"Norman D. Crow"

24/08/2004 10:27 AM

Woodworker's Supply

Thought I'd throw out a "heads up". Received a catalog(catalogue for all you
canuckistanis) from them yesterday, was surprised to see the "Trend-Lines"
and "Woodworkers Warehouse" logos on the front. Reading the "story" inside,
they got the customer data base for TL & WW during bankruptcy court, so any
former customers of TL or WW will probably be getting catalogs from them(if
you haven't already).

The law of intelligent tinkering: save all the parts.

This topic has 6 replies


"Lawrence L'Hote"

in reply to "Norman D. Crow" on 24/08/2004 10:27 AM

24/08/2004 3:43 PM

"Norman D. Crow" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Thought I'd throw out a "heads up". Received a catalog(catalogue for all
> canuckistanis) from them yesterday, was surprised to see the "Trend-Lines"
> and "Woodworkers Warehouse" logos on the front. Reading the "story"
> they got the customer data base for TL & WW during bankruptcy court, so
> former customers of TL or WW will probably be getting catalogs from
> you haven't already).

Getting mail is good. Keeps the postal employees off the public dole. I
wish the Handyman's Club would put me back on their mailing list. I'm
getting low on those sanding pads and I can never seem to find one of my 8
or so Handyman's white, plastic, precision, drill bit gauges when I need



"Mark Hopkins"

in reply to "Norman D. Crow" on 24/08/2004 10:27 AM

24/08/2004 1:20 PM

Always glad to help! http://www.handymanclub.com/home.asp

"Lawrence L'Hote" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> "Norman D. Crow" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > Thought I'd throw out a "heads up". Received a catalog(catalogue for all
> you
> > canuckistanis) from them yesterday, was surprised to see the
> > and "Woodworkers Warehouse" logos on the front. Reading the "story"
> inside,
> > they got the customer data base for TL & WW during bankruptcy court, so
> any
> > former customers of TL or WW will probably be getting catalogs from
> them(if
> > you haven't already).
> Getting mail is good. Keeps the postal employees off the public dole. I
> wish the Handyman's Club would put me back on their mailing list. I'm
> getting low on those sanding pads and I can never seem to find one of my 8
> or so Handyman's white, plastic, precision, drill bit gauges when I need
> one.
> Larry


[email protected] (ToolMiser)

in reply to "Mark Hopkins" on 24/08/2004 1:20 PM

24/08/2004 9:19 PM

I thought those white plastic "things" that Handyman or America sends me was
for measuring spaghetti portions!


Dave Hinz

in reply to "Mark Hopkins" on 24/08/2004 1:20 PM

24/08/2004 9:25 PM

On 24 Aug 2004 21:19:20 GMT, ToolMiser <[email protected]> wrote:
> I thought those white plastic "things" that Handyman or America sends me was
> for measuring spaghetti portions!

You mean it's not?



in reply to "Mark Hopkins" on 24/08/2004 1:20 PM

24/08/2004 11:24 PM

On 24 Aug 2004 21:19:20 GMT, [email protected] (ToolMiser) wrote:

>I thought those white plastic "things" that Handyman or America sends me was
>for measuring spaghetti portions!

Me too. No wonder I lost 38 pounds! I have a metal drill gauge that I
regular use.



in reply to "Norman D. Crow" on 24/08/2004 10:27 AM

25/08/2004 12:59 PM

HA, Ha, Ha, HHHHHHHaaaaaaaaa
"Lawrence L'Hote" <[email protected]> wrote in message
| "Norman D. Crow" <[email protected]> wrote in message
| news:[email protected]...
| > Thought I'd throw out a "heads up". Received a catalog(catalogue for
| you
| > canuckistanis) from them yesterday, was surprised to see the
| > and "Woodworkers Warehouse" logos on the front. Reading the "story"
| inside,
| > they got the customer data base for TL & WW during bankruptcy court,
| any
| > former customers of TL or WW will probably be getting catalogs from
| them(if
| > you haven't already).
| Getting mail is good. Keeps the postal employees off the public dole.
| wish the Handyman's Club would put me back on their mailing list. I'm
| getting low on those sanding pads and I can never seem to find one of
my 8
| or so Handyman's white, plastic, precision, drill bit gauges when I
| one.
| Larry

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