
"Garage_Woodworks" <.@.>

03/02/2008 8:03 PM

OT: Cheney was Right and a Quagmire!

I never saw this video until today (so I assume many others haven't either)
and wanted to share it.


This topic has 25 replies


in reply to "Garage_Woodworks" <.@.> on 03/02/2008 8:03 PM

04/02/2008 6:52 PM

On Feb 4, 4:52 pm, "Garage_Woodworks" <.@.> wrote:
> >> I got one. William Henry Harrison never lied while president. Need
> >> another?
> > Wow.... you have irrefutable proof that WHH never lied? Ever?
> No. He never lied while being president. Wasn't I clear the first time?

It is good that you believe all you read. I think lying is part of
politics and even though in office only a short time he almost
assuredly lied. He is a politician.

I thought in context my query was clear, backed up by a a second
question, hence the punctuation. With a (hopefully, anyway) clearer
question in mind, I am hoping you will substantiate your original
statement to prove me wrong. My apologies for being obtuse.

I reread another part of my post, and realized that it may have been
confusing as well. You said:

>> Need another?

I said:

>Fire away. But... this is like shooting fish in a barrel.

I did not mean for you to start a fire. I don't actually shoot marine
animals in confinement. I was hoping when I posted "fire away" you
would be familiar with the vernacular and "post away" with the names
of these gentlemen of great integrity.

So to clarify, who are the other presidents you know of whose
integrity is absolutely without question?




in reply to "Garage_Woodworks" <.@.> on 03/02/2008 8:03 PM

04/02/2008 9:37 AM

[email protected] wrote:
> On Feb 4, 7:18 am, Jeff <[email protected]> wrote:
>> And when the president
>> looks in the camera and lies to me, I don't "ditto" him. I call
>> "bullshit!"
> Can you name on president of the USA, or any politician for that
> matter that hasn't lied?
> "I did not have sex with that woman"
> "Read my lips"
> "I am not a crook"
> "I had no direct knowledge of our aggressions against Cuber"
> "I didn't fire Marsten (the AG) based on political reasons"
> "I have no recollection of that, Senator."
> Read this whole, short article:
> http://writ.news.findlaw.com/dean/20031024.html
> A politician that doesn't lie....
> Yeah, right. I want to live in your world.
> Robert
The column is by John Dean and is about a book entitled "The Lies of
George W. Bush: Mastering the Politics of Deception" by David Corn. I
thought about buying the book but realized that my anger at the
administration for their blatant prevarications would not be soothed.
It astounds me that we elected this administration not once but twice.
I will leave my rant right here before the administration apologists get
too high on their hind legs.


Phil again

in reply to "Garage_Woodworks" <.@.> on 03/02/2008 8:03 PM

04/02/2008 7:02 PM

> If there's one thing we learned during the Bush years it's the
> percentage of dumbasses we have in this country. I think you'll find
> that number corresponds with Bush's approval rating. Okay, sure, I'll
> give you a free pass in 2000. Maybe you believed his campaign rhetoric.
> But if you're still backing this administration then that's nothing
> short of a character flaw. I don't think the middle class can afford
> another four years of crony capitalism. It is indeed time for a change.

This reply may be OT to your OT:

Talking over the fence with neighbor about Bush, and the Republicans or
Democrats who may replace Bush. Seems back in 2000 and '04 a lot of
everyday people voted for Bush for his stand on religious and social
conservative issues Bush claimed to stand for.

The only problem is, once in office, another set of Republicans showed up
for work as presidential appointees to various levels of the Federal
Administration. Trust me, the big business and big money financial wing
of the Republican party did not lack representation. The other type who
came to work for the new President were young staffers in the Nixon
Administration (VP, Sec, Defense, etc.) looking to re-fight the Viet Nam
military / social issues in the USA. Just how many presidential cabinet
officers or other policy makers can you name that came from the religious
and social block of the Republican party? There were a few moderates,
notably Gen. Colin Powell, but they didn't last long.

So, now that the voters are going to over-react against Bush and could
elect a Democrat President. Looking back to the (1st?) Clinton
Administrations as well as the Bush-2 team, Any guesses as to who might
show up to work if a Democrat is elected elected?

So, OK lets take a guess what happens if one of the two Republicans
candidates become president. Who shows up for work in their
administration? Will any of the cabinet level appointees ever have
waited tables as college students? Work for minimum wage in a summer
job? Ever in their lives did any of them rub shoulders with and get to
know an everyday workers as a peer?

OK, try this question: What circumstances, (phrased differently which
presidential candidate of the four top running Republican and Democratic
hopefuls,) do you see where the moneyed ruling class does not take over
the next administration, and continue to widen the economic and social
gap between the working & middle classes and the moneyed ruling class.

Oh, well, just some depressing thoughts on a gray, overcast, cold and
damp February Monday morning. Excuse me I need some more coffee.



"Lew Hodgett"

in reply to "Garage_Woodworks" <.@.> on 03/02/2008 8:03 PM

04/02/2008 11:13 AM

"Phil again" wrote:

> OK, try this question: What circumstances, (phrased differently which
> presidential candidate of the four top running Republican and Democratic
> hopefuls,) do you see where the moneyed ruling class does not take over
> the next administration, and continue to widen the economic and social
> gap between the working & middle classes and the moneyed ruling class.

Either of the democratic participants, especially Obama, would seem to be an
answer to your question.



Phil again

in reply to "Garage_Woodworks" <.@.> on 03/02/2008 8:03 PM

04/02/2008 7:33 PM

On Mon, 04 Feb 2008 11:13:05 -0800, Lew Hodgett wrote:

> "Phil again" wrote:
>> OK, try this question: What circumstances, (phrased differently which
>> presidential candidate of the four top running Republican and
>> Democratic hopefuls,) do you see where the moneyed ruling class does
>> not take over the next administration, and continue to widen the
>> economic and social gap between the working & middle classes and the
>> moneyed ruling class.
> Either of the democratic participants, especially Obama, would seem to
> be an answer to your question.
> Lew

I don't know.

I am thinking that the extreme left-wing busy bodies are going to show up
if either of most likely Democrat is elected. You know, the crowd that
"KNOWS" what is best for everyone because they have the book learning to
prove it. People with high ideals, and good hearts, but will be
corrupted by the Washington lobbyist.

Senator Obama speaks like a moderate, middle of the road, politician. I
like that. But who will he appoint to the hundreds of jobs a president
has to appoint? Usually it is the party loyalist who worked hard in the
political campaign.

Go back to the Carter administration and work forward. Every President I
can think of had so many hard core party loyalist appointed to office.
Extreme (left or right) political view of their party, and the role of
the Federal Government, party loyalist.

But, Lew, wouldn't be nice if I were wrong, and you were correct?



"Lew Hodgett"

in reply to "Garage_Woodworks" <.@.> on 03/02/2008 8:03 PM

04/02/2008 11:57 AM

"Phil again" wrote:

> Senator Obama speaks like a moderate, middle of the road, politician. I
> like that. But who will he appoint to the hundreds of jobs a president
> has to appoint? Usually it is the party loyalist who worked hard in the
> political campaign.

There is a major difference between winning an election and governing the

Every newly elected politican soon learns that fact, even if all they were
running for was dog catcher.

As far as Obama is concerned, if he accomplishes nothing else, he has lit a
fire under the youth of the country to get involved in the political
process, something that hasn't happened in a long time.



Mark & Juanita

in reply to "Garage_Woodworks" <.@.> on 03/02/2008 8:03 PM

05/02/2008 8:59 PM

Fred the Red Shirt wrote:

> On Feb 5, 2:52 am, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
> wrote:
>> On Feb 4, 4:52 pm, "Garage_Woodworks" <.@.> wrote:
>> > >> I got one. William Henry Harrison never lied while president.
>> > >> Need another?
>> > > Wow.... you have irrefutable proof that WHH never lied? Ever?
>> > No. He never lied while being president. Wasn't I clear the first
>> > time?
>> It is good that you believe all you read. I think lying is part of
>> politics and even though in office only a short time he almost
>> assuredly lied. He is a politician.
> Gladys Noon Spellman never told a lie during her last term
> in the House of Representatives.

... and probably did the least amount of damage to the country than she did
in any other part of her tenure.

Now, how do we get the rest of the House filled with the same kind of
public-minded politicians? Without declaring the seats vacant?

If you're going to be dumb, you better be tough


in reply to "Garage_Woodworks" <.@.> on 03/02/2008 8:03 PM

04/02/2008 8:19 PM

On Feb 4, 9:04 pm, "Garage_Woodworks" <.@.> wrote:
> > It is good that you believe all you read. I think lying is part of
> > politics and even though in office only a short time he almost
> > assuredly lied. He is a politician.
> And YOU know, I am sitting here thinking, you really need a beer!

Well, that certainly gets a hearty agreement from me. If you were
here, I would get you one as well.

Maybe I am getting too jaded about all the politics and politicians
these days, but after so many years of voting for the least offensive
candidate, not one I believe in, I'm just cynical as hell about the
whole group.

Going for that beer, now.

Thanks for the suggestion.



"Garage_Woodworks" <.@.>

in reply to "Garage_Woodworks" <.@.> on 03/02/2008 8:03 PM

04/02/2008 12:05 PM

> Can you name on president of the USA, or any politician for that
> matter that hasn't lied?

I got one. William Henry Harrison never lied while president. Need


"Garage_Woodworks" <.@.>

in reply to "Garage_Woodworks" <.@.> on 03/02/2008 8:03 PM

04/02/2008 5:51 PM

>>I got one. William Henry Harrison never lied while president. Need
> I get that. I wonder how many others do.



"Garage_Woodworks" <.@.>

in reply to "Garage_Woodworks" <.@.> on 03/02/2008 8:03 PM

04/02/2008 5:52 PM

>> I got one. William Henry Harrison never lied while president. Need
>> another?
> Wow.... you have irrefutable proof that WHH never lied? Ever?

No. He never lied while being president. Wasn't I clear the first time?


"Garage_Woodworks" <.@.>

in reply to "Garage_Woodworks" <.@.> on 03/02/2008 8:03 PM

04/02/2008 10:04 PM

> It is good that you believe all you read. I think lying is part of
> politics and even though in office only a short time he almost
> assuredly lied. He is a politician.

And YOU know, I am sitting here thinking, you really need a beer!


in reply to "Garage_Woodworks" <.@.> on 03/02/2008 8:03 PM

04/02/2008 12:44 AM

On Feb 3, 7:03 pm, "Garage_Woodworks" <.@.> wrote:
> I never saw this video until today (so I assume many others haven't either)
> and wanted to share it.

And you know, I am sitting here thinking, who hasn't seen that? It
has been flogged around the net for the last 2-3 years.




in reply to "Garage_Woodworks" <.@.> on 03/02/2008 8:03 PM

04/02/2008 5:18 AM

On Feb 3, 8:03 pm, "Garage_Woodworks" <.@.> wrote:
> I never saw this video until today (so I assume many others haven't either)
> and wanted to share it.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YENbElb5-xY

If there's one thing we learned during the Bush years it's the
percentage of dumbasses we have in this country. I think you'll find
that number corresponds with Bush's approval rating. Okay, sure, I'll
give you a free pass in 2000. Maybe you believed his campaign
rhetoric. But if you're still backing this administration then that's
nothing short of a character flaw. I don't think the middle class can
afford another four years of crony capitalism. It is indeed time for a

I pinned some tenons yesterday before the Super Bowl. I'm working on
an easy chair in the Danish Modern style. The Danes would never pin
their tenons, but I'm an American, dammit. And when the president
looks in the camera and lies to me, I don't "ditto" him. I call
"bullshit!" This administration is full of it.



in reply to Jeff on 04/02/2008 5:18 AM

06/02/2008 2:24 PM

On Wed, 06 Feb 2008 11:17:55 GMT, "Poppa Bear"
<[email protected]> wrote:

>"Fred the Red Shirt" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> On Feb 5, 2:52 am, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
>> wrote:
>>> On Feb 4, 4:52 pm, "Garage_Woodworks" <.@.> wrote:
>>> > >> I got one. William Henry Harrison never lied while president.
>>> > >> Need
>>> > >> another?
>>> > > Wow.... you have irrefutable proof that WHH never lied? Ever?
>>> > No. He never lied while being president. Wasn't I clear the first
>>> > time?
>>> It is good that you believe all you read. I think lying is part of
>>> politics and even though in office only a short time he almost
>>> assuredly lied. He is a politician.
>> Gladys Noon Spellman never told a lie during her last term
>> in the House of Representatives.
>It seems to me that you are saying that the only way to stop a politician
>from lying is to kill them.

Nah, I think they're saying that the only politician who isn't lying
is dead. I don't think they're advocating acceleratiing the process.

>That seems a little drastic, what about we just remove their tongues ;)

And fingers. Apparently there were some campaign emails full of lies
(is that overstating it?) that went out in a flurry before Super


Master Woodbutcher and seasoned termite

Shamelessly whoring my website since 1999


Proud participant of rec.woodworking since February, 1997

email addy de-spam-ified due to 1,000 spams per month.
If you can't figure out how to use it, I probably wouldn't
care to correspond with you anyway.


Fred the Red Shirt

in reply to "Garage_Woodworks" <.@.> on 03/02/2008 8:03 PM

05/02/2008 12:36 PM

On Feb 5, 2:52 am, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
> On Feb 4, 4:52 pm, "Garage_Woodworks" <.@.> wrote:
> > >> I got one. William Henry Harrison never lied while president. Need
> > >> another?
> > > Wow.... you have irrefutable proof that WHH never lied? Ever?
> > No. He never lied while being president. Wasn't I clear the first time?
> It is good that you believe all you read. I think lying is part of
> politics and even though in office only a short time he almost
> assuredly lied. He is a politician.

Gladys Noon Spellman never told a lie during her last term
in the House of Representatives.





in reply to "Garage_Woodworks" <.@.> on 03/02/2008 8:03 PM

05/02/2008 1:57 AM

On Feb 4, 11:19=A0pm, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
> On Feb 4, 9:04 pm, "Garage_Woodworks" <.@.> wrote:
> > > It is good that you believe all you read. =A0I think lying is part of
> > > politics and even though in office only a short time he almost
> > > assuredly lied. =A0He is a politician.
> > And YOU know, I am sitting here thinking, you really need a beer!
> Well, that certainly gets a hearty agreement from me. =A0If you were
> here, I would get you one as well.
> Maybe I am getting too jaded about all the politics and politicians
> these days, but after so many years of voting for the least offensive
> candidate, not one I believe in, I'm just cynical as hell about the
> whole group.

I absolutely hated our last elections as well. I remember thinking: "
Do I want to smack my head against a brick wall, or a tree trunk?" The
'lesser-of-two-evils' selection didn't work because the two choices
sucked canal water.
> Going for that beer, now.

Beer is one of the very few solutions when you find your quag is
Here's to unmiring every one's quags!


"Buck Turgidson"

in reply to "Garage_Woodworks" <.@.> on 03/02/2008 8:03 PM

04/02/2008 9:11 PM

> If there's one thing we learned during the Bush years it's the
> percentage of dumbasses we have in this country. I think you'll find
> that number corresponds with Bush's approval rating. Okay, sure, I'll

About the same percentage who believe that Elvis is still alive.


"Poppa Bear"

in reply to "Garage_Woodworks" <.@.> on 03/02/2008 8:03 PM

06/02/2008 11:17 AM

"Fred the Red Shirt" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> On Feb 5, 2:52 am, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
> wrote:
>> On Feb 4, 4:52 pm, "Garage_Woodworks" <.@.> wrote:
>> > >> I got one. William Henry Harrison never lied while president.
>> > >> Need
>> > >> another?
>> > > Wow.... you have irrefutable proof that WHH never lied? Ever?
>> > No. He never lied while being president. Wasn't I clear the first
>> > time?
>> It is good that you believe all you read. I think lying is part of
>> politics and even though in office only a short time he almost
>> assuredly lied. He is a politician.
> Gladys Noon Spellman never told a lie during her last term
> in the House of Representatives.
> --
> FF

It seems to me that you are saying that the only way to stop a politician
from lying is to kill them.
That seems a little drastic, what about we just remove their tongues ;)



in reply to "Garage_Woodworks" <.@.> on 03/02/2008 8:03 PM

04/02/2008 9:32 AM

On Feb 4, 11:49 am, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
> On Feb 4, 7:18 am, Jeff <[email protected]> wrote:
> >And when the president
> > looks in the camera and lies to me, I don't "ditto" him. I call
> > "bullshit!"
> Can you name on president of the USA, or any politician for that
> matter that hasn't lied?
> "I did not have sex with that woman"
> "Read my lips"
> "I am not a crook"
> "I had no direct knowledge of our aggressions against Cuber"
> "I didn't fire Marsten (the AG) based on political reasons"
> "I have no recollection of that, Senator."
> Read this whole, short article:
> http://writ.news.findlaw.com/dean/20031024.html
> A politician that doesn't lie....
> Yeah, right. I want to live in your world.

Well that world is apparently one you've invented for me....



in reply to "Garage_Woodworks" <.@.> on 03/02/2008 8:03 PM

04/02/2008 8:38 PM

On Mon, 4 Feb 2008 12:05:08 -0500, "Garage_Woodworks" <.@.> wrote:

>> Can you name on president of the USA, or any politician for that
>> matter that hasn't lied?
>I got one. William Henry Harrison never lied while president. Need

I get that. I wonder how many others do.


Master Woodbutcher and seasoned termite

Shamelessly whoring my website since 1999


Proud participant of rec.woodworking since February, 1997

email addy de-spam-ified due to 1,000 spams per month.
If you can't figure out how to use it, I probably wouldn't
care to correspond with you anyway.


in reply to "Garage_Woodworks" <.@.> on 03/02/2008 8:03 PM

04/02/2008 8:49 AM

On Feb 4, 7:18 am, Jeff <[email protected]> wrote:

>And when the president
> looks in the camera and lies to me, I don't "ditto" him. I call
> "bullshit!"

Can you name on president of the USA, or any politician for that
matter that hasn't lied?

"I did not have sex with that woman"

"Read my lips"

"I am not a crook"

"I had no direct knowledge of our aggressions against Cuber"

"I didn't fire Marsten (the AG) based on political reasons"

"I have no recollection of that, Senator."

Read this whole, short article:


A politician that doesn't lie....

Yeah, right. I want to live in your world.



in reply to "Garage_Woodworks" <.@.> on 03/02/2008 8:03 PM

04/02/2008 1:36 PM

On Feb 4, 11:05 am, "Garage_Woodworks" <.@.> wrote:
> > Can you name on president of the USA, or any politician for that
> > matter that hasn't lied?
> I got one. William Henry Harrison never lied while president. Need
> another?

Wow.... you have irrefutable proof that WHH never lied? Ever?

It seems to be a well held fact that he lied about having "simple
roots" in his campaign. When his lies were uncovered, that led the
opposition party to derisively cite his history as "the log cabin and
hard cider campaign".

I am well aware that he expired before he had any other chances to
foister his own brand of dishonesty on the people of his times.

> Need another?

Fire away. But... this is like shooting fish in a barrel.

I >>personally<< can't believe in this day and age that anyone
believes anything that comes from the mouth of a politician unless it
is said to serve their personal interests, or the interests of their
monied backers.

Maybe it's just me. Some folks just seem to fall in love with their
candidates from time to time.



Charlie Self

in reply to "Garage_Woodworks" <.@.> on 03/02/2008 8:03 PM

04/02/2008 6:44 AM

On Feb 4, 8:18 am, Jeff <[email protected]> wrote:
> On Feb 3, 8:03 pm, "Garage_Woodworks" <.@.> wrote:
> > I never saw this video until today (so I assume many others haven't either)
> > and wanted to share it.
> >http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YENbElb5-xY
> If there's one thing we learned during the Bush years it's the
> percentage of dumbasses we have in this country. I think you'll find
> that number corresponds with Bush's approval rating. Okay, sure, I'll
> give you a free pass in 2000. Maybe you believed his campaign
> rhetoric. But if you're still backing this administration then that's
> nothing short of a character flaw. I don't think the middle class can
> afford another four years of crony capitalism. It is indeed time for a
> change.
> I pinned some tenons yesterday before the Super Bowl. I'm working on
> an easy chair in the Danish Modern style. The Danes would never pin
> their tenons, but I'm an American, dammit. And when the president
> looks in the camera and lies to me, I don't "ditto" him. I call
> "bullshit!" This administration is full of it.

And has been from before Bush got elected.



in reply to "Garage_Woodworks" <.@.> on 03/02/2008 8:03 PM

04/02/2008 7:59 PM

On Feb 4, 9:11 pm, "Buck Turgidson" <[email protected]> wrote:
> > If there's one thing we learned during the Bush years it's the
> > percentage of dumbasses we have in this country. I think you'll find
> > that number corresponds with Bush's approval rating. Okay, sure, I'll
> About the same percentage who believe that Elvis is still alive.

I'm not sure what to make of those folks, but fortunately, they total
just 8%.


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