
21/08/2005 10:02 AM

Grizzly Slider

Since Grizzly doesn't sell through tool dealers, you have to find an
owner near you to ask questions and see the product. I did that with
both the Knapp and Felder sliding table saws in order to build my shop.
I have no machine tools yet and am waiting in the wings.

Those Austrian sliding table saws have the quality of a Rolls Royce.
And the price, too. So I am curious about the the Grizzly slider. Two
big differences are, a) the slider is about about 8 inches to the left
of the blade and b) no scoring blade is offered. Some guys who like a
zero clearance plate prefer not having a slider near the blade.

I have visited 3 Felder owners in their shops, and the Felder showroom
in Sacramento California. I visited 1 Knapp owner and the showroom of
Laguna Tools south of Los Angeles. But I also came across a potential
player in that game. Kufo saws, from Taiwan. It is about 30% the cost
of the European versions. I'm visiting the importer in a few weeks and
will post my findings here on Google. Bear in mind, I'm a new hobbyist,
not a seasoned woodworker.

As to Festool, they are amazing tools. I know two owners of the Plunge
Circular saw. They love the tool. A Festool dealer is a member of my
woodworking club. They do have sales once or twice a year.

Gary Curtis - Los Angeles (soon of Trinity County)