

19/09/2004 10:49 AM

Birch lumber in East TExas.

I am doing a cabinet project for bud at work and he wants it
to be birch so he can stain it.
I only have worked in red oak in the past so I dont have any
or really want to buy a big supply.
I only need about 200 bf of 4/4 ruff sawn to make up his
I dont mind traveling to get it if it is not too far from
Lufkin tx. Too far is like 100 -200 miles.
I will even try mail order if it is cheaper than the gas.
I do not own a business just do wood working as a hobby and
only buy my wood locally but he is balking at the price of
birch in the local stores. I really dont blame him they are
quite high.
Thanks Kenny

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This topic has 7 replies


"Lowell Holmes"

in reply to kenny on 19/09/2004 10:49 AM

19/09/2004 3:57 PM

Houston Hardwoods has 4/5 and 8/4 birch. They are probably over your limit
in time though. They do have a website.

"kenny" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
>I am doing a cabinet project for bud at work and he wants it
> to be birch so he can stain it.
> I only have worked in red oak in the past so I dont have any
> or really want to buy a big supply.
> I only need about 200 bf of 4/4 ruff sawn to make up his
> doors.
> I dont mind traveling to get it if it is not too far from
> Lufkin tx. Too far is like 100 -200 miles.
> I will even try mail order if it is cheaper than the gas.
> I do not own a business just do wood working as a hobby and
> only buy my wood locally but he is balking at the price of
> birch in the local stores. I really dont blame him they are
> quite high.
> Thanks Kenny
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in reply to kenny on 19/09/2004 10:49 AM

19/09/2004 11:44 PM

Poplar, maple? Both are very light and usually cheap.
"kenny" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I am doing a cabinet project for bud at work and he wants it
> to be birch so he can stain it.
> I only have worked in red oak in the past so I dont have any
> or really want to buy a big supply.
> I only need about 200 bf of 4/4 ruff sawn to make up his
> doors.
> I dont mind traveling to get it if it is not too far from
> Lufkin tx. Too far is like 100 -200 miles.
> I will even try mail order if it is cheaper than the gas.
> I do not own a business just do wood working as a hobby and
> only buy my wood locally but he is balking at the price of
> birch in the local stores. I really dont blame him they are
> quite high.
> Thanks Kenny
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> - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
> -----== Over 100,000 Newsgroups - 19 Different Servers! =-----



in reply to kenny on 19/09/2004 10:49 AM

21/09/2004 6:08 AM

"Norman D. Crow" wrote in message

> "Leon" wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > Boy are you in luck.. There is a great little place about 45 miles
> >of you on 259. Nacogdoches is about half way. About 1 mile south of
>>Mt. Enterprise.
> >
> > The Hardwood Barn sawmill. At the moment they have 4/4 Birch listed
> a BF.
> >
> >
> Hot dam! I'll have to remember this place dfor the next time I'm in
> Longview.

Likewise when I go back to AR to see my daughter in college ... but I have
to get rid of this walnut first. I'd be happier with a 900sf house and 3200
sf shop at this point in my life.

Last update: 7/10/04


in reply to kenny on 19/09/2004 10:49 AM

19/09/2004 7:00 PM

kenny <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> I am doing a cabinet project for bud at work and he wants it
> to be birch so he can stain it.
> I only have worked in red oak in the past so I dont have any
> or really want to buy a big supply.
> I only need about 200 bf of 4/4 ruff sawn to make up his
> doors.
> I dont mind traveling to get it if it is not too far from
> Lufkin tx. Too far is like 100 -200 miles.
> I will even try mail order if it is cheaper than the gas.
> I do not own a business just do wood working as a hobby and
> only buy my wood locally but he is balking at the price of
> birch in the local stores. I really dont blame him they are
> quite high.
> Thanks Kenny
Hardwoods Inc
(817) 640-2200
It's just off 360 south of 183 just in Arlington-- They are the only
folks I could find to buy Ash molding from that's near to me. (Van
This is the link-- you may be able to find one closer


"Norman D. Crow"

in reply to kenny on 19/09/2004 10:49 AM

20/09/2004 8:40 PM

"Leon" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Boy are you in luck.. There is a great little place about 45 miles north
> you on 259. Nacogdoches is about half way. About 1 mile south of Mt.
> Enterprise.
> The Hardwood Barn sawmill. At the moment they have 4/4 Birch listed 1.94
> BF.

Hot dam! I'll have to remember this place dfor the next time I'm in

The law of intelligent tinkering: save all the parts.



in reply to kenny on 19/09/2004 10:49 AM

21/09/2004 2:06 PM

"Swingman" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:VP2dnYkjBvMtls3cRVn->
> Likewise when I go back to AR to see my daughter in college ... but I have
> to get rid of this walnut first.

You really should go a head and go see you daughter this weekend. Bring
your walnut to my house on you way. ;~)

My wife and I use Nacogdoches as a weekend get away occasionally and we took
a 20 minute trip up there to check the Hardwood Barn out. While they do not
have the inventory that the Houston stores have, I talked to them and they
seemed to be quite friendly and helpful. I bet they would be willing to put
an order together for you in advance. IIRC they have a much larger
wholesale operation in a different location.



in reply to kenny on 19/09/2004 10:49 AM

20/09/2004 2:55 AM

Boy are you in luck.. There is a great little place about 45 miles north of
you on 259. Nacogdoches is about half way. About 1 mile south of Mt.

The Hardwood Barn sawmill. At the moment they have 4/4 Birch listed 1.94 a

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