
[email protected] (Jim Campbell)

13/08/2004 12:59 PM

Which 8" jointer can go close to a wall?

I'm looking at upgrading to a 8" jointer from 6". In my small shop,
the jointer sits against a wall on wheels - small stuff gets jointed
in place, longer stuff I pull it out. When it's against the wall, how
far it protrudes is a big deal - too much and it pinches travel
between it and my work bench.

Hard to tell w/o examing them in person how far various models stick
out - for instance the Delta professional line is horrible because the
rack and pinon toothed bar sticks way out the back, where the DJ-20
isn't nearly so bad.

Anyone able to comment on the Griz G0500 - the current top runner? Or
other models?



This topic has 4 replies



in reply to [email protected] (Jim Campbell) on 13/08/2004 12:59 PM

13/08/2004 6:42 PM

I have the G0500... I just measured an it appears to be 24" front to back
with the fence pushed towards the front of the machine.


"Jim Campbell" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I'm looking at upgrading to a 8" jointer from 6". In my small shop,
> the jointer sits against a wall on wheels - small stuff gets jointed
> in place, longer stuff I pull it out. When it's against the wall, how
> far it protrudes is a big deal - too much and it pinches travel
> between it and my work bench.
> Hard to tell w/o examing them in person how far various models stick
> out - for instance the Delta professional line is horrible because the
> rack and pinon toothed bar sticks way out the back, where the DJ-20
> isn't nearly so bad.
> Anyone able to comment on the Griz G0500 - the current top runner? Or
> other models?
> Thanks,
> Jim



in reply to [email protected] (Jim Campbell) on 13/08/2004 12:59 PM

13/08/2004 11:25 PM

Jim Campbell wrote:
> Anyone able to comment on the Griz G0500 - the current top runner? Or
> other models?
> Thanks,
> Jim
The Griz is 24 1/2" front to back with the fence all the way back.



in reply to [email protected] (Jim Campbell) on 13/08/2004 12:59 PM

13/08/2004 4:10 PM

Jim: I doubt if you are going to see much difference among the 8" machines.
As far as that goes, considering the importance of a good surfacing
performance and the fairly large investment, the best compromise might be to
wiggle between it and the bench.

The reason I said you'll not see a lot of difference is the width of most of
the machines is determined by: the width of the table, the width of the
fence mechanism and a little bit of cabinet on the front. My son-in-law
just bought a G0500 (great looking machine) and I have looked at the bigger
Jets and Powermatics. I didn't measure them, but the fence mechanism on the
Griz is very similar, in size and appearance, to the others. If don't know
if the Griz is a knock-off design but the are similar. Go with the best
machine and deal.


"Jim Campbell" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I'm looking at upgrading to a 8" jointer from 6". In my small shop,
> the jointer sits against a wall on wheels - small stuff gets jointed
> in place, longer stuff I pull it out. When it's against the wall, how
> far it protrudes is a big deal - too much and it pinches travel
> between it and my work bench.
> Hard to tell w/o examing them in person how far various models stick
> out - for instance the Delta professional line is horrible because the
> rack and pinon toothed bar sticks way out the back, where the DJ-20
> isn't nearly so bad.
> Anyone able to comment on the Griz G0500 - the current top runner? Or
> other models?
> Thanks,
> Jim


"John Grossbohlin"

in reply to [email protected] (Jim Campbell) on 13/08/2004 12:59 PM

13/08/2004 10:00 PM

"Jim Campbell" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I'm looking at upgrading to a 8" jointer from 6". In my small shop,
> the jointer sits against a wall on wheels - small stuff gets jointed
> in place, longer stuff I pull it out. When it's against the wall, how
> far it protrudes is a big deal - too much and it pinches travel
> between it and my work bench.
> Hard to tell w/o examing them in person how far various models stick
> out - for instance the Delta professional line is horrible because the
> rack and pinon toothed bar sticks way out the back, where the DJ-20
> isn't nearly so bad.
> Anyone able to comment on the Griz G0500 - the current top runner? Or
> other models?

As long as you stay away from the rack and pinion fences the depth of the 8"
jointers in general aren't appreciably more than the 6" jointers on stands.
For example, I went from a Reliant 6" to a DJ-20 and there is only a
couple-three inches difference in depth. Of course the DJ-20 infeed table
alone is only 2" shorter than the whole 6" jointer... but you didn't ask
about length. ;-)


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