Not the greatest details, but the guy in the center is playing a tea
chest basS. Classy looking gents, I vote we nominate them as the
official rec.woodworking orchestra.
Always put off until tomorrow something which, tomorrow, you could put
off until, let's say, next year.
- Lady Myria LeJean.
Life just ain't life without good music. - JOAT
Web Page Update 23 Jul 2003. Some tunes I like.
JOAT said...
>Not the greatest details, but the guy in the center is playing a tea
>chest basS. Classy looking gents, I vote we nominate them as the
>official rec.woodworking orchestra.
Those guys look great. I'll second the nomination.
(The other)Mike G.
Thought they were the BudaPest String Quartet there for a minute.
Should I ask how they sound or is that an unanswerable query?
Jack-of-all-trades - JOAT wrote:
> Not the greatest details, but the guy in the center is playing a tea
> chest basS. Classy looking gents, I vote we nominate them as the
> official rec.woodworking orchestra.
"jo4hn" wrote in message:
> Thought they were the BudaPest String Quartet there for a minute.
> Should I ask how they sound or is that an unanswerable query?
> mahalo,
Prolly better than beatin' on a hollow log with a stick and playing them
little 4-string gittars ya got on the island! LOL!
Hey jo4hn - when ya gonna invite me to your place? With all them grass
skirts - all I'd ned to bring is a bathing suit and a weedeater! :-)
Thought it was common knowledge by now that I live in the mountains
(6700 feet) of Southren California. A hollow log or two but no funny
gittars. Just some folks down the road a ways who were hootin' and
hollerin' into the wee hours, keeping Maggy awake. I sleep through it
all which annoys her even more. Guess I'll go set off somebody's car
alarm at 5am if it happens again.
But your welcome to come visit anytime. I keep beer and wine in the
fridge and your bathing suit and min-whacker can come too. Oh and
Maggy's a good cook.
Jim Mc Namara wrote:
> "jo4hn" wrote in message:
>>Thought they were the BudaPest String Quartet there for a minute.
>>Should I ask how they sound or is that an unanswerable query?
> Prolly better than beatin' on a hollow log with a stick and playing them
> little 4-string gittars ya got on the island! LOL!
> Hey jo4hn - when ya gonna invite me to your place? With all them grass
> skirts - all I'd ned to bring is a bathing suit and a weedeater! :-)
> Jums