Got this gas-powered Hitachi compressor as a gift:,9,49,p454,
It is rated at 9 CFM at 100 PSI. However, the manual says it is
limited to operating nailers and staplers. Hitachi Tech Support says
the small tank size mandates this limit.
I find this confusing and misleading. Apparently, it can do 9 CFM at
100 PSI, but only for a few minutes and then it must idle to cool
down. Tech Support does not seem to know or won't say what its duty
cycle is. I think they should state it in ther specs, which they
I am trying to figure out if I can use this for some other apps that
require 7 CFM at 50 PSI more or less continuously, like spraying and
blowing out sprinkler lines. Again, no help from Hitachi Tech Support.
Anyone have experience with these compressors with 5.5HP Honda
I also asked Hitachi what the max recommended operating temperature
was for their Hitachi-branded 5W50 synthetic compressor oil, but they
did not seem to know that, either. If I knew that, I could monitor
compressor temp and avoid overheating.
Meanwhile, I see lots of these on eBay "factory reconditioned" so
contractors must be having problems and there is something to worry
about. I am already worried about how unhelpful their Tech Support
Ken C
While a bit slow, Hitachi Tech Support ultimately came through with
good answers concerning this gas-powered wheelbarrow compressor.
1) It should run at a 50-50 duty cycle (run/idle) with 70-30 being the
max. A ten-minute cycle is recommended, but up to 30 minutes of
continuous run should be OK.
2) Compressor head temperature should be kept under 200 degrees
Based on this information, it is unclear that an aux tank for modest
continuous residential jobs like spraying or sandblasting provides any
real value because you don't gain much idle time for the compressor,
which can handle the load regardless of tank size. You do, however,
have to rest 3 minutes of every ten to give the unit a chance to cool
Ken C
On Thu, 13 Dec 2007 05:40:08 -0500, Chevy454 <[email protected]> wrote:
>While a bit slow, Hitachi Tech Support ultimately came through with
>good answers concerning this gas-powered wheelbarrow compressor.
>1) It should run at a 50-50 duty cycle (run/idle) with 70-30 being the
>max. A ten-minute cycle is recommended, but up to 30 minutes of
>continuous run should be OK.
>2) Compressor head temperature should be kept under 200 degrees
>Based on this information, it is unclear that an aux tank for modest
>continuous residential jobs like spraying or sandblasting provides any
>real value because you don't gain much idle time for the compressor,
>which can handle the load regardless of tank size. You do, however,
>have to rest 3 minutes of every ten to give the unit a chance to cool
>Ken C
Must have been the coffee this morning...
I keep having this image of flattened wheelbarrows..
Sorry.. I'll go back into the shop now..
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