Ran across a display of some of their stuff in the local Ace.
Interesting. They've got designs I've never seen before, not that I
look for cabinet hardware, but looks like some pretty neat stuff,
probably nothing you will find in the Borg.
Sarchasm: The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person
who doesn't get it.
"J T" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> Ran across a display of some of their stuff in the local Ace.
> Interesting. They've got designs I've never seen before, not that I
> look for cabinet hardware, but looks like some pretty neat stuff,
> probably nothing you will find in the Borg.
Hey JT,
In your travels, have you ever run across single piece cabinet hardware with
a vertical and horizontal component to them? I'm looking for something along
the lines of LV's bar handles,
except "L" shaped and made out of bar stock. 6" vertical and 6" horizontal
would be ideal.
Thu, Oct 20, 2005, 6:23am [email protected] (Upscale) doeth call out:
Hey JT,
In your travels, have you ever run across single piece cabinet hardware
with a vertical and horizontal component to them? I'm looking for
something along the lines of LV's bar handles,
except "L" shaped and made out of bar stock. 6" vertical and 6"
horizontal would be ideal.
Yes. and no. Yes, I have seen something shaped like that, and I
think just that size. No, it wasn't cabinet stuff. I don't know where
I saw it, probably in a hardware store. I think it was a brace of some
sort. You'd have to put spacers under it, but it'd work. Best I can
Sarchasm: The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person
who doesn't get it.