<p>Bill, they hope to improve its o =96 line and additional guardian
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Center a little, Marvin fowler often through a lot of outmuscled
tackles.</p> <p>=93People have bought over 30,000 slices,=94 manager Staci
Fritz told HuffPost. =93That=92s a lot of <a href=3D"http://
www.heelshoes08.com/">christian louboutin boots sale</a> pizza.=94Fritz
said Ian=92s is sending 20 pies to the capitol every 40 minutes or so.
The stuff is everywhere. HuffPost observed middle-aged protesters
stooping to a pizza box on the damp concrete outside the capitol and
withdrawing tepid slices with mac-and-cheese toppings.Fritz said Ian=92s
has had to limit donations, most of which come via credit card over
the phone, to $20 per customer. =93It=92s like a telethon at 9 a.m.,=94 she
said. Asked if Ian=92s supported the protesters in their political <a
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battle against Gov. Scott Walker, Fritz said, =93We are pro-democracy
and pro-pizza.=94</p>