In another thread, I had posted about needing a planer stand that
would slide under my "workbench", when not being used.
To cut the story short, I decided not to go that route. Decided on
a stand, too tall to go under the bench. It'll take up sparse shop
space, but, by a lift-off top'll make it a small work table, when not
planing. It'll more than make up for lost floor space. Same basic idea
as what I did with my lathe, otherwise lost floor space, when not
lathing, to a work table. Not sure yet how I'll join the top; but
probably a tenon - mortise type thingy. Nothing complicated, and made
from scrap. No prob.
The planer stand will be a clone of this one, except different
height, width, depth, no wheels, no handles, different legs, different
top shape, different box, different material, and may wind up being
painted white, or bright yellow; but, other than that, it will be 100%
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts.
- Pete Maccarrone
Life just ain't life without good music. - JOAT
Web Page Update 5 Feb 2004.
Some tunes I like.