Someone asked at the New Yankee website why the show wasn't on hgtv anymore.
This is the response from the New Yankee folks. I've written hgtv several
times with no response other then the auto mailer. If we all write to the
DIY network maybe since they already have several woodworking shows on they
will start carrying Norm. hgtv has just about gone to all girly shows.
"We too are sorry HGTV has not renewed their contract to run the series. We
have received hundreds of letters complaining to us about their action but
we dont call those shots...they do. If enough viewers wrote to them perhaps
they would reconsider their decision.
At the same time, your local PBS station needs to hear from interested wood
workers. Tell them you expect them to carry the programs every week. If they
dont hear they wont listen and New Yankee will slip away.
In the meantime we are exploring a number of alternatives and will be
working to bring back New YAnkee Workshop programs to all those who want
them and cant get them. "
Mike S.
Cape Girardeau, Mo.
[email protected]