This is my last post "plugging" my web site, honest!
Thanks to everyone who has contributed photos to
There have been over 400 photos posted in about 4 days. And all the
shops and projects look fantastic.
My point... Due to all the high resolution photos, the bandwidth
skyrocketed. So I put a couple banners up.
If you were going to buy something from amazon, rockler, or plansnow
anyway, please buy the product by clicking on my banners and going to
their site that way (if you were going to buy something anyway)
Or also request one of Rockler's free catalogs through my banner.
I am in no way promoting any of these sites, but each ten cents I get
will ensure the site is a success.
In the meantime, keep posting! I have gotten many emails from people
who love the photos (and a few who hate them) but everyone's projects
look fantastic. More photos of those into "turning" I'd love to learn
more about that!
Chris S wrote:
> I am in no way promoting any of these sites, but <snip>
uuuhhhmmmm....yes you are.
Chris Merrill
[email protected]
(remove the ZZZ to contact me)