My 1617, single speed router is getting a little noisy and I suspect
at least the bottom bearing is getting rough. I have both bearing and
have Googled for repair info, but found little that is useful. I did
find the exploded parts diagram.
Bottom bearing looks fairly straight-forward but upper looks like it
will require a complete tear-down.
Has anyone torn into one of these? Any special tools needed to remove
the bearings?
RonB wrote:
> My 1617, single speed router is getting a little noisy and I suspect
> at least the bottom bearing is getting rough.
"whit3rd" wrote:
If the brushes are making bad contact (sparking, like makes
a nearby AM radio go crazy), that causes irregular torque
and the motor sounds loud. Clean the brush holders and
inspect the brushes for wear first (it's easy).
Get a REAL arbor press or have a pro put the bearings in,
it matters a lot how straight you press them.
If it gets more involved than brush replacement, it's time to let the
pros do the rebuild.
As "whit3rd" indicates, properly installing a set of 20,000+ RPM
bearings is an acquired skill.
My guess is a rebuild would be about 2/3 cost of new.
A set of brushes, factory service center installed, a lot less,
probably less than $20.00.
On 01/08/2010 05:13 PM, RonB wrote:
> My 1617, single speed router is getting a little noisy and I suspect
> at least the bottom bearing is getting rough. I have both bearing and
> have Googled for repair info, but found little that is useful. I did
> find the exploded parts diagram.
> Bottom bearing looks fairly straight-forward but upper looks like it
> will require a complete tear-down.
> Has anyone torn into one of these? Any special tools needed to remove
> the bearings?
Might want to check this thread, including the response from Bosch at
the bottom.
On Jan 8, 3:13=A0pm, RonB <[email protected]> wrote:
> My 1617, single speed router is getting a little noisy and I suspect
> at least the bottom bearing is getting rough. =A0
If the brushes are making bad contact (sparking, like makes
a nearby AM radio go crazy), that causes irregular torque
and the motor sounds loud. Clean the brush holders and
inspect the brushes for wear first (it's easy).
Get a REAL arbor press or have a pro put the bearings in,
it matters a lot how straight you press them.