I was surfing google, and ran across this wooden cat bank
at this site.
They're trying to sell the banks to fund food for the cats. People
now are going on about spaying ad neutering, so I figure that miht be a
way to raise money for that too. Only problem I see is, I think the
banks are as ugly as sin.
That's when it struck me. Sell wooden banks to spay or neuter
politicians. What a wonderful idea. Next problem is where to start?
Could start with Hillary, but I'm not sure anyone would be that
desperate, so might just be wasted. I would say that Bill would be a
good place to start then, because tere might be one more woman tha
desperae out there, no sense in taking chances on "him" reproducing. If
he did, Hillary would probably adopt the kid, if she thought it'd get
her a vote.
I've got nothing against havig a woman president. But Hillary is
"not" the one to start with. I'd vote for Rice tho, if she was the best
qualified, and judging from this latest crop, she probably would be.
How the Hell do you spell her fist nam anyway. LOL
I do things I don't know how to do, so that I might learn how to do
- Picasso