
23/08/2004 11:02 AM

what became of Record becnch vises?


No one seems to sell Record bench vises anymore. I googled "record
vise" and got a lot of threads. I saw some mail about getting
close-outs. Did Record discontinue their bench vises? If so, does
anyone have recommendations for a substitute for a 53E?


This topic has 7 replies



in reply to [email protected] (Kurt) on 23/08/2004 11:02 AM

23/08/2004 3:25 PM

> Lee valley has a few left
> Look under woodworking, special buys if the link breaks. IIRC the company
> was bought out, Rubbermaid comes to mind, and quit making them.;

Rubbermaid, Record (destroyed), Nooitgedagt tools in Holland (destroyed), all part of the Irwin tools beast.


patriarch <[email protected]>

in reply to [email protected] (Kurt) on 23/08/2004 11:02 AM

24/08/2004 4:31 AM

"AArDvarK" <[email protected]> wrote in

>> Lee valley has a few left
>> page=1&ccurrency=2&SID= Look under woodworking, special buys if the
>> link breaks. IIRC the company was bought out, Rubbermaid comes to
>> mind, and quit making them.;
> Rubbermaid, Record (destroyed), Nooitgedagt tools in Holland
> (destroyed), all part of the Irwin tools beast. Alex

I bought this one (watch the wrap), and have been happy with it.




in reply to [email protected] (Kurt) on 23/08/2004 11:02 AM

24/08/2004 4:24 AM

I checked two Toronto local retailers and both say that Record is not
making the "quick release" woodworking vises anymore. Lee Valley still
sells their "permanent vise" which does not have the quick release feature.

All this has to do with Record's new owners of course...


Joe Gorman

in reply to [email protected] (Kurt) on 23/08/2004 11:02 AM

23/08/2004 2:26 PM

Lee valley has a few left,44047&abspage=1&ccurrency=2&SID=
Look under woodworking, special buys if the link breaks. IIRC the company
was bought out, Rubbermaid comes to mind, and quit making them.

Kurt wrote:

> Hi,
> No one seems to sell Record bench vises anymore. I googled "record
> vise" and got a lot of threads. I saw some mail about getting
> close-outs. Did Record discontinue their bench vises? If so, does
> anyone have recommendations for a substitute for a 53E?
> Kurt


Rick Samuel

in reply to [email protected] (Kurt) on 23/08/2004 11:02 AM

24/08/2004 9:52 PM

Hartville Tools is the only one I know of.

Daniel wrote:
> Anybody know a shop in the Toronto area (or mail-order for Canada) that
> carries this Groz quick-release vise?
>> UCT&iMainCat=0&iSubCat=0&iProductID=103185
>> I bought this one (watch the wrap), and have been happy with it.
>> Patriarch


in reply to [email protected] (Kurt) on 23/08/2004 11:02 AM

30/08/2004 9:35 AM says they are located in Ohio...

Rick Samuel <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> Hartville Tools is the only one I know of.
> Daniel wrote:
> > Anybody know a shop in the Toronto area (or mail-order for Canada) that
> > carries this Groz quick-release vise?
> >
> >>
> >>
> >> UCT&iMainCat=0&iSubCat=0&iProductID=103185
> >>
> >> I bought this one (watch the wrap), and have been happy with it.
> >>
> >> Patriarch
> >
> >



in reply to [email protected] (Kurt) on 23/08/2004 11:02 AM

24/08/2004 8:05 PM

Anybody know a shop in the Toronto area (or mail-order for Canada) that
carries this Groz quick-release vise?

> UCT&iMainCat=0&iSubCat=0&iProductID=103185
> I bought this one (watch the wrap), and have been happy with it.
> Patriarch

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