
mac davis

21/03/2008 3:33 PM

shameless spam for my bro's utube project

If you have any interest in segmented turning or saw setup, or just want to give
him a hand with his ratings, please click on the link below:

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Most of you often see Neil working in his wood shop. Sometimes you wonder what
is that guy doing in there.
As many of you do know, I'm learning to create wood art.
Lately I am not able to work in the shop, so I'm having fun with my pictures and
I have built my first you tube video.

Please click on the link below and check out the video.
Any comments would certainly be appreciated.
And because you tube keeps score, the more people who look at it increase the
viewing score, and then even more people will look at it because it's a popular
Obviously I would like mine to be one of the most popular. Turn on you

Neil Davis


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