
21/03/2007 5:31 AM

Attention: Washington DC area woodworkers

Hi Gang,

I'm posting on behalf of a great group of volunteer gardeners and
urban farmers, who recently posted on Craigslist:

"Any help would be appreciated. Donations tax deductible. I just
started a non-profit food garden in DC and with no grants so far, we
are running on donations. We are in need of good compost, wood chips,
saw dust, seed trays, and the like. If anybody has any good contacts
to places where we can get this cheap or free The 7th Street Garden
would be very thankful! (We know community forklift and are working
with Johnson's, but so far we haven't had luck any other places)"

If you own or operate a mill or otherwise have generated a large
supply of sawdust and other woodwaste material (except for pressure
treated, of course), will you consider hooking up these fine folks
with your stuff? The sites they are developing are truly heinous and
are in some serious need of organic amendments. You can either contact
them directly or get in touch with me through here.I have an F-150 we
can pile high. Thanks gentlemen!

Dave Bockman

This topic has 1 replies


Bill in Detroit

in reply to "[email protected]" on 21/03/2007 5:31 AM

22/03/2007 10:03 PM

[email protected] wrote:
> Hi Gang,
> I'm posting on behalf of a great group of volunteer gardeners and
> urban farmers, who recently posted on Craigslist:
> "Any help would be appreciated. Donations tax deductible. I just
> started a non-profit food garden in DC and with no grants so far, we
> are running on donations. We are in need of good compost, wood chips,
> saw dust, seed trays, and the like. If anybody has any good contacts
> to places where we can get this cheap or free The 7th Street Garden
> would be very thankful! (We know community forklift and are working
> with Johnson's, but so far we haven't had luck any other places)"
> www.the7thstreetgarden.squarespace.com
> If you own or operate a mill or otherwise have generated a large
> supply of sawdust and other woodwaste material (except for pressure
> treated, of course), will you consider hooking up these fine folks
> with your stuff? The sites they are developing are truly heinous and
> are in some serious need of organic amendments. You can either contact
> them directly or get in touch with me through here.I have an F-150 we
> can pile high. Thanks gentlemen!
> Dave Bockman

David ...
I'm no where near Wash. DC (but am an urban guerrilla gardener) who
handles everything organically when possible.

You got any nitrogen to go with that? Otherwise this year will be even
worse than last year. Next year a little better, the third year pretty
darned good and the 4th year you'll need to reapply and reset the clock.

Find a green grocer who will set the waste aside. Hit up Starbucks for
their used coffee grounds.

Till / plow 1:1 garbage / sawdust by volume into the ground 6 weeks or
so before planting. Let it rot. Technical name is "sheet composting" DAGS.

Best wishes,


(I put my sawdust on my paths and just let it sit. I got plenty of time
because I have three active 1.5 cu yd. compost bins. When fishermen
friends need earthworms, I let them dig in my paths ... saves me from
having to turn them. ;-)

I am disillusioned enough to know that no man's opinion on any subject
is worth (much) unless backed up with enough genuine information to make
him really know what he's talking about.

H. P. Lovecraft


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