when it crashed.
To put this inperspective, this amount of fuel would fill 500
automobiles. There is almost no fire damage outside the crash crater
and that is only in the nearby woods.
The Mushroom Cloud
The sixth item of evidence is the picture taken moments after the crash
which shows a relatively small mushroom cloud of smoke with a narrow
base. There is no extended smoke base which would be typical of
aircraft crash. It is indicative of high explosive.
The Missing Three Minutes
The government asserts that Flight 93 crashed at 10:03 AM. A seismic
recording station recorded a major event at 10:06 AM. Seismic
recordings are calibrated by atomic clocks which are incredibly
Cleveland Air Traffic Control also had the flight on its radar at 10:06
AM. Again, the government story contradicts physical evidence. While
this does not provide any proof that Flight 93 did not crash, it does
illustrate government complicity.
Evidence Summary
To summarize, the physical evidence does not show that a Boeing 757-200
crashed at Shanksville:
* Amount of debris not consistent with a +120,000 lb aircraft
* Crash imprint could only be caused by a vertical, or near vertical
crash, which was not possible
* Circular crater indicative of a below ground explosion
* Grass and weeds are growing in the crater which clearly indicates the
crater was made before 9/11
*Lack of fire damage
* Mushroom cloud not consistent with 9,000 gallons of fuel exploding
and burning
* The three minute discrepancy
* Flight 93: of the 45 people who are listed as dying on this flight,
only 6 are listed in the SSDI (13%)
Of these 45 people, none are on the 9-11 Compensation Fund list: None.
Flight 93, no crash. No "Lets Roll"
What Probably Happened at Shanksville
As the 757 flew over the crash site, pre-planted explosives (remember
this is a former mine) were detonated creating the central crater.
This caused the mushroom cloud in the photo. The wing and tail imprints
were dug in advance, plus some of the central crater, long enough for
grass to grow.
Aircraft debris, paper and fuel were pre-planted and blown out by the
What happened to the plane and its passengers?
We don't know. There is some evidence, as presented by the researcher
woody box, that Flight 93 landed at Cleveland-Hopkins airport.
Other Oddities and Coincidences
There are numerous other oddities and coincidences concerning Flight
93: ranging from terror drills at nearby airports to debris found miles
away at two separate locations.
Further, a C-130H cargo plane saw Flight 77 crash into the Pentagon,
continued on its journey to Minneapolis; was at the Flight 93 crash
site and continued on its journey.
Plus, the impossible cell phone calls, the political and corporate
connections to the land where Flight 93 crashed and much, much more.
Ba r r y wrote
(in article <[email protected]>):
> It's all strange to you because UNITED 93 crashed, not Untied 93.
FWIW, United employees have jokingly referred to it as "Untied"
for decades.
Randy Howard (2reply remove FOOBAR)
"The power of accurate observation is called cynicism by those
who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw
In article <[email protected]>, todd
<[email protected]> wrote:
> While we're here, I'm curious if a) we ever landed on the moon, b) if
> airplanes struck the twin towers, c) if an airplane crashed in PA on 9/11.
Don't forget the invention to let an internal combustion engine run on
water that was buried by Big Oil!
Mapanari wrote:
> "Cuz" <[email protected]> wrotenews:Gur5g.71545$H71.32391
> @newssvr13.news.prodigy.com:
> >|| Where is the security camera footage from the front gate?
> >||
> >||
> >
> > The guys in the black heliocopters and black suburbans
> > came and got them.....
> >
> >
> You know, in 1940 two Jews were talking in Poland, standing by the gate to
> their potato fields.
> One turns to the other and says "Where are our neighbors? What happened to
> all the Jews in Krakow?".
> The other, a snear on his fat bovine face, sarcastically replies "Why, it
> must have been those people wearing black uniforms and riding black
> trucks!".
> He snorts in disgust and walks back to his farmhouse.
> In the distance, the rumble of a convey of trucks coming down the road in
> silent early morning spring air is heard....
> --
> b{-_-}d
> I'm listening!
You may be listening but you ain't hearing what you're spouting.
President Ahmadinejad has been under attack lately. His speech i which
he is alleged to have said wipe israel off the map was translated by
the likes of MEMRI
Here is Juan cole on what he really said:
Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2006 15:34:18 -0400 From: "Cole, Juan"
The speech in Persian is here:
Sorry that I misremembered the exact phrase Ahmadinejad had used. He
made an analogy to Khomeini's determination and success in getting rid
of the Shah's government, which Khomeini had said "must go" (az bain
bayad berad). Then Ahmadinejad defined Zionism not as an Arabi-Israeli
national struggle but as a Western plot to divide the world of Islam
with Israel as the pivot of this plan.
The phrase he then used as I read it is "The Imam said that this regime
occupying Jerusalem (een rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods) must [vanish from]
from the page of time (bayad az safheh-ye ruzgar mahv shavad)."
Ahmadinejad was not making a threat, he was quoting a saying of
Khomeini and urging that pro-Palestinian activists in Iran not give up
hope-- that the occupation of Jerusalem was no more a continued
inevitability than had been the hegemony of the Shah's government.
Whatever this quotation from a decades-old speech of Khomeini may have
meant, Ahmadinejad did not say that "Israel must be wiped off the map"
with the implication that phrase has of Nazi-style extermination of a
people. He said that the occupation regime over Jerusalem must be
erased from the page of time.
Again, Ariel Sharon erased the occupation regime over Gaza from the
page of time.
Arrogant Americans.
You know the truth. You OWN the truth. You do the right thing.
God is on your side. The US DOLLAR is a force for good.
Hidden motives and telling lies is rare, you are often heroic fighters.
myth myth myth!
In reality God is abused, lies are the norm and Americans are the
greatest cowards on earth... only confronting an opponent if they
are sure to win...
IF YOU WERE half the honest, upstanding and brave people
you think you are, you would WATCH THIS VIDEO and act
upon your new-found knowledge.
Whats The Truth?
How Indeed Did The Twin Towers Collapse
250meg WindowsVideo
TORRENT download 51 meg REAL VIDEO ... RealPlayer rmvb
But you are too arrogant to even look.
Too scared it might change your outlook,
expose your lies. COWARDS!
This clip has proof fires were out, OUT DAMNIT!
This clip shows thermite CUTTING CHARGES!!! DAMNIT!
This clip shows the explosives on the outside the firemen describe!
This clip shows they used WMD on their own people! DAMNIT!
This clip shows victims who KNEW the fire was out and were waiting for
rescue as the evildoers blew them to kingdom come! DAMNIT!
This Clip:
UNDENIALBLE footage of Cutter-charges and Explosions inside WTC (don't
believe me, look for yourself):
**** Whats The Truth -- How Indeed Did The Twin Towers Collapse? ****
50meg torrent http://www.torrentspy.com/download.asp?id=743501
250meg WMV download http://www.911podcasts.com/display.php?vid=95
The good news is: US americans have mostly escaped denial! According to
the new explosive ZOGBY POLL (taboo! not mentioned in the EMBEDDED
42% of Americans believe 911 commission was a cover-up!!
64% of US Jews believe that Bush exploited Sept. 11th attacks.
More relaxing Video:
http://www.question911.com/links.php << MANY GOOD VIDEOS
9/11 WHY? ... The US Dollar empire!
Next US terror:
US Americans!
Me thinks that everyone tries to get your tax-money!
GOVT big-$$$ is currently easy to get with anything Iraq and Iran.
I suspect that US people feel that HAVING OIL for their "way of life"
and KILLING people are the two faces of the same coin.
But the Oil-mafia is only interested in HIGH OIL PRICES and
And the US tax-payer suffers.
They spend $10 of YOUR MONEY to earn $1 of THEIR MONEY.
... now read the details:
Iran Freedom and Regime Change Politics
By Tom Barry
At a time when the Republican Party is divided on immigration reform
when the Democrats and the Republicans are positioning themselves for
the mid-term elections on such issues as gay marriage, Congress is
demonstrating alarming bipartisan unity on Iran.
On April 27 the House of Representatives passed the Iran Freedom
Act by a vote of 397 to 21. The bill tightens sanctions imposed on Iran
under the Iran Libya Sanctions Act (ILSA) of 1996 and tightens
on companies that invest in the country's energy industries. The bill
would make U.S. sanctions against Iran under ILSA permanent unless
is a change of government in Iran.
Sponsored by Reps. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) and Tom Lantos (D-CA),
bill authorizes the president .to provide financial and political
assistance to foreign and domestic individuals, organizations, and
entities that support democracy and the promotion of democracy in Iran.
The Senate version of the bill, S. 333, sponsored by Sens. Rick
(R-PA) and Evan Bayh (D-IN), currently has 58 co-sponsors.
The bill also authorizes the president .to provide financial and
political assistance to foreign and domestic individuals,
and entities that support democracy and the promotion of democracy in
Ohio Democrat Dennis Kucinich, who opposed the bill, argued: .While
bill makes a point of so-called not using force against Iran, be
this is a stepping stone to the use of force, the same way that the
Liberation Act was used as a stepping stone..
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)
is the most prominent lobbying group pressing for congressional
approval of the Iran Freedom Support Act. After the House's approval of
the bill, AIPAC told its members and supporters: .Please thank your
Representative for voting for the bill and urge your Senators to
co-sponsor S.333.. On its website, AIPAC lists the 58 senators who have
already agreed to support the companion bill when it comes to the
Senate. The Senate bill counts on such Democrats as Barbara Boxer,
Cantwell, Dianne Feinstein, and Barbara Mikulski as well as such
conservative Democrats as Joe Lieberman and Mary Landrieu.
While AIPAC is the most powerful group advocating a tougher U.S. policy
toward Iran, numerous other pressure groups calling for regime change
Iran have emerged over the past several years. One of the earliest, the
Coalition for Democracy in Iran (CDI)
formed in late 2002, ceased functioning in mid-2005. Operating out of
the office of Morris Amitay
the former director of AIPAC, CDI worked closely with AIPAC to
Congress to pass resolutions condemning Iran. The CDI principals
continue their efforts to promote regime change in Iran through other
organizations, including the Foundation for Democracy in Iran
Foundation for the Defense of Democracies
Committee on the Present Danger
and the American Enterprise Institute.
See entire Right Web analysis at:
Neocons Call for Washington to Support Revolution in Iran
Building a More Peaceful and Prosperous Iran
After the Iraq invasion, CDI principals and the organization itself
increasingly began blaming Iran for the anti-U.S. insurgency in Iraq.
CDI stated, .It is clear that Iran's mullahs will not tolerate an
emerging democracy on their border. They have reportedly sent millions
of dollars and numerous intelligence operatives into Iraq to create
chaos and attack Coalition forces. Iran's biggest export continues to
terrorism. If we are to succeed in Iraq, Iran must be reined in. We
upon the administration to react to this clear and present danger to
U.S. interests by using all the means at its disposal to deter Iran's
activities in Iraq and its development of nuclear weapons..
See Right Web Profile: Coalition for Democracy in Iran
Timmerman's Crusade
Iran has been waging war against the United States and Israel since
1979, says Kenneth Timmerman of the Foundation for Democracy in Iran,
and he urges the U.S. government to get serious about fighting back.
See Right Web Profile: Kenneth Timmerman
Democracy and Regime Change
The neoconservative Foundation for Democracy in Iran wants U.S.
democratization funds to help make revolution in Iran. The news items
about Iran that FDI features on its homepage create the dual impression
that 1) there is a vibrant Iranian opposition with which the U.S.
government should be working, and 2) that Iran represents an imminent
threat to the United States and Israel.
See Right Web Profile: Foundation for Democracy in Iran
If Not Americans, Then Israelis and Iranians
Founder of the Iran Policy Committee Raymond Tanter says that the U.S.
government has sold Israel nuclear bunker-buster bombs that it could
against Iran, and he advocates a regime change policy using the
Iraq-based MEK Iranian dissident group as the vanguard.
See Right Web Profile: Raymond Tanter
ALL FROM http://rightweb.irc-online.org/rwnews/3279
IRC Right Web rightweb.irc-online.org
ZOGBY POLL found flawed!
Outrageous result!!
911truth.org sponsored the poll,
and lie that they are "co-author"
of the poll!!
54% of Born Again Christians
think Bush was JUSTIFIED in attacking
10% Asians believe BUSH EXPLOITED 911!
68.8% of Jews were UNAWARE of the unexplained WTC7 collapse!!!
32.7% of the Investor Class think that the 9/11 attacks need to be
These are outrageous results!
Here another despicable result!
Lichtman/Zogby Interactive poll:
How Americans rate the trustworthiness
of our esteemed CORPORATE LEADERS:
Only 7% have a high trust and
69% HAVE NO TRUST in corporations.
What a giant blunder in perception!
We can blame our BAD NEWS culture
where people are allowed to show
planted explosives taking down the
World Trade Center Buildings, without
giving the government a chance to
respond! They make evil videos
that THE MEDIA IGNORE instead of
defending our peace-preserving,
christian administration:
Maybe you should not endeavour
watching the graphic violence,
snuff videos:
3000 of our compatriots were murdered
that day!
FULL LENGTH conspiracy movie
download ONLY 51 mB
What are you waiting for? Watch the MOVIE OF YOUR LIFE!!
Player-programme (Real Player 10 GOLD, free and legal!):
OK for one go to google maps and look at DC, Find the pentagon and look
no banks around it untill you cross over i-395 which is higher that the
pentagon so no banks on the other side would have ATM cameras that
could see it. 2 the only thing around the pentagon is PARKING LOTS,
SLUG BOOTHS, and METRO LINE RAMPS.... go figure. My nextdoor neighbor
was working the day it happend at the pentagon She said you could see
the plane parts on the ground, My Girlfriend was going to work at the
Washington DC hospital center when it happend She saw the plane go over
head. To the west over highway 27 is arlington national cemetary (Not
too many people there are watching the Sky's) To the east is the
Patomac River. So there is not to many buildng around the pentagon for
camera to be looking at it. And believe me you don't want a camera
pointing at the pentagon that is asking for a visit from the FBI and
Seceret Service. So I am sorry to say i don't believe your stupid clame
one bit sorry. I think you watched one to many episodes of The
911 whistleblower
This man, Richard Andrew Grove, a whistleblower who worked for the big
boys and money people behind 9/11 has come out with information to set
the 9/11 movement on fire.
Although many have rejected his work (too busy, big egos, whatever)
including the IRS, Treasury Dept and SEC, what he exposes on Marsh &
McLellan, AIG, Dyncorp, Spitzer, Stewart Air Force Base, Fitzgerald,
Bremer, missing gold and bucks of 9/11, software that predicts the
future and more will ASTOUND YOU as it did me. I will be having him
live on the show in June, but wanted you to hear this urgent
information immediately. That is why I worked on it all day.
If you are a journalist, blogger, etc., DO NOT think this is a ruse. I
expect you to LISTEN intently to what this man is presenting and act on
If you are a friend, subscriber, past guest, listen and then relisten.
Pass it on to every outlet and every email list, group you have. This
information is EXPLOSIVE. The more of us that know this information,
the greater the chances I won't be killed for presenting it, and the
greater the chances for a real revolution in America's thinking
processes. Go beyond the explosions, destruction of evidence, etc., and
learn who BENEFITTED and HOW on 9/11 to find out who the Corporate
Fundamentalists are that were behind it all.
How did you escape this time.
<[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> 'United 93' Coverup; CIA/ Pentagon PsyOps Exposed (continued)
> 'United 93' Coverup; CIA/ Pentagon PsyOps Exposed
> A Boeing 757-200 weighs +120,000 lbs (+54,000 kg) empty, has a length
> of 155 ft 3 in (47.3 m), wingspan of 124 ft 10 in (38 m) and a tail
> height of 44 ft 6 in (13.6 m).
> All of the eyewitnesses to the crash scene, which included firemen,
> were amazed that there was no evidence of the plane.
> There was a lot of small debris and paper, but 120,000 lbs of aircraft
> apparently disappeared.
> According to the official story, the one-time open pit mine had been
> filled with soft dirt which "liquefied" when the plane hit. The entire
> plane buried itself deeply in the ground. However, note the imprint of
> the tail. It is not very deep and there is no evidence of any debris
> from the tail.
> The Faked Crash Imprint
> The second key piece of evidence is the shape of the impact crater, or
> the crash imprint.
> The official story is that the 757 was at an extremely low altitude
> (less than 500 feet or 150 meters), the plane rolled onto its back and
> crashed at +500 mph (800 kmh).
> The crash imprint shows a vertical, or nearly vertical, impact.
> It is impossible for a 757 to change from horizontal flight a to
> vertical dive within a few hundred vertical feet - particularly when
> its at twice its' design speed for low altitude.
> Further, the all-electronic control systems of Boeing 757s have pre-set
> software limits that prevents pilots from making dangerous maneuvers:
> such as inverted flight or vertical dives. The crash imprint and lack
> of debris and fire damage outside the crater could only have been
> caused by a vertical, or near vertical crash. And this was not
> possible.
> The Circular Crater
> The third item evidence is the circular crater. Note that it is
> off-center of the tail imprint. If this crater were caused by the
> fuselage, it should be directly under the tail imprint.
> If the plane crashed at an angle, with one wing striking before the
> other, the crater could be off-center - however, the tail imprint
> would be larger. The circular crater is indicative of a below ground
> explosion.
> Grass Growing in the Crater
> The fourth piece of evidence is the grass and weeds growing in the
> areas where the "wing tips" and "tail assembly" imprinted the ground.
> Grass and vegetation is also seen growing on the sides of the burning
> crater walls!
> This grass must be the same as the PentaLawn grass, which is able to
> grow back within immediately after plane crashes. Clearly, the crash
> crater was made before 9/11 - long enough for grass to grow.
> Lack of Fire Damage
> The fifth piece of evidence that the official government story is a lie
> is the lack of fire damage.
> A Boeing 757 has a fuel capacity of 11,489 gal (43,490 l). Flight 93
> was full for its planned cross country trip to California and would
> have had more than 9,000 gal (34,000 l) when it crashed.
> To put this inperspective, this amount of fuel would fill 500
> automobiles. There is almost no fire damage outside the crash crater
> and that is only in the nearby woods.
> The Mushroom Cloud
> The sixth item of evidence is the picture taken moments after the crash
> which shows a relatively small mushroom cloud of smoke with a narrow
> base. There is no extended smoke base which would be typical of
> aircraft crash. It is indicative of high explosive.
> The Missing Three Minutes
> The government asserts that Flight 93 crashed at 10:03 AM. A seismic
> recording station recorded a major event at 10:06 AM. Seismic
> recordings are calibrated by atomic clocks which are incredibly
> accurate.
> Cleveland Air Traffic Control also had the flight on its radar at 10:06
> AM. Again, the government story contradicts physical evidence. While
> this does not provide any proof that Flight 93 did not crash, it does
> illustrate government complicity.
> Evidence Summary
> To summarize, the physical evidence does not show that a Boeing 757-200
> crashed at Shanksville:
> * Amount of debris not consistent with a +120,000 lb aircraft
> * Crash imprint could only be caused by a vertical, or near vertical
> crash, which was not possible
> * Circular crater indicative of a below ground explosion
> * Grass and weeds are growing in the crater which clearly indicates the
> crater was made before 9/11
> *Lack of fire damage
> * Mushroom cloud not consistent with 9,000 gallons of fuel exploding
> and burning
> * The three minute discrepancy
> * Flight 93: of the 45 people who are listed as dying on this flight,
> only 6 are listed in the SSDI (13%)
> Of these 45 people, none are on the 9-11 Compensation Fund list: None.
> Flight 93, no crash. No "Lets Roll"
> What Probably Happened at Shanksville
> As the 757 flew over the crash site, pre-planted explosives (remember
> this is a former mine) were detonated creating the central crater.
> This caused the mushroom cloud in the photo. The wing and tail imprints
> were dug in advance, plus some of the central crater, long enough for
> grass to grow.
> Aircraft debris, paper and fuel were pre-planted and blown out by the
> explosives.
> What happened to the plane and its passengers?
> We don't know. There is some evidence, as presented by the researcher
> woody box, that Flight 93 landed at Cleveland-Hopkins airport.
> Other Oddities and Coincidences
> There are numerous other oddities and coincidences concerning Flight
> 93: ranging from terror drills at nearby airports to debris found miles
> away at two separate locations.
> Further, a C-130H cargo plane saw Flight 77 crash into the Pentagon,
> continued on its journey to Minneapolis; was at the Flight 93 crash
> site and continued on its journey.
> Plus, the impossible cell phone calls, the political and corporate
> connections to the land where Flight 93 crashed and much, much more.
> www.letsroll911.org.
> http://www.conspiracyplanet.com/channel.cfm?channelid=75&contentid=3473&page=2
In austin.general [email protected] wrote:
> ...
> What are you waiting for?
I have a low level of trust in real.com.
You, and Ala can shove a roman candle up your arise.
On 21 May 2006 19:56:00 -0700, [email protected] wrote:
>Arrogant Americans.
>You know the truth. You OWN the truth. You do the right thing.
>God is on your side. The US DOLLAR is a force for good.
>Hidden motives and telling lies is rare, you are often heroic fighters.
>myth myth myth!
>In reality God is abused, lies are the norm and Americans are the
>greatest cowards on earth... only confronting an opponent if they
>are sure to win...
>IF YOU WERE half the honest, upstanding and brave people
>you think you are, you would WATCH THIS VIDEO and act
>upon your new-found knowledge.
> Whats The Truth?
> How Indeed Did The Twin Towers Collapse
>250meg WindowsVideo
>TORRENT download 51 meg REAL VIDEO ... RealPlayer rmvb
>But you are too arrogant to even look.
>Too scared it might change your outlook,
>expose your lies. COWARDS!
On 21 May 2006 19:56:00 -0700, [email protected] wrote:
>Arrogant Americans.
>You know the truth. You OWN the truth. You do the right thing.
>God is on your side. The US DOLLAR is a force for good.
>Hidden motives and telling lies is rare, you are often heroic fighters.
>myth myth myth!
>In reality God is abused, lies are the norm and Americans are the
>greatest cowards on earth... only confronting an opponent if they
>are sure to win...
>IF YOU WERE half the honest, upstanding and brave people
>you think you are, you would WATCH THIS VIDEO and act
>upon your new-found knowledge.
> Whats The Truth?
> How Indeed Did The Twin Towers Collapse
>250meg WindowsVideo
>TORRENT download 51 meg REAL VIDEO ... RealPlayer rmvb
>But you are too arrogant to even look.
>Too scared it might change your outlook,
>expose your lies. COWARDS!
...and a partridge in a pear tree !!!!!!
"Not PC" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On 22 May 2006 18:21:11 -0700, [email protected] wrote:
>>This clip has proof fires were out, OUT DAMNIT!
>>This clip shows thermite CUTTING CHARGES!!! DAMNIT!
>>This clip shows the explosives on the outside the firemen describe!
>>This clip shows they used WMD on their own people! DAMNIT!
>>This clip shows victims who KNEW the fire was out and were waiting for
>>rescue as the evildoers blew them to kingdom come! DAMNIT!
> No, fool, there is NO EVIDENCE of what you describe. Other than your
There is plenty evidence that both buildings were blown up with explosives.
WTC7 was not even hit by a plane and was blown up hours later
There were several tons of melted steel in the rubble, steel does not melt
like chocolade!
The 47 pylons were definitely melted by thermite as numerous photos show
Number of experts, engineers and firemen discredit the official version of
events which are simple lies!
Mapanari <[email protected]> wrote:
|| [email protected]
wrotenews:[email protected]:
|| I always wondered:
|| The pentagon is the most secure and watched place in America,
|| so:
|| Where are the camera footage, the outdoor motion detector
|| camera footages?
|| Where are the security tapes, the hand held cameras, the
|| thousands of bank and other security camera tapes that
|| happens to show part of the pentagon?
|| Where are all the tourist camera photos?
|| What happened to the many tourist movie cameras?
|| Where are the signal light camera photos?
|| Where is the security camera footage from the front gate?
The guys in the black heliocopters and black suburbans
came and got them.....
It's a place to listen and read for a while, called lurking. Get
an idea of the tone of the community. Learn who the trolls and
troublemakers are and ignore them.
"Mapanari" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> [email protected] (the wharf rat) wrotenews:[email protected]:>
>> In article <[email protected]>,
>> Mapanari <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>Where are the camera footage, the outdoor motion detector camera
> footages?
>> Buhlowwwwn up, Sir!
> Sorry, I didn't see any nuclear mushroom cloud over DC that day.
> All I see on the news and footage, well after the crash, is a gaping
> smallish hole in the building, much smaller than a little truck loaded
> with
> very impure fertilizer blew up a whole Murray Federal building with, and
> some small fires and a little bit of crap on the ground.
> I don't see smolding guard shacks 200 ' away nor do I see all the building
> and businesses around the place all blown down like a 20 megaton ground
> level blast would do.
> Sorry, but you're a moron.
Look, fucktard, you're lucky to get footage of an airplane accident at a
friggin' airport, much less around various government buildings. Read the
Snopes article. When you have a non-kook response, get back to us.
[email protected]
wrotenews:[email protected]:
I always wondered:
The pentagon is the most secure and watched place in America, so:
Where are the camera footage, the outdoor motion detector camera footages?
Where are the security tapes, the hand held cameras, the thousands of bank
and other security camera tapes that happens to show part of the pentagon?
Where are all the tourist camera photos?
What happened to the many tourist movie cameras?
Where are the signal light camera photos?
Where is the security camera footage from the front gate?
I'm listening!
[email protected] (the wharf rat) wrotenews:[email protected]:
> In article <[email protected]>,
> Mapanari <[email protected]> wrote:
>>Where are the camera footage, the outdoor motion detector camera
> Buhlowwwwn up, Sir!
Sorry, I didn't see any nuclear mushroom cloud over DC that day.
All I see on the news and footage, well after the crash, is a gaping
smallish hole in the building, much smaller than a little truck loaded with
very impure fertilizer blew up a whole Murray Federal building with, and
some small fires and a little bit of crap on the ground.
I don't see smolding guard shacks 200 ' away nor do I see all the building
and businesses around the place all blown down like a 20 megaton ground
level blast would do.
Sorry, but you're a moron.
I'm listening!
"Cuz" <[email protected]> wrotenews:Gur5g.71545$H71.32391
>|| Where is the security camera footage from the front gate?
> The guys in the black heliocopters and black suburbans
> came and got them.....
You know, in 1940 two Jews were talking in Poland, standing by the gate to
their potato fields.
One turns to the other and says "Where are our neighbors? What happened to
all the Jews in Krakow?".
The other, a snear on his fat bovine face, sarcastically replies "Why, it
must have been those people wearing black uniforms and riding black
He snorts in disgust and walks back to his farmhouse.
In the distance, the rumble of a convey of trucks coming down the road in
silent early morning spring air is heard....
I'm listening!
"todd" <[email protected]>
wrotenews:[email protected]:
> "Mapanari" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> [email protected] (the wharf rat) wrotenews:e357t9$e9g$1
>>> In article <[email protected]>,
>>> Mapanari <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>>Where are the camera footage, the outdoor motion detector camera
>> footages?
>>> Buhlowwwwn up, Sir!
>> Sorry, I didn't see any nuclear mushroom cloud over DC that day.
>> All I see on the news and footage, well after the crash, is a gaping
>> smallish hole in the building, much smaller than a little truck loaded
>> with
>> very impure fertilizer blew up a whole Murray Federal building with, and
>> some small fires and a little bit of crap on the ground.
>> I don't see smolding guard shacks 200 ' away nor do I see all the
>> and businesses around the place all blown down like a 20 megaton ground
>> level blast would do.
>> Sorry, but you're a moron.
> Look, fucktard, you're lucky to get footage of an airplane accident at a
> friggin' airport, much less around various government buildings. Read
> Snopes article. When you have a non-kook response, get back to us.
Yah, I lay out all the logical reasons why you're wrong, and your response
is to cite some internet site.
Ok, you got me!
You win. I'm wrong, you're right, how could I have ever been so stupid to
question anything so obviously simple like that?
I'm listening!
Mark & Juanita <[email protected]>
wrotenews:[email protected]:
> On Mon, 01 May 2006 14:17:08 -0000, Mapanari <[email protected]>
> wrote:
>>[email protected]
>>wrotenews:[email protected]:
>>I always wondered:
>>The pentagon is the most secure and watched place in America, so:
>>Where are the camera footage, the outdoor motion detector camera
> ... umm, you do realize that motion detectors don't take imagery.
> ....
> don't you?
Uh, MY motion detector IS a camera I have installed, and anyone that comes
up to the house or my car gets put on DVR and the camera follows the motion
around until it stops.
I have some great shots of racoons and a possum sniffing around my Zuchini
plants and corn, btw...
Do you know nothing about security cameras or how they work?
>>Where are the security tapes,
> ... right, the Pentagon is going to release tapes, if they exist, that
> might contain pictures of sensitive areas and/or materials that were
> exposed after the attack just so you can set your mind at ease that the
> rest of the *overwhelming* evidence that a plane crashed into the
> Pentagon is correct? I can see the response now, "yeah, sure they gave
> us tapes, but after faking a plane crash, faking a security tape would
> be easy!"
Gee, a tape of a corrider in the pentagon, faithfully replicated in many
movies, visited by 100 thousands visitors, military, families, friends and
contractors, sitting there peacefully then all of a sudden getting blown
Wow! The security implications of releasing a tape like that are mind
Btw...having been in the pentagon, I can tell you that there is a map in
the front entrace hallways area behind the security entrance to the whole
damn place.
>> the hand held cameras, the thousands of bank
>>and other security camera tapes that happens to show part of the
> ...
>>Where are all the tourist camera photos?
> Try taking a tourist camera to the Pentagon. Let us know how far you
> get.
Who the fuck is talking about inside? Geeez...get a grip...my whole post
was about OUTSIDE.
>>What happened to the many tourist movie cameras?
> Above goes double for movie cameras.
>>Where are the signal light camera photos?
> You do realize that signal light cameras are designed to image the
> license plates and drivers going *through* intersections, right? As
> such, you do realize that most often, they are pointed *down*.
You do realize now that I'm talking about the outside of the Pentagon,
>>Where is the security camera footage from the front gate?
> Would suspect the front gate security camera is pointed *at* the
> vehicles
> entering the area and pointed *outward* at incoming traffic.
I can tell you from experience from many military bases, this is not the
only camera and the only way they're pointed.
That's why duty on the gate for MPs is hated so much...they can never hide
to take a smoke break.
I'm listening!
In austin.general Dave Balderstone <dave@n_o_t_t_h_i_sbalderstone.ca> wrote:
> In article <[email protected]>, todd
> <[email protected]> wrote:
> > While we're here, I'm curious if a) we ever landed on the moon, b) if
> > airplanes struck the twin towers, c) if an airplane crashed in PA on 9/11.
> Don't forget the invention to let an internal combustion engine run on
> water that was buried by Big Oil!
It caught fire and they couldn't put it out. The prototype dissolved
[email protected] wrote:
> President Ahmadinejad has been under attack lately. His speech i which
> he is alleged to have said wipe israel off the map was translated by
> the likes of MEMRI
> Here is Juan cole on what he really said:
> Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2006 15:34:18 -0400 From: "Cole, Juan"
> The speech in Persian is here:
> Sorry that I misremembered the exact phrase Ahmadinejad had used. He
> made an analogy to Khomeini's determination and success in getting rid
> of the Shah's government, which Khomeini had said "must go" (az bain
> bayad berad). Then Ahmadinejad defined Zionism not as an Arabi-Israeli
> national struggle but as a Western plot to divide the world of Islam
> with Israel as the pivot of this plan.
> The phrase he then used as I read it is "The Imam said that this regime
> occupying Jerusalem (een rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods) must [vanish from]
> from the page of time (bayad az safheh-ye ruzgar mahv shavad)."
> Ahmadinejad was not making a threat, he was quoting a saying of
> Khomeini and urging that pro-Palestinian activists in Iran not give up
> hope-- that the occupation of Jerusalem was no more a continued
> inevitability than had been the hegemony of the Shah's government.
> Whatever this quotation from a decades-old speech of Khomeini may have
> meant, Ahmadinejad did not say that "Israel must be wiped off the map"
> with the implication that phrase has of Nazi-style extermination of a
> people. He said that the occupation regime over Jerusalem must be
> erased from the page of time.
> Again, Ariel Sharon erased the occupation regime over Gaza from the
> page of time.
> http://www.juancole.com/2006/05/hitchens-hacker-and-hitchens.html
I suppose they must have gotten the message on their banner behind
their head on CNN News wrong. I remember the banner being black, and
then in bad English saying "Israel should be wiped out the world!"
Yeah, I imagine they didn't mean to say that in plain English either you
Benedict Arnold!
---> Tracer Bullet
[email protected]
It's all strange to you because UNITED 93 crashed, not Untied 93.
While your tinfoil hat is on, why not pursue a possible REAL
conspiracy, like this one:
As a pilot, I'm totally offended that anybody could think that UAL 93
didn't go in, as much as I am that an Airbus being flown well below
maneuvering speed can physically lose a rudder and an engine due to a
pilot's actions.
Why not use your conspiracy theory energy on something that might
actually be a cover up?
"Skids" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
| How did you escape this time.
He had a hidden ticket for United 93 and used it in the getaway...........
| <[email protected]> wrote in message
| news:[email protected]...
| > 'United 93' Coverup; CIA/ Pentagon PsyOps Exposed (continued)
| >
| > by LETSROLL911.ORG
| >
| > 'United 93' Coverup; CIA/ Pentagon PsyOps Exposed
| >
| > A Boeing 757-200 weighs +120,000 lbs (+54,000 kg) empty, has a length
| > of 155 ft 3 in (47.3 m), wingspan of 124 ft 10 in (38 m) and a tail
| > height of 44 ft 6 in (13.6 m).
| >
| > All of the eyewitnesses to the crash scene, which included firemen,
| > were amazed that there was no evidence of the plane.
| >
| > There was a lot of small debris and paper, but 120,000 lbs of aircraft
| > apparently disappeared.
| >
| > According to the official story, the one-time open pit mine had been
| > filled with soft dirt which "liquefied" when the plane hit. The entire
| > plane buried itself deeply in the ground. However, note the imprint of
| > the tail. It is not very deep and there is no evidence of any debris
| > from the tail.
| >
| > The Faked Crash Imprint
| >
| > The second key piece of evidence is the shape of the impact crater, or
| > the crash imprint.
| >
| > The official story is that the 757 was at an extremely low altitude
| > (less than 500 feet or 150 meters), the plane rolled onto its back and
| > crashed at +500 mph (800 kmh).
| >
| > The crash imprint shows a vertical, or nearly vertical, impact.
| >
| > It is impossible for a 757 to change from horizontal flight a to
| > vertical dive within a few hundred vertical feet - particularly when
| > its at twice its' design speed for low altitude.
| >
| > Further, the all-electronic control systems of Boeing 757s have pre-set
| > software limits that prevents pilots from making dangerous maneuvers:
| > such as inverted flight or vertical dives. The crash imprint and lack
| > of debris and fire damage outside the crater could only have been
| > caused by a vertical, or near vertical crash. And this was not
| > possible.
| >
| > The Circular Crater
| >
| > The third item evidence is the circular crater. Note that it is
| > off-center of the tail imprint. If this crater were caused by the
| > fuselage, it should be directly under the tail imprint.
| >
| > If the plane crashed at an angle, with one wing striking before the
| > other, the crater could be off-center - however, the tail imprint
| > would be larger. The circular crater is indicative of a below ground
| > explosion.
| >
| > Grass Growing in the Crater
| >
| > The fourth piece of evidence is the grass and weeds growing in the
| > areas where the "wing tips" and "tail assembly" imprinted the ground.
| > Grass and vegetation is also seen growing on the sides of the burning
| > crater walls!
| >
| > This grass must be the same as the PentaLawn grass, which is able to
| > grow back within immediately after plane crashes. Clearly, the crash
| > crater was made before 9/11 - long enough for grass to grow.
| >
| > Lack of Fire Damage
| >
| > The fifth piece of evidence that the official government story is a lie
| > is the lack of fire damage.
| >
| > A Boeing 757 has a fuel capacity of 11,489 gal (43,490 l). Flight 93
| > was full for its planned cross country trip to California and would
| > have had more than 9,000 gal (34,000 l) when it crashed.
| >
| > To put this inperspective, this amount of fuel would fill 500
| > automobiles. There is almost no fire damage outside the crash crater
| > and that is only in the nearby woods.
| >
| > The Mushroom Cloud
| >
| > The sixth item of evidence is the picture taken moments after the crash
| > which shows a relatively small mushroom cloud of smoke with a narrow
| > base. There is no extended smoke base which would be typical of
| > aircraft crash. It is indicative of high explosive.
| >
| > The Missing Three Minutes
| >
| > The government asserts that Flight 93 crashed at 10:03 AM. A seismic
| > recording station recorded a major event at 10:06 AM. Seismic
| > recordings are calibrated by atomic clocks which are incredibly
| > accurate.
| >
| > Cleveland Air Traffic Control also had the flight on its radar at 10:06
| > AM. Again, the government story contradicts physical evidence. While
| > this does not provide any proof that Flight 93 did not crash, it does
| > illustrate government complicity.
| >
| > Evidence Summary
| >
| > To summarize, the physical evidence does not show that a Boeing 757-200
| > crashed at Shanksville:
| >
| > * Amount of debris not consistent with a +120,000 lb aircraft
| >
| > * Crash imprint could only be caused by a vertical, or near vertical
| > crash, which was not possible
| >
| > * Circular crater indicative of a below ground explosion
| >
| > * Grass and weeds are growing in the crater which clearly indicates the
| > crater was made before 9/11
| >
| > *Lack of fire damage
| >
| > * Mushroom cloud not consistent with 9,000 gallons of fuel exploding
| > and burning
| >
| > * The three minute discrepancy
| >
| > * Flight 93: of the 45 people who are listed as dying on this flight,
| > only 6 are listed in the SSDI (13%)
| >
| > Of these 45 people, none are on the 9-11 Compensation Fund list: None.
| >
| > Flight 93, no crash. No "Lets Roll"
| >
| > What Probably Happened at Shanksville
| >
| > As the 757 flew over the crash site, pre-planted explosives (remember
| > this is a former mine) were detonated creating the central crater.
| >
| > This caused the mushroom cloud in the photo. The wing and tail imprints
| > were dug in advance, plus some of the central crater, long enough for
| > grass to grow.
| >
| > Aircraft debris, paper and fuel were pre-planted and blown out by the
| > explosives.
| >
| > What happened to the plane and its passengers?
| >
| > We don't know. There is some evidence, as presented by the researcher
| > woody box, that Flight 93 landed at Cleveland-Hopkins airport.
| >
| > Other Oddities and Coincidences
| >
| > There are numerous other oddities and coincidences concerning Flight
| > 93: ranging from terror drills at nearby airports to debris found miles
| > away at two separate locations.
| >
| > Further, a C-130H cargo plane saw Flight 77 crash into the Pentagon,
| > continued on its journey to Minneapolis; was at the Flight 93 crash
| > site and continued on its journey.
| >
| > Plus, the impossible cell phone calls, the political and corporate
| > connections to the land where Flight 93 crashed and much, much more.
| >
| > www.letsroll911.org.
| >
| >
| >
In article <[email protected]>,
Mapanari <[email protected]> wrote:
>Where are the camera footage, the outdoor motion detector camera footages?
Buhlowwwwn up, Sir!
In article <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]> wrote:
>This clip has proof fires were out, OUT DAMNIT!
>This clip shows thermite CUTTING CHARGES!!! DAMNIT!
>This clip shows the explosives on the outside the firemen describe!
>This clip shows they used WMD on their own people! DAMNIT!
>This clip shows victims who KNEW the fire was out and were waiting for
>rescue as the evildoers blew them to kingdom come! DAMNIT!
And *this* little clip said whee! whee! wheee! all the way home!
"Not PC" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On 22 May 2006 18:21:11 -0700, [email protected] wrote:
>>This clip has proof fires were out, OUT DAMNIT!
>>This clip shows thermite CUTTING CHARGES!!! DAMNIT!
>>This clip shows the explosives on the outside the firemen describe!
>>This clip shows they used WMD on their own people! DAMNIT!
>>This clip shows victims who KNEW the fire was out and were waiting for
>>rescue as the evildoers blew them to kingdom come! DAMNIT!
> No, fool, there is NO EVIDENCE of what you describe. Other than your
> So, you sick fuck, what you describe would have taken THOUSANDS of
> charges. It would take GUTTING the interior of the building. So you
> saw an implosion on TEE VEE.
Hummm... duh! Marvin Bush Building Security at your service!
However, Marvin Bush and associates would never intent nor
perpatrate anything as far fetched as the destruction of the TWC
knowing it is very likely acts of High Treason and punishable
by death.
"serwad" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Garrick H Olafsen" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> "Not PC" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>>> On 22 May 2006 18:21:11 -0700, [email protected] wrote:
>>>>This clip has proof fires were out, OUT DAMNIT!
>>>>This clip shows thermite CUTTING CHARGES!!! DAMNIT!
>>>>This clip shows the explosives on the outside the firemen describe!
>>>>This clip shows they used WMD on their own people! DAMNIT!
>>>>This clip shows victims who KNEW the fire was out and were waiting for
>>>>rescue as the evildoers blew them to kingdom come! DAMNIT!
>>> No, fool, there is NO EVIDENCE of what you describe. Other than your
>>> So, you sick fuck, what you describe would have taken THOUSANDS of
>>> charges. It would take GUTTING the interior of the building. So you
>>> saw an implosion on TEE VEE.
>> Hummm... duh! Marvin Bush Building Security at your service!
>> However, Marvin Bush and associates would never intent nor
>> perpatrate anything as far fetched as the destruction of the TWC
>> knowing it is very likely acts of High Treason and punishable
>> by death.
> What George Bush is doing right now is punishable by death!
That's a bit of extreme. I think we put him on $400,000 yearly retirement
pension and build him a library. I'm not sure Junior intents to work for
big corporations or it just appears that he works for big corporations.
Obviously, he is not a bleeding heart Liberal, but he does seem to
have a compassionate heart...
On Mon, 01 May 2006 14:17:08 -0000, Mapanari <[email protected]> wrote:
>[email protected]
>wrotenews:[email protected]:
>I always wondered:
>The pentagon is the most secure and watched place in America, so:
>Where are the camera footage, the outdoor motion detector camera footages?
... umm, you do realize that motion detectors don't take imagery. ....
don't you?
>Where are the security tapes,
... right, the Pentagon is going to release tapes, if they exist, that
might contain pictures of sensitive areas and/or materials that were
exposed after the attack just so you can set your mind at ease that the
rest of the *overwhelming* evidence that a plane crashed into the Pentagon
is correct? I can see the response now, "yeah, sure they gave us tapes,
but after faking a plane crash, faking a security tape would be easy!"
> the hand held cameras, the thousands of bank
>and other security camera tapes that happens to show part of the pentagon?
>Where are all the tourist camera photos?
Try taking a tourist camera to the Pentagon. Let us know how far you
>What happened to the many tourist movie cameras?
Above goes double for movie cameras.
>Where are the signal light camera photos?
You do realize that signal light cameras are designed to image the
license plates and drivers going *through* intersections, right? As such,
you do realize that most often, they are pointed *down*.
>Where is the security camera footage from the front gate?
Would suspect the front gate security camera is pointed *at* the vehicles
entering the area and pointed *outward* at incoming traffic.
If you're gonna be dumb, you better be tough
On 22 May 2006 18:21:11 -0700, [email protected] wrote:
>This clip has proof fires were out, OUT DAMNIT!
>This clip shows thermite CUTTING CHARGES!!! DAMNIT!
>This clip shows the explosives on the outside the firemen describe!
>This clip shows they used WMD on their own people! DAMNIT!
>This clip shows victims who KNEW the fire was out and were waiting for
>rescue as the evildoers blew them to kingdom come! DAMNIT!
No, fool, there is NO EVIDENCE of what you describe. Other than your
So, you sick fuck, what you describe would have taken THOUSANDS of
charges. It would take GUTTING the interior of the building. So you
saw an implosion on TEE VEE.
I saw the PLANES fly into the BUILDINGS. FOOL.
So what is your bit? Was it the JOOOZE were warned and stayed away
(they weren't)? Are you just another 2 byte "anarchist"??
So crawl back in your hole with your "aryan" brothers and jerk each
other off.
How about starting here for a more rational viewpoint?
"Mapanari" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> [email protected]
> wrotenews:[email protected]:
> I always wondered:
> The pentagon is the most secure and watched place in America, so:
> Where are the camera footage, the outdoor motion detector camera
> footages?
> Where are the security tapes, the hand held cameras, the thousands of
> bank
> and other security camera tapes that happens to show part of the
> pentagon?
> Where are all the tourist camera photos?
> What happened to the many tourist movie cameras?
> Where are the signal light camera photos?
> Where is the security camera footage from the front gate?
> --
> b{-_-}d
> I'm listening!
> ---Mapanari---
"Garrick H Olafsen" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Not PC" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> On 22 May 2006 18:21:11 -0700, [email protected] wrote:
>>>This clip has proof fires were out, OUT DAMNIT!
>>>This clip shows thermite CUTTING CHARGES!!! DAMNIT!
>>>This clip shows the explosives on the outside the firemen describe!
>>>This clip shows they used WMD on their own people! DAMNIT!
>>>This clip shows victims who KNEW the fire was out and were waiting for
>>>rescue as the evildoers blew them to kingdom come! DAMNIT!
>> No, fool, there is NO EVIDENCE of what you describe. Other than your
>> So, you sick fuck, what you describe would have taken THOUSANDS of
>> charges. It would take GUTTING the interior of the building. So you
>> saw an implosion on TEE VEE.
> Hummm... duh! Marvin Bush Building Security at your service!
> However, Marvin Bush and associates would never intent nor
> perpatrate anything as far fetched as the destruction of the TWC
> knowing it is very likely acts of High Treason and punishable
> by death.
What George Bush is doing right now is punishable by death!
On 30 Apr 2006 15:15:47 -0700, [email protected] wrote:
>'United 93' Coverup; CIA/ Pentagon PsyOps Exposed (continued)
Good to see Charlie Sheen is reading the wreck.
Mike O.
"Shopdog" <[email protected]> wrote:
> Yes, that is true. We have called it Untied. Makes me wonder if the OP
> is/was a UAL employee
> Searcher
I've never been a UAL employee, but Always call it Untied for as long as I
can remember. Don't know where I picked it up.
In article <[email protected]>,
[email protected] (John) wrote:
> Is this the same group that faked World War ll?
I don't think so. I think these are the same group that faked Elvis' death and
the moon landing.
"Mapanari" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "todd" <[email protected]>
> wrotenews:[email protected]:
>> "Mapanari" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>>> [email protected] (the wharf rat) wrotenews:e357t9$e9g$1
> @reader1.panix.com:>
>>>> In article <[email protected]>,
>>>> Mapanari <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>>>Where are the camera footage, the outdoor motion detector camera
>>> footages?
>>>> Buhlowwwwn up, Sir!
>>> Sorry, I didn't see any nuclear mushroom cloud over DC that day.
>>> All I see on the news and footage, well after the crash, is a gaping
>>> smallish hole in the building, much smaller than a little truck loaded
>>> with
>>> very impure fertilizer blew up a whole Murray Federal building with, and
>>> some small fires and a little bit of crap on the ground.
>>> I don't see smolding guard shacks 200 ' away nor do I see all the
> building
>>> and businesses around the place all blown down like a 20 megaton ground
>>> level blast would do.
>>> Sorry, but you're a moron.
>> Look, fucktard, you're lucky to get footage of an airplane accident at a
>> friggin' airport, much less around various government buildings. Read
> the
>> Snopes article. When you have a non-kook response, get back to us.
> Yah, I lay out all the logical reasons why you're wrong, and your response
> is to cite some internet site.
> Ok, you got me!
> You win. I'm wrong, you're right, how could I have ever been so stupid to
> question anything so obviously simple like that?
It's not just "some internet site", moron. Snopes is pretty well-regarded
as confirming or refuting all sorts of hoaxes, consipracy theories, etc.
Here. I'll even supply the link http://www.snopes.com/rumors/pentagon.htm.
I don't need to go through all your points step by step, because they've
already done the work.
By the way, you might want to learn how to follow a thread. You replied to
someone else's post with "all the logical reasons" why they were wrong, not
While we're here, I'm curious if a) we ever landed on the moon, b) if
airplanes struck the twin towers, c) if an airplane crashed in PA on 9/11.