It is with some regret that I am posting here to clarify a problem
that your newsgroup and I as the administrator of tsbbearings.net are
You are seeing a lot of annoying, nonsensical, very rude, explicit
post with the following headers:
Organization: TSB Bearings USA
X-Trace: tsbbearings.net
X-Complaints-To: [email protected]
Lines: 61
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.test.here,rec.woodworking
NNTP-Posting-Host: host32.200-117-180.telecom.net.ar
These posts did not originated for tsbbearings.net.
The IP in question is one of our web servers and does not accept or
propagate nntp connections at all. Port 119 is closed.
The person who is doing this is exploiting a computer that has been
compromised by a trojan. that computer is on a dynamic IP address that
belongs to telecom.net.ar. If you would like to compalint to them the
abuse address is: [email protected]
I apologize for the disruption that has inadvertently been attributed
to my server.
"admin" wrote in message
> You are seeing a lot of annoying, nonsensical, very rude, explicit
> post with the following headers:
Haven't seen a thing because of NewsProxy and Doug Miller's filters, but
figured something was up due to the sudden slow down in normal wooddorker
NewProxy, and Doug's filters, work, guys and gals! If you use the
combination, the idiot will just be playing with himself ... which is likely
something he does a lot of in any event.
Last update: 6/21/06
On Tue, 27 Jun 2006 12:31:19 -0500, "Swingman" <[email protected]> wrote:
>the idiot will just be playing with himself ... which is likely
>something he does a lot of in any event.
"woodarama" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> how do you get and set up newgroup and doug's filter?
<quote> Doug Miller (alphageek-at-milmac-dot-com)
Get a copy of my NEW AND IMPROVED TrollFilter for NewsProxy/Nfilter
by sending email to autoresponder at filterinfo-at-milmac-dot-com
You must use your REAL email address to get a response.
Download Nfilter at http://www.milmac.com/np-120.exe
Last update: 6/21/06