
[email protected] (Never Enough Money)

18/06/2004 7:33 AM

Biscuit Master from Woodhaven

Has anyone used this jig? Do I need to remove the 90 degree fence part
of my biscuit joiner? (I have a Porter-Cable 557). It looks like I can
just flip it up -- right?

http://www.woodhaven.com/ -- third jig down from the top.......

This topic has 9 replies


[email protected] (Never Enough Money)

in reply to [email protected] (Never Enough Money) on 18/06/2004 7:33 AM

18/06/2004 4:03 PM

Sorry, I don't understand your comment. Providing a link seemed like a
nice thing to do for readers that don't know what I'm talking about.
As far as my question goes (which appears above the link), it doesn't
seem to be answered on the home page.

Perhaps you only see the link and not the question????

"CW" <no adddress@spam free.com> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> A link to their home page. How usefull. Now, what are you talking about?
> "Never Enough Money" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > Has anyone used this jig? Do I need to remove the 90 degree fence part
> > of my biscuit joiner? (I have a Porter-Cable 557). It looks like I can
> > just flip it up -- right?
> >
> > http://www.woodhaven.com/ -- third jig down from the top.......



in reply to [email protected] (Never Enough Money) on 18/06/2004 7:33 AM

18/06/2004 4:06 PM

Never Enough Money wrote:

> Has anyone used this jig? Do I need to remove the 90 degree fence part
> of my biscuit joiner? (I have a Porter-Cable 557). It looks like I can
> just flip it up -- right?
> http://www.woodhaven.com/ -- third jig down from the top.......

Do you mean this one?


For $79.00 I think that if I wanted something like this I'd use a few
scraps of plywood and a few bolts to make my own. I wonder how long
Woodhaven had to search for a contractor before finding the one quoted on
the web page?

Jack Novak
Buffalo, NY - USA
(Remove "SPAM" from email address to reply)



in reply to [email protected] (Never Enough Money) on 18/06/2004 7:33 AM

18/06/2004 7:11 PM

Never Enough Money wrote:

> Sorry, I don't understand your comment. Providing a link seemed like a
> nice thing to do for readers that don't know what I'm talking about.
> As far as my question goes (which appears above the link), it doesn't
> seem to be answered on the home page.
> Perhaps you only see the link and not the question????

The link you provided took me to Woodhavens main page which does not show the Biscuit Master. I
had to search their web site to find it.

Jack Novak
Buffalo, NY - USA
(Remove "SPAM" from email address to reply)



in reply to [email protected] (Never Enough Money) on 18/06/2004 7:33 AM

18/06/2004 11:58 AM

A link to their home page. How usefull. Now, what are you talking about?
"Never Enough Money" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Has anyone used this jig? Do I need to remove the 90 degree fence part
> of my biscuit joiner? (I have a Porter-Cable 557). It looks like I can
> just flip it up -- right?
> http://www.woodhaven.com/ -- third jig down from the top.......



in reply to [email protected] (Never Enough Money) on 18/06/2004 7:33 AM

18/06/2004 7:38 PM

Looks silly to me. What do you need it for?


Rick Samuel

in reply to [email protected] (Never Enough Money) on 18/06/2004 7:33 AM

18/06/2004 8:19 PM

A fence glued & screwed to a 16X30' plywood, with 3 sets
(one side each glued to plywood) of 4"
wedges hold everything. Ends, sides, faces

Nova wrote:
> Never Enough Money wrote:
>>Has anyone used this jig? Do I need to remove the 90 degree fence part
>>of my biscuit joiner? (I have a Porter-Cable 557). It looks like I can
>>just flip it up -- right?
>>http://www.woodhaven.com/ -- third jig down from the top.......
> Do you mean this one?
> http://www.woodhaven.com/detail.aspx?ID=134
> For $79.00 I think that if I wanted something like this I'd use a few
> scraps of plywood and a few bolts to make my own. I wonder how long
> Woodhaven had to search for a contractor before finding the one quoted on
> the web page?
> --
> Jack Novak
> Buffalo, NY - USA
> (Remove "SPAM" from email address to reply)


[email protected] (Henry E Schaffer)

in reply to [email protected] (Never Enough Money) on 18/06/2004 7:33 AM

19/06/2004 9:55 PM

In article <[email protected]>,
Rick Samuel <[email protected]> wrote:
>A fence glued & screwed to a 16X30' plywood, with 3 sets
^^^^^ where do you find a sheet that large?
>(one side each glued to plywood) of 4"
>wedges hold everything. Ends, sides, faces

It would also have room to hold the cabinet saw, the wood rack, ... :-)
--henry schaffer
hes _AT_ ncsu _DOT_ edu



in reply to [email protected] (Never Enough Money) on 18/06/2004 7:33 AM

19/06/2004 1:06 AM

On Fri, 18 Jun 2004 19:11:36 -0400, Nova <[email protected]> wrote:

>Never Enough Money wrote:
>> Sorry, I don't understand your comment. Providing a link seemed like a
>> nice thing to do for readers that don't know what I'm talking about.
>> As far as my question goes (which appears above the link), it doesn't
>> seem to be answered on the home page.
>> Perhaps you only see the link and not the question????
>The link you provided took me to Woodhavens main page which does not show the Biscuit Master. I
>had to search their web site to find it.

What gets to me is that, like some other websites I have seen, the photos
are clickable but then it just brings up the same-szied image on a new page
by itself - not an enlarged image. What a waste. A pet peeve of mine. I
thought maybe they didn't provide detailed images of this jig so people
would not take the design and make it themselves, but then I see that other
stuff at the site is the same. What's the point of making these
thumbnail-sized images clickable? Their pages look nice, but with no
detailed images or detailed info, it makes this one consumer who loves jigs
uninterested in buying there.


"Bernie Hunt"

in reply to [email protected] (Never Enough Money) on 18/06/2004 7:33 AM

18/06/2004 11:47 PM


To answer your question, no, I don't think you have to remove the fence,
just flip it up like on the Dewalt they are using in the demo pictures.

IMHO its a nice jig, but as a hobbiest, I'm not sure it's worth the money.
As a pro, it's cheaper than paying yourself or your craftsman to make and
would be worthwhile.

It does address some of the basic holding issues when using a biscuit


"Never Enough Money" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Has anyone used this jig? Do I need to remove the 90 degree fence part
> of my biscuit joiner? (I have a Porter-Cable 557). It looks like I can
> just flip it up -- right?
> http://www.woodhaven.com/ -- third jig down from the top.......

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